体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。在提出基本框架后,作者从数据描述列(第一列)开始详细介绍框架中的内容,首先围绕范围呈现(第一行)做了分析和解读。
Architectural representations for describing data
To illustrate how each cell differs fromall of the others, examine the data description column of Figure 2. Even thoughevery cell in the column is descriptive type I relating to data, and thedescriptive model is “entity-relationship-entity,’’ the meanings of “entity”and “relationship” change with the different perspectives of the participantsin the architecture process. The only exception is the scope description(ballpark) cell, in which entity is defined the same as entity in the model ofthe business cell. This ballpark perspective is merely a very high level ofaggregation which is being used like the architect’s “bubble charts” toestablish the gross size and scope of the data strategy, leading to thedecision regarding investment of data processing resources in managing data.
Scope/description (ballpark perspective)-data column.The scope description cell in the datadescription column of Figure 2 could be expected to be a list of all the thingsthat are important to the business, and therefore, that the business manages.
Table 5 is an example of an architecturalrepresentation in the data description column from the scope descriptionperspective.
This representation would be a list ofthings (i.e., material-grammatically, nouns) as opposed to a list of actions(i.e., processes-grammatically, verbs). A list of actions (verbs) could beexpected in the next column, process description. The list of things (material)in the data description column would be called “entities” in data vernacular.
Since this architectural representation isat the scope description row, one could also expect that the entities (things)would likely be entity “classes,” that is, higher levels of aggregation,because the decision being made as a result of this representation would be oneof scope, not one of design. A selection would be being made of the entityclass or classes in which to invest actual information system (I/s) resourcesfor data “inventory” management purposes.
Further, in this cell, one might not expect to be definitive about the relationship between entities. The scope decision would constitute overlaying the business values on the total range of possibilities to identify a subset of entity classes for implementation which is consistent with the resources available for investing in information systems-specifically, in this case, the management of the selected class (or classes) of data,Furthermore, it is useful to startwith the total list of entities because, at times, the entities that are notselected are as significant as those that are selected.
The strategy/resource investment decisionis made by understanding the values/strategies of the business, which can bedone by using various datagathering/analytical techniques. The decision is madeby overlaying the analytical conclusions on the total list of business entitiesin the scope description cell and thereby selecting the subset of businessentities in which to actually invest data processing resources. Since thispaper is intended to define architecture, not to describe strategymethodologies, nothing further will be said about strategic planning except topoint out that similar kinds of decisions have to be made relative to everyother scope description cell. That is, out of the total list of business processes,the business likely does not have enough data processing resources to automateall the processes. Therefore, a decision will have to be made to select asubset in which to invest data processing resources for actual automation. Bythe same token, out of the total list of locations in which the businessoperates, it probably does not have enough data processing resources to puthardware and software in every location. Again, decisions will have to be madein selecting a subset of locations in which to actually install hardware andsoftware. These are the strategy/resource investment decisions that aresupported by the scope description cells in the top row of Figure 2. Althoughthey are inextricably related, the probability is that each decision will haveto be addressed independently of the others. Discussion now continues on theframework, particularly the data description column of Figure 2.