M: I have an appointment with Dr. Duran at 4, but I can't make it today. Have you seen my phone book around?
W: Try your top drawer. I remember you putting it there.
M: Thanks. I'll get it now.
词汇:1. make it 达到预期目标 2. drawer n. 抽屉
W: There's a new animation film opening at the San Cinema this weekend that is the most expensive movie ever made in Japan.
M: Do you really want to see an animation movie, Jane?
W: Not really, but my nieces love them. So I've already got tickets for this Friday.
词汇:1. animation n. 动画 2. niece n. 侄女
W: The shirt right over there is the color you wanted.
M: But it's too dark. I said I wanted sky blue, not navy blue.
W: Then, I'll show you some different styles of shirts in that color.
词汇: 1. right over 立刻马上 2. navy n.海军,藏青色
M: Are you still reviewing the report?
W: I'm drawing up a chart for tomorrow's presentation.
M: Okay, I need this letter typed as soon as possible.
词汇:1. draw up 起草、制定 2. as soon as possible 尽可能快 3. review v. 检查,研究
M: Which company did they settle on?
W: You really don't know yet? We are merging with CMA.
M: All I've heard was S&V Co. had been hiding their financial conditions.
词汇: 1. settle on 选中 2. merge v. 合并
M: Michelle, could you help that customer over there? He's been waiting for assistance for over an hour.
W: I wish I could, Mike. But my hands are full right now. We have been flooded with calls today.
M: Alright. I'll handle the customer then. I'll give you a hand when I'm done.
词汇:1. over there 在那边 2. flood adj. 大量的 3. handle v. 处理
M: I can't stand Jack's tardiness any longer. It's the fifth time this month.
W: Would you like me to give him a word of caution?
M: I've already done it serval times. I am going to let him go this time, actually. Enough is enough.
词汇:1. can't stand 忍受 2. tardiness n. 缓慢 3. caution v. 警告 n. 小心 4. let sb. go 解雇某人 5. enough is enough 受够了
M: What credit rating should we get from Pamer's to get more foreign investment?
W: At least AA minus to attract more investors. I hope our restructuring efforts pay off.
M: I hope so, too. They actually raised our credit rating to the current BB plus after we had laid off 300 employees last quarter.
词汇: 1. credit rating 信用等级 2. at least 至少 3. pay off 偿还、奏效 4. lay off 解雇 5. restructuring 重组
M: How about going to a ballpark today? I've four tickets for the Tiger's game.
W: Oh, dear. What time does the game start? My boss has asked me to finish editing his report by 6 today and e-mail it to him. And you know what? He left at 4.
M: It doesn't start until 7. You should be able to make it on time.
词汇: 1. ballpark n. 棒球场 2. on time 按时
W: Is it possible to get a window seat? I don't want to be disturbed often.
M: I think we have a window seat available, but it's all the way back near the restroom.
W: Then an aisle seat in the middle will be better.
词汇: 1. window seat 靠窗的座位 2. aisle seat 靠道的座位
W: Good morning, First Travel, how can I help you?
M: Yes, this is Stefan Pavlov. I'd like to confirm my fight to Indianapolis on the 27th.
W: Certainly Sir. Could you tell me your flight number, please?
词汇: 1. confirm flight 确认航班 2. flight number 航班号
W: Well, new carpet's finally being laid. So people are temporarily working on the third floor.
M: They really need to change the wallpaper, too. I don't think they consider anything about work environment.
词汇: 1. wallpaper 墙纸 2. consider about 考虑
M: Have all our orders been shipped yet?
W: Parts for the engine arrived, but we are still waiting for the new tires.
M: I can't believe I have to call them and check about the orders again.
词汇:1. tire n. 轮胎 2. engine n. 引擎 3. ship v. 运送
M: What time is the divisional meeting tomorrow?
W: Haven't you heard yet? It's been put off until next Monday. There is a regular check-up scheduled for all the employees tomorrow.
M: Do I need to see a doctor again? What a nuisance!
词汇:1. divisional meeting 部门会议 2. put off 推迟 3. regular check-up 常规体检 4. nuisance n. 麻烦
M: Have you sent the flight ticket and itinerary to Mr. Park?
W: Yes, I was just about to call him to see if he had received them.
