
英文 中文
I love our life. 我喜欢我们的生活
I love it right now. 就喜欢现在的生活
And I'm so scared of changing it. 我很怕会有改变
I'm not gonna stand for anything changing between us. 我无法容忍我们之间有任何改变
I don't want to be different from them. 我不想和他们不一样
Different from who? Who, the kids at school? 和谁不一样学校里那些孩子吗
If I get an "A," I'll get ice cream, 如果得了A我就有冰激凌吃
and Kate and Kevin won't, and then they'll hate me. 而凯特和凯文没有他们会恨我的
I can't fall for a fat person right now. 我现在可不能和一个胖子谈恋爱
I guess I'll lose the weight then. 那看来我得减肥了
What did I do to deserve this? 我做了什么能享受这种待遇呢
You've done a lot of really nice things for me, 你为我做了太多贴心的事
so I wand to return the favor. 所以我想回报你
By cutting up cardboard into little squares 把"硬纸板"切成方块放到碗里
and putting it in a bowl? Yum. 来回报我吗"美味啊"
Hey, so, Kevin, uh, it's been a few days now, you know, 凯文自从那天你过来
since you showed up. 就一直住在这里
- Without calling. - Right. -也没提前打电话-对
I was just sort of wondering... 就是想问下...
When are you leaving? 你什么时候走
Yeah. 就这意思
Washing machine is officially cooked. 洗衣机这下真是不行了
Ah, she's still got some life in her, at least six more cycles. 不她还能用呢至少还能洗六轮
Jack, we have three infants. 杰克我们家有三个孩子
We're gonna be doing six cycles by noon. 中午之前就能洗六回了
- Jack? - Yeah. -杰克-干嘛
Uh, I need your help. 快来帮忙
It's leaking everywhere. 水漏得到处都是
This is bail out! 拯救大行动啊
Oh, my God. 天啊
This is the best washing machine in the entire world. 这是全世界最好的洗衣机
I'm actually turned on by this washing machine. 这台洗衣机真让我兴奋
I'm gonna show you turned on. 我来告诉你什么叫"性奋"
- Oh, you are? - I am. -真的吗-当然
- Big Three! - Big Three! -三个小家伙-三个小家伙
I just want to do a small kitchen remodel. 我只是想把厨房稍微改动一下
Just some new cabinets, maybe some new countertops. 换几个新橱柜再把工作台面换了
Give me those, Randall, they're my bouncy balls. 给我兰德尔那是我的弹力球[蛋蛋]
But Mom gave them to me. 但是[屁股]妈妈把球给我了
You said "butt." 你说了"屁股"
You said "balls." 你说了"蛋蛋"
What the hell, Kevin? 你干什么凯文
Turn the lights out, man, it's 2:00 a.m. 把灯关了现在都凌晨两点了
Damn it, Kevin, you ruined it. 该死凯文你把它给毁了
It's all ruined. 都被你给毁了
Hey, man, I'm... 兄弟我...
