1. The law of supply and demand determines the price direction. When demand is greater than supply, prices will rise, and when supply is greater than demand, prices will fall. Using a bar chart, the trader/analyst can study the relationship between supply and demand by monitoring price and volume over time.
2. The law of cause and effect provides an insight into the extent of the coming price move up or down. In order to have an effect you must first have a cause; the effect will be in proportion to the cause. This law's operation can be seen as the force ofaccumulation or distribution within a trading rangeand how this force works itself out in a subsequent trend or movement out of that trading range. Point-and-figure chart counts are used to measure a cause and to project the extent of its effect.
因果关系则可以洞察未来价格涨跌的幅度。有果必有因,因果要比例协调。因果关系可以这样解释: 吸筹或派发的力量在一个交易区间蓄势,而后区间突破后的趋势行情中逐步释放(直至势能耗尽,中继或者反转是下一步的事儿)。点数图通过对因计数来估测果的投射目标。3. The law of effort versus result provides an earlywarning indication of a forthcoming possible change in trend. Disharmonies and divergences between volume and price often signal a change in the direction of a price trend. The Wyckoff Optimism/Pessimism Index is an onbalance volume type of indicator helpful for identifying accumulation versus distribution, thereby gauging effort.
Taken together, these three Wyckoff laws shed light on the intentions of the smart money, the Composite Man. The law of cause and effect reveals the extent of preparation of the subsequent campaign to be conducted by the Composite Man, while the loss of supply indicates the Composite Man's intentions to carry out the campaign now to the upside or the downside. Anticipation of the direction of the movement out of the sideways area of preparation is often foreshadowed by the divergences or disharmonies that define the law of effort versus result.