1.5 Evolvingis life’s greatest accomplishment and its greatest reward.
It is instinctually that way,which is why most of us feel the pull of it—in other words, we instinctivelywant to get better at things and have created and evolved technology to helpus. History has shown that all species will either go extinct or evolve intoother species, though with our limited time window that is hard for us to see.But we do know that what we call mankind was simply the result of DNA evolvinginto a new form about two hundred thousand years ago, and we know that mankindwill certainly either go extinct or evolve into a higher state. I personallybelieve there is a good chance man will begin to evolve at an accelerating pacewith the help of man-made technologies that can analyze vast amounts of dataand “think” faster and better than we can. I wonder how many centuries it willtake for us to evolve into a higher-level species that will be much closer toomniscience than we are now—if we don’t destroy ourselves first.
One of the great marvels ofnature is how the whole system, which is full of individual organisms acting intheir own self-interest and without understanding or guiding what’s going on,can create a beautifully operating and evolving whole. While I’m not an expertat this, it seems that it’s because evolution has produced a) incentives andinteractions that lead to individuals pursuing their own interests andresulting in the advancement of the whole, b) the natural selection process,and c) rapid experimentation and adaptation.
a. The individual’sincentives must be aligned with the group’s goals.To give you a quick exampleof nature creating incentives that lead to individuals pursuing their owninterests that result in the advancement of the whole, look at sex and naturalselection. Nature gave us one hell of an incentive to have sex in the form ofthe great pleasure it provides, even though the purpose of having sex is tocontribute to the advancement of the DNA. That way, we individually get what wewant while contributing to the evolution of the whole.
b. Reality is optimizing for
the whole—not for you. Contribute to the whole and you will likely be rewarded.
Natural selection leads to better qualities being retained and passed along
(e.g., in better genes, better abilities to nurture others, better products,
etc.). The result is a constant cycle of improvement forthe whole.
c. Adaptation
through rapid trial and error is invaluable.Natural selection’strial-and-error process allows improvement without anyone understanding or guidingit. The same can apply to how we learn. There are at least three kinds oflearning that foster evolution: memory-based learning (storing the informationthat comes in through one’s conscious mind so that we can recall it later);subconscious learning (the knowledge we take away from our experiences thatnever enters our conscious minds, though it affects our decision making); and“learning” that occurs without thinking at all, such as the changes in DNA thatencode a species’ adaptations. I used to think that memory-based, consciouslearning was the most powerful, but I’ve since come to understand that itproduces less rapid progress than experimentation and adaptation. To give youan example of how nature improves without thinking, just look at the strugglethat mankind (with all its thinking) has experienced in trying to outsmartviruses (which don’t even have brains). Viruses are like brilliant chessopponents. By evolving quickly (combining different genetic material acrossdifferent strains), they keep the smartest minds in the global health communitybusy thinking up countermoves to hold them off. Understanding that isespecially helpful in an era when computers can run large numbers ofsimulations replicating the evolutionary process to help us see what works andwhat doesn’t.
In the next chapter Iwill describe a process that has helped me, and I believe can help you, evolvequickly. But first I want to emphasize how important your perspective is intrying to decide what is important to you and what to go after.
d. Realize
that you are simultaneously everything and nothing—and decide what you want to
be.It is a great paradox that individually we are simultaneously everything andnothing. Through our own eyes, we are everything—e.g., when we die, the wholeworld disappears. So to most people (and to other species) dying is the worstthing possible, and it is of paramount importance that we have the best lifepossible. However, when we look down on ourselves through the eyes of nature weare of absolutely no significance. It is a reality that each one of us is onlyone of about seven billion of our species alive today and that our species isonly one of about ten million species on our planet. Earth is just one of about100 billion planets in our galaxy, which is just one of about two trilliongalaxies in the universe. And our lifetimes are only about 1/3,000 ofhumanity’s existence, which itself is only 1/20,000 of the Earth’s existence.In other words, we are unbelievably tiny and short-lived and no matter what weaccomplish, our impact will be insignificant. At the same time, weinstinctually want to matter and to evolve, and wecanmatter a tiny bit—and it’s all those tiny bits that add up to drive theevolution of the universe.
D.你必须意识到你是全部同时也不是—想清楚你想成为什么。这是一个伟大的悖论。尽管我们拥有眼睛,我们就是所有—例如如果我们死了,整个世界就消失了。所以对大多数人(对其他物种也是一样),死亡是最糟糕的事情,死亡时我们能有的可能的生活永恒重要的。然而当我们从整个自然的视角观察我们自己我们很明显是无意义的。很明显我们只是70亿人中的一个,我们人类也只是这个地球上数以亿计的物种中的一个。地球是银河系中上千亿星球中的一个,而宇宙中存在着大约200一个这样的河系。而我们的时代只是整个人类生存史得到1/3000 ,而人类生存史是地球存在时间的1/20000,换句话说,我们微不足道,短暂而一无所有,我们的影响毫无意义。同时我们本能的想要占有和进化,我们只有那么一点点,但就是那一点点的东东驱动了整个宇宙的进化。
The question ishowwe matter and evolve. Do we matter to others (who alsodon’t matter in the grand scope of things) or in some greater sense that wewill never actually achieve? Or does it not matter if we matter so we shouldforget about the question and just enjoy our lives while they last?
e. What
you will be will depend on the perspective you have.Where you goin life will depend on how you see things and who and what you feel connectedto (your family, your community, your country, mankind, the whole ecosystem,everything). You will have to decide to what extent you will put the interestsof others above your own, and which others you will choose to do so for. That’sbecause you will regularly encounter situations that will force you to makesuch choices.
While such decisionsmight seem too erudite for your taste, you will make them either consciously orsubliminally, and they will be very important.
For me personally, I nowfind it thrilling to embrace reality, to look down on myself through nature’sperspective, and to be an infinitesimally small part of the whole. Myinstinctual and intellectual goal is simply to evolve and contribute toevolution in some tiny way while I’m here and while I am what I am. At the sametime, the things I love most—my work and my relationships—are what motivate me.So, I find how reality and nature work, including how I and everything willdecompose and recompose, beautiful—though emotionally I find the separationfrom those I care about difficult to appreciate.