I'm sorry, dude. 对不起伙计
What are you doing? 你在干什么
I'm trying to help you. 我是想帮你
Look, I'm sorry I touched your precious woobie. 对不起我碰了你珍贵的毯子
That thing reeks by the way. 可它也太臭了
It's the blanket I was left in, Kevin. 这是我被遗弃时裹着的毯子凯文
Well, it doesn't mean you can't wash it once in a while. 那也不代表你不能偶尔洗一洗
- What's your problem? - What's my problem? -你怎么回事-我怎么回事
Yes, what's your problem? 是啊你怎么回事
What's my problem? Dude, it's 2:00 a.m. 我怎么回事现在是凌晨两点
- and all the lights are still on! - Hey, guys. -灯还开着呢-孩子们
What in the name of God could you possibly 上帝啊都这个时候了
be fighting about right now? 你们有什么可吵的
- He threw a football at my face. - He keeps waking me up. -他用球砸我的脸-他不让我睡觉
And I need to get sleep because I have a big game tomorrow. 我得睡觉因为我明天有场重要比赛
Okay, Kevin, but Randall has a lot of homework, 好吧凯文可是兰德尔有很多作业
and now that he's on the football team, 而且他现在又加入了橄榄球队
he has a lot less time do do it. 所以他没多少时间写作业
And why does he suddenly need to be on the football team? 他为什么突然要加入橄榄球队
What do I have to do with you guys? 我该拿你们怎么办
Do I have to make you go sleep in separate rooms? 难道非得让你们分房睡吗
- Yes, actually that'd be great. - You don't have to do that... -那样其实挺好的-不用非得那样
Okay, that won't work 不过这可办不到
because the only empty room in the house 因为家里仅剩的一间空房
- is the basement. - I want it. -就是地下室-我要了
Kevin... 凯文
K... would you relax? 凯...冷静一下好吗
Hey. Dude, come on. 兄弟别这样
You don't have to go into the basement. 你不用非得去地下室
I'll turn off my light, 我会把灯关上
and I'll do my homework in the kitchen. 然后去厨房写作业
That's a very nice offer. 这个提议很不错
Kevin, do you hear what your brother's saying? 凯文听见你弟弟说什么了吗
Yeah, I heard him. 听见了
- Hi, Kevin! - Ashley. -嗨凯文-艾希莉
That baby teething? 孩子长牙了吗
- You know it. - All right. -你知道的-好吧
Ni hao, Mr. Hwa. 你好华先生
Keep working on that core. 加油练肌肉啊
- Hey. - What's up? -嗨-你好
Morning, gentlemen. 早上好先生们
- Hey. - Good morning. -嗨-早上好
Look at this, I got six miles. 看啊我跑了九公里
- Good for you, buddy. - Yup. -不错嘛老兄-还好
I did eight. 我跑了十二公里
- Is William still asleep? - Yeah. -威廉还在睡吗-是啊
I feel like yesterday's chemo took a lot out of him. 我想昨天的化疗让他累坏了
Morning hugs! 早晨的抱抱
- Give me my morning hug. - No, gross! -给我个早晨的拥抱-不你太脏了
Daddy, you're all sweaty. 爸爸你浑身都是汗
All right, come on girls, 好了孩子们抓紧时间
backpacks, lunches, car. 装好书包午饭上车
Let's go. I'll be right out. 走吧我马上就出去
- Have a great day, beautifuls. - You too. -祝你们一天愉快小美女们-你也是
- Daddy loves you. - Bye, Dad, love you. -爸爸爱你们-再见爸爸爱你
Bye, kiddos. 再见孩子们
Hey, Kevin. 凯文
Did you see a yellow legal pad in my office? 你看见我办公室里的一本黄色拍纸簿了吗
You mean my bedroom? 你是指我的卧室吗
Do I though? "卧室"吗
All right, I am gonna grab a shower. 好吧我去冲个澡
