1 如果你正好有推荐书单中的绘本(比如Brown bear,what do you see)请挑选一本学习课程中的方法,与孩子共读。请在共读之后,记录下你的心得。比如:和之前读绘本相比,你有改变吗?请试着记录一下你的改变。孩子对你的这些改变有什么反应?共读过程中,你的孩子、你的学生最喜欢你的哪些环节呢?
《Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》这是我女儿最早阅读的英文绘本之一。以前读英文绘本就是先听一下音频,然后用自己不标准的发音一边读一边解释意思!学了课程让我知道我那样为啥孩子没兴趣英文绘本只愿看中文故事啦!
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed,这个故事很适合和数学概念结合。3的儿童也正是处于一个数学敏感期,而这本书用来引导他们进行5以内的点数和培养初步的加减意识是很合适的。
It was bed time. So five little monkeystooka bath.
Five little monkeysputon their pajamas.
Five little monkeysbrushed their teeth.
Five little monkeyssaidgood night totheirmama.
Then...five little monkeysjumpedon the bed!
One, two, three, four, five.
加一点难度:One monkey, two monkeys, three monkeys, four monkeys, five monkeys
Three boysand three girls, we have 2+3=5, five monkeys!
One fell off and bumpedhishead.
The mama calledthe doctor. The doctor said:
No more monkeysjumping on the bed.
Then four little monkeysjumpedon the bed.
So three little monkeysjumpedon the bed.
One felloff and bumpedher head.
到后面的故事里,看到穿裙子的小猴子掉下来,强调的是,she fell off and bumped her head
2 请在家中、学校班级里布置一个阅读角,让孩子可以随手触及到英文绘本吧!