M: You maybe want to ask him if he needs accommodation listing in Pairs.
词汇: 1. flight ticket 机票 2. itinerary n. 旅行路线
M: I've just got a phone call from James saying he couldn't attend the conference tomorrow. Can you think of anyone who can take his place, Sophie?
W: Let me see. Why don't we ask Pete? I'm sure he'll do just fine.
M: Okay. Could you ask Liz to give him the information on the agenda.
词汇: 1. take one's place 代替 2. agenda n. 议程
W: Hello? Dave? Thank God, you turned your cell phone on. I locked my keys in the car. Can you wait about an hour? I called the mechanic and he's on his way.
M: Don't bother, then. I'll just take a cab.
W: I'm really sorry. Something must have distracted me.
词汇: 1. mechanic n. 机械工 2. on sb's way 在...的路上 3. cab n. 出租车 4. distract v. 分散注意力
W: Why don't we go out and have some fun tonight? It's been ages since we hung out together.
M: That sounds fine to me. How about going to the club downtown that has just opened recently?
M: Well, I'd rather go to a place that's quieter.
词汇: 1. it has been ages since 已经好久没有... 2. hung out together 一起出去玩、闲逛 3. downtown n. 市中心
M: Hello, my name is Robert Criag. I'm here to an interview.
W: Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Gloria Taylor, secretary to Mr. Wagner. He'll be right with you. Please have a seat.
M: Thanks. By the way, do you know where Ms. Lopez's office is?
词汇: 1. have a seat 坐一会 2. By the way 顺便说
W: Can you step on it, please? I have a flight to catch at 2:30.
M: I'm afraid traffic at this time of the day is terrible. You should take a subway to the airport. That will save you about 30 minutes.
W: Well, can you drop me off at the nearest station, then?
词汇: 1. step on 踩上、快点 2. drop sb. off 把...放下
M: When does the presentation begin?
W: Well, it's scheduled to start at 5, but we should probably be there early to welcome the guests.
M: Why don't we leave at 3:30 before traffic gets worse, then?
词汇:1. get worse 变差
W: Could you tell me how I get to Dupont Station from here?
M: Certainly. Take the Beltway and get off at exit 24B. It will probably take about half an hour.
W: It's closer than I thought. Thanks.
词汇: 1. get off 下车
W: How did your presentation go?
M: They seemed quite impressed with it. It really paid off working late for a few days on the computer graphics and charts. Thank you for that advice.
W: Don't mention it. You are the one who's done all the work.
词汇: 1. pay off 取得成功、值得、见效 2. be impressed with 对...有印象
W: Do you know how to put this part back on the copier?
M: I have no idea. You should called someone to fix it.
W: It's been driving me crazy. Oh, well. I'll just call in a technician.
词汇: 1. put back 放回 2. technician n. 技术人员
W: Hi, I would like to book a flight to Florida on the 27th.
M: I'm afraid we don't have any seats available on that day. How about the 26th or 28th?
W: Would you put me on the waiting list, then?
W: It's Jeremy's birthday this Thursday. What do you say we throw a small party for him on that day?
M: Well, he is out of town on business and won't be back until Saturday morning.
W: Okay. Let's have it when he come back. then.
词汇: 1. what do you say 你认为如何 2. throw a party 举行派对 3. on business 在工作、因公
M: Do you know tomorrow's weather forecast, Patricia?
W: They said the rain would let up, but it will be cloudy.
M: Great. It would be nice if it'd be sunny, though.
词汇: 1. let up 停
W: How are things coming along with the launch of our new line of products?
M: I'm having difficulties figuring out which age group we should target.
W: You probably want to divide the markets into more specific segments first.
词汇: 1. come along with 一起 2. new line of products 新品 3. launch 面世 4. figure out 明白 5. age group 年龄层 6. divide into 分...
M: Do you want me to mail these letters on my way to the branch office or can you manage it?
W: I'm swamped with paperwork. They need to be delivered to the City Council by tomorrow morning.
M: Then, I'll leave as soon as I finish sealing them.
词汇:1. swamp v. 淹没 2. on one's way to 在某人去...的路上 3. branch office 分公司 4. seal 封(信件) 5. deliver v. 发送