- Meet you at the office before dinner. - Yeah. -晚饭前办公室见-好的
Look, he and I are having dinner tonight, 我们今晚要一起吃晚餐
so you have a Kevin-free evening. 所以他今晚不在家
Just the two of you? 就你们俩吗
- Alone? - No, we're meeting our mother. -单独吃饭-不我们会和妈妈汇合
Oh, okay. 好吧
Why? 怎么了
No, I just couldn't imagine you and Kevin hanging out. 没什么我想象不出你和凯文在一起的画面
What do you... Well, the guy lives in our house, Beth, 你什么...他就住在我们家贝丝
we hang out all the time. 我们一直都在一起呢
Yeah, but you guys are never in the same room alone together. 是啊可你俩从没单独待在一间房里过
Uh, we just went for a run together. 我们刚刚一起去跑步了
Together? 你俩吗
Really? 不是吧
So, what this mean, "really?" 什么叫"不是吧"
It didn't end well for Cain and Abel, baby, 该隐和亚伯的结局可不怎么好宝贝
that's all I'm saying. 我就想说这个
Well, we're not Cain and Abel. 我们不是该隐和亚伯
Well, they were much less repressed. 是啊他们可比你们坦诚多了
But if we were Cain and Abel 不过就算我们是该隐和亚伯
I'd be Cain, right? 我也是该隐对吧
'Cause he's the brother who won? 因为他赢了兄弟之争
All right. 你说了算
- I love you. - Love you. -我爱你-爱你
That was your fastest run yet. 此次跑步为目前最快速度
Damn right it was. 必须的
Damn right. 小样儿
- I should pee. - You just peed. -我应该尿完再称-你刚刚才尿过
- Every ounce counts. - That's true. -能少一点是一点-没错
And I'm crushing this weigh-in. 我这次一定减了很多
Get it! 当然
All right, Kate, are you ready? 好的凯特准备好了吗
- I am. - All right. Let's do this. -准备好了-好我们开始吧
- Oh, will you hold this for me? - Yeah. -能帮我拿一下吗-好
All right. Congratulations, lady. 好的祝贺你美女
You are down a pound and a quarter. 你减掉了1.1斤
A pound? 才一斤
Yeah, and a... and a quarter. 是啊还...还多0.1斤呢
And a quarter. 还多0.1斤
Okay, I kill myself for weeks, and I'm down a pound? 我累死累活好几周竟然只掉了一斤
- And a quarter. - Right. Yeah. -还多0.1斤呢-对没错
It's working, all right? 还是有效果的对吧
You got to keep going, though. 不过你还得继续坚持
This is the tough part, but you got this. 坚持才是最困难的但你可以的
Yeah. 是啊
Good job. 很不错
Down. Down is great. 掉秤了掉秤就是好事
- Thanks. - Nice work, nice work. -谢谢-很棒真不错
- All right. - All right, Toby, you ready? -好了-托比你准备好了吗
-Yup. - All right. -好了-好的
Okay. Oh, wow. 看我的
You lost eight more pounds, mister. 你减了七斤多帅哥
- Yeah. All right. - You know what that means? -可不是吗-你知道这代表什么吗
Hey, guys, guess who just met their month goal? 看看谁达到了本月的减肥目标
This guy! 就是这位
Nice. Hey, yeah, Toby, do you mind if we take a victory pic? 真不错托比你愿意拍张成功照吗
- Oh, no, no, that's not necessary. - No, of course it is. -不不不用了-当然要拍
- No, it's no biggie. - You hit your goal. -不没什么大不了-你达到目标了啊
It's no biggie. 这没什么
No. You are no biggie... anymore. 不是你不再是大块头了
- Yeah. - I'm proud of you, Toby. -对-我为你骄傲托比
Go, give 'em what they want. 去拍吧让他们高兴一下
Okay, all right. 好吧听你的
Uh, I'll do the... 我去拍...
