Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them beforeHoweverthe king of the nation didn't allow them to do so, and the war finally broke.And the king decidedto recruit [rikrut]招募soldiers.Now the story begins
Act One 木兰舞剑 Music
Mulan is dancing when her little brother Huaxiong runs in木兰: What's the matter?
弟弟: Hurry up, sister! Come out and see.
Act Two 招兵
招兵将军:Our country need you to fight against our enemy. Each family should hand over one male to join the army. Now,I’ll read your names.Li Shun,Yang Fujia, Wang Dashan,Hua Hu!(男丁依次作揖出列,说:Im……花弧颤颤巍巍出列,咳嗽地说:I'm....)
将军:You must go to the army in three days.将军和其他人边议论边退场,
“Be careful". "I'll miss you""We're proud of you.” "I'll wait for you"......(音乐)场上剩木兰、父亲、弟弟、母亲、姐姐。
母亲哭泣:Oh,honey,you can’t go.You are so old and sick.(父叹气,咳嗽)You must be killed in the war.
姐姐:What should we do? What should we do,Mom? If no one in our family joins the army, the emperor will punish us. Ohhow sadlam!弟弟:Dad,I'ma manLet me join the army instead of you.木兰: No,brother.You’re too young to fight. I'll go.
父亲:Mulan, you're a brave daughter.But how? The army only needs men. Anyway, I'll go. Mulan, don't have this stupid idea.
木兰: Dad,it’s not stupid. I can be a man. I can learn to walk with my head up and to shout when I talk. And I can wear soldier’s clothes.
Act Three夜行去练兵场
Mulan: Ilove you, my dad and my familiy!Iwant to protect youLet me join the
Goodbye, my dear family!夜行……
将军:Line up! Everyone,step forward and give your name one by one.
“Gao Peng","Zhang Fugui”“Li Dashan”,”“Hua Mulan”. Oh, no, I'm Hua Hu”将军: Rest!
Gaopeng: Oh,you look like a woman.I Think Hua Mulan suit you better than Hua Hu.
其他人:Yes.that's true!
Mulan: What do you mean? I’m a man. You shouldn't make fun of me Gao Peng: Really? How do you prove you’re a man? Show me! Mulan: Let'scomparearm-wrestling.
开始业赛斑手暗甘他+丘·come on Come