(1)长牙:Your gums must be itching. Here's your teether.(gum口香糖、牙龈;itch发痒。)
(2)刷牙小游戏:I'm gonna tickle your teeth. I'll (或者继续读I'm gonna也可以) brush duckie's teeth and then brush your teeth.
I'm gonna tickle you! 我要来挠你痒痒啦。
(3)Here’s your teether.(牙胶)
2、儿歌:This is the way we brush our teeth.
First, take your toothbrush. Next add a small amount of toothpaste… now…. Brush!
brushing up, and brushing down left and right and round and round….. A nice white smile will then be found! We’ve brushed really well!