问题1:不能添加global variable
To view a global variable, right-click inthe Variables view, select Add Global Variables from the pop-up menu to open a dialog boxand select the global variableto add to the view.
问题2:怎样进入VCD tracing, Gproftracing,signal tracing and etc.
->英文解释:Selectthe simulator option and click the Simulator tab
必须第一步在Main Tab下的Device options选择simulator.然后再在Simulator tab中选择相应选项。否则Simulator tab中的选项不能被选择。
xSCOPE logic analyzer and XMOS Timing Analyzer
VCD->Valuechange dump
记录1:XMOS USB Device (XUD)Library
The XUD Libraryperforms all the low-level I/O operations required to meet the USB 2.0specification. This processing goes up to and includes the transaction level.It removes all low-level timincg requirements from the application, allowingquick development of all manner of USB devices.
for performancereasons, cores communicate with the XUD Library using both XC channels andshared memory communication. Therefore, all cores using the XUD library mustbe on the same tile as the library itself.
The XUD coremust run at at least 80 MIPS. This meansthat for an xCORE device running at 400MHz there should be no more than** fivecores **executing at any time when using the XUD. For a 500MHz device no morethan six cores shall execute at any one time when using the XUD.
This restriction is only a requirement onthe tile on which the XUD_Manager is running. For example, the other tile onan L16 device is unaffected by this restriction.
记录2:inuint(chanend c) ==> input unsigned int from chanend C
Streams in aunsigned int from a channel end. If the next word of data channel in thechannel contains a control token then an exception is raised. The protocol usedis incompatible with the protocol used by the input (:>) and output (<:)operators.
param c: Thechannel end to stream data in on.
return The value received.
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