【今日行动清单】Today’s To-do List
1. 写作打卡:复盘总结、亲子故事、简书
2. 英语打卡:英语天天练、iEnglish、Joey’s class including The Little Prince、English News
3. 分享英语视频到“英语天天练”圈子,语音+文字互动,练习口语+写作;
4. 欢迎Sue加入“英语天天练”,邀请她用英语做自我介绍;
5. 亲子陪伴+家庭运动;
6. 提醒小伙伴在007交作业;
7. 点评英语天天练的小伙伴的语音+写作的打卡
8. 309班点评简伊战友的《生活小确幸——001仰望天空》
【今日小确幸】Today’s Little Sweets
她给我一个闲置的手机。然后她蹦蹦跳跳,趴在沙发上,捂着额头,假装自己摔倒,然后我拿着手机假装打电话,唱“Mommy called the doctor and Doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”
然后我又蹦又跳一会,就趴在地板上,假装摔倒,宝宝拿着手机,唱Mommy called the doctor and doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed. 宝宝还过来轻轻摸摸我的头,抱抱我,哇,会安慰人的“妈妈”。
每次我当蹦跳的monkey, 我就手舞足蹈,变换动作,正好锻练身体!
【今日感恩】Today’s Gratitudes
1. 之亦老师解答我如何写平常人的生活经历片断;
2. 老公主动提出晚上打羽毛球;
3. Billy答疑和反馈;
4. 三姐告诉我煮椰子汤的食材搭配;还说要手工做一个背包给我,大姐邀请我们YQ后回来吃椰子鸡。期待!
【今日收获】Today’s Achievement
Have you ever heard about the Protégé Effect?
Let me share it here. At first thanks to Billy who send me the explanation of the Protégé Effect he searched on the internet,
“ The Roman philosopher Seneca said, ‘ when we teach, we learn.’ Research has shown that when students teach a topic to someone else, they demonstrate a greater effort to learn material compared to students learning for their own sake. This is called the Protégé Effect. ”
In a word, the Protégé Effect reveals that doing for others makes us do more.
Have you had similar experience with it? I do have. Whenever my classmates asked me questions about English, I looked up dictionary, searched on the internet to make sure my answers correct. That meant, I put much more effort when I tried to teach others.
After I realized the Protégé Effect, I made a big decision: set up a group to assist others to practice English every day.
Moreover, the Protégé Effect has become one of my guildlines. I encourage group members to share what they have learned. We help , coach, and teach one another.
Welcome you to join us. Let’s enjoy learning English every day.
【今日待提升】Today’s To-improve Items