- I'll do the victory photo. - Yes, let's do it. -我去拍成功照-好的来吧
All right, we're doing it. All right, guys, let's get in here. 好要拍照了大家伙儿都过来
- Victory photo. - Come on, circle it up. -拍成功照-来吧大家集合
All right, one, two, three. 好的一二三
- Cheese! - Cheese! -茄子-茄子
Super cute. Another one. Smile! 超可爱再来一张笑
Yes! Beautiful! 好了真美
I want to make a big push on rising temp futures. 我打算大力推广天气期货
Some of our clients don't currently believe in science, 我们还有一些客户并不相信科学
but we'll have 'em watch 等钞票开始滚滚而来
an Al Gore documentary once the cash starts rolling in. 我们要让他们看看阿尔·戈尔的纪录片
Am I right, people? 我说的对吧各位
Come on, guys, nothing? That was... 怎么没话说吗什么情况
Is that the Manny? 那个人是"奶爸"吗
Yup. That's the Manny. 没错是他
- I'm early! - Right. -我来早了-是啊
I'll be right there. 我马上就来
You guys look sharp. 你们看起来好有型
I'll meet you in the... meet you in the office. 我等下...去办公室找你
- Okay. - Cool. -好啊-好
Just chill out in your office? 那我先去你办公室坐会儿
That is the Manny. 这位就是奶爸
Straighten up and fly right 挺起胸膛向前飞翔
Straighten up and stay right 挺起胸膛好好生活
Straighten up and fly right 挺起胸膛向前飞翔
Cool down, Papa, don't you blow your top 冷静点爸爸不要发脾气
Sounds good. 唱得真好听
- Really? - Yeah. -真的吗-当然
I don't remember the last time I was this nervous. 我都不记得上次这么紧张是什么时候了
Oh, it's just rehearsal, right? 只是排练而已对吧
Yeah, but it's my first rehearsal in ten years. 对可这是我十年来第一次排练
You're gonna do great, babe. 你会表现得很好宝贝
what are you planning on wearing to the boy's game tonight? 今晚儿子们比赛你打算穿什么去
Because I know we usually wear Kevin's colors, 因为我们通常穿凯文队的颜色
but now that Randall's playing for another school... 可现在兰德尔代表另一个学校参赛
The game. Crap. 比赛糟了
I'm meeting Bob Parrish tonight 今晚我要跟鲍勃·帕里什见面
to close the Doylestown deal. 签多伊尔斯敦的合同
- Doylestown? - Yeah. -多伊尔斯敦-对
Really? So you got it? 真的吗你拿到这笔交易了
I-I told you last week. 我...我上周告诉过你了
Well, I'm sure I would have remembered if you said that. 你要是说过我肯定记得
- Oh, I know that I did. - Okay, well, -我确实说过-好吧那...
is there any way that you can move the meeting 你能不能想办法改个时间
because that coach is coming to scout Kevin? 因为这次教练会来物色球员
It's a really big game for him. 这场比赛对凯文非常重要
It's a big day for me, too, and a big day for you. 今天对我也很重要对你也重要
And a big day for Kevin, so... 对凯文也重要所以...
I'll see what I can do. 让我想想办法
- Okay. - Okay. -好吧-好
Jack? 杰克
Yeah. 什么事
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 对不起我的错
I'm all over the place. 我都忙晕了
- Have a good day. - Have fun. -要开心哦-你也是
Thanks. 谢谢
No, of course. 不当然
I totally understand. We can do dinner another time. 完全理解我们下次再一起共进晚餐
That was Mom? She's not coming? 是妈妈吗她不来了吗
- Yeah. - What'd she say? -是-她怎么说
Well, tell Miguel I hope he feels better soon. 转告米格尔我希望他早日康复
Let me talk to her. Is Miguel sick? 让我跟她说米格尔病了吗
Let me just talk to her. 让我跟她说
Just give me the phone. 把电话给我
- Yeah, I'll tell Kevin. - Just put her on speaker. -好我会转告凯文-打开免提
We can reschedule. 我们再安排时间
Just let me talk to her before you go. 挂电话前让我和她说几句
- Love you, too. - Before she... -我也爱你-她挂电话前...
- Bye. - Let me talk to her for... -拜拜-让我和她说...
It's Miguel's gout. 米格尔的痛风犯了
Really? I didn't know they made gout anymore. 是吗我以为他们不会再得痛风了
- So she's not coming then? - No. -那她不来了吗-是的
- Not coming. - Oh, okay. -不来了-好的
- It's the two of us. - Yes. -那就剩我们两个了-没错
Yeah. I mean, if you got work to do though, 如果你还有工作要做
I... we don't have to go. 不去也可以的
- No! I'm, I'm okay. - You're all right? -不我没事-你确定吗


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