It has been twenty years or so since the subject "Protect the Global Climate for the Present and Future Generations of Mankind" first surfaced in the world political agenda. The call remains as evocative as it did then. While some question the purpose and the effect of the current environment protection, it is undeniable that people have become a more qualified custodian of the planet Earth than they were in the past.
To begin with, citizens in various countries are now better aware of the significance of protecting the environment. In the past, few people heard of climate change let alone felt the urge to protect our vulnerable climate system. But this subject has long since been promoted globally and locally as one of a matter of survival. If neglected, it will let future generations suffer devastating consequences, which have already been felt in some part of the world, such as flood, storm, or El Nino weather. Therefore, more motivation is spurred for countries to take action now.
In addition, thanks to the concerted effort of the international community, people, especially those in poor and vulnerable countries, are better equipped with professional know-how to bring out a more effective result. For instance, it is indicated by the United Nations Framework Convention that -developed countries should offer relevant technologies and promote the transfer of these technologies into poor developing countries. The prospect of environment protection is bound to reaping greater result than before this policy-backed technology momentum was infused into national efforts, when countries simply couldn’t find any way to reduce emissions without sacrificing the equally important economic growth.
Last but not least, the mission to protect the environment is increasingly legally binding at international or national levels. The closed legislative loopholes prove necessary and vital to any environmental protection effort, adding yet another effective weaponry to the cause of protecting Mother Earth. After all, many of the harms inflicted in the past were possible because of a lack of specified laws and regulations. For most countries now, people can no longer damage the environment on any legal ground and many legislations have stipulated specific clauses, all to restrain human behavior and economic activities that may otherwise elicit carbon emissions, pollution to the air, water resources, or disruption to the wild fauna and flora. Many countries even list the protection of environment as one of their basic state policies and integrate the mission into the general plan to grow economy.
In conclusion, with more awareness, more expertise and more regulation, people now are more capable of protecting the environment than in the past.