七月份 (22.7.22) 发表在Science Immunology (IF: 30.630) 的文章
1. Cell types recovered in lesional and nonlesional samples of patients with acne
作者对6例活动期痤疮患者的early lesional (papules) 和非损伤的皮肤进行了10x单细胞测序。在质控之后,两组分别得到了32966和29202个细胞。
Fig 1a-c:所有细胞的注释,得到7种细胞群。c图展示了7个细胞类型中12个样本来源的细胞占比变化。(为什么不展示每个样本各个细胞类型的变化?)
Fig 1d-f:对髓系细胞进行了进一步细分,得到6个细胞亚群。其中TREM2+巨噬细胞群占比很大且几乎只在病例样本中存在。
Fig 1g-i:对角质细胞也进行了亚群细分,得到5个亚群,看了一下比例变化。
2. TREM2 macrophages in acne lesions express lipid metabolism and inflammatory genes
We focused on the role of TREM2 macrophage in acne because they were abundant in acne lesions as opposed to nonlesional skin.
Fig 2a:展示了M1样巨噬、M2样巨噬和TREM2+巨噬的marker基因。
Fig 2b:TREM2+巨噬特异性表达多种脂质相关蛋白。
Fig 2c:和正常组相比,病例组的TREM2+巨噬高表达多种促炎性因子和趋化因子。
Fig 2d:6种髓系细胞的拟时序,发现M2样巨噬细胞可以向TREM2+巨噬和CD1C+ DC分化,但是和M1样巨噬不存在明显分化关系。
Fig 2e-f:M2样巨噬细胞和TREM2+巨噬的分化关系
Fig 2g:M2样巨噬细胞向TREM2+巨噬的分化之后,促炎性增强。
These data suggest a trajectory linking M2-like to TREM2 macrophages, characterized by the increased expression of proinflammatory genes in the TREM2 macrophages.
3. KCs in the hair follicles in acne lesions are capable of squalene synthesis
Fig 3a:鲨烯合成相关基因FDFT1和SQLE在一些亚群中高表达。
Fig 3b:高表达鲨烯合成相关基因的KCs在Acne组表达显著比control要高,而且与TREM2巨噬细胞存在空间共定位。
4. Spatial and Seq-Scope sequencing spatially localize cell populations in acne
(using as low as0.5 um
spot-to-spot resolution, compared with the 100 um spot-to-spot resolution of the 10X Visium platform)。
Fig 3c:在55-um大小下(和10x一样),得到394个spots,平均每个spots测到1349 genes 和 2950 transcripts(好少),分为六种细胞。
Fig 3d:在切片上可以观测到纵向的毛囊结构,周围被炎症细胞包绕。通过调整分辨率,作者发现KRT5+ KCs存在于真皮的基底层和毛囊的outer root sheath。KRT16+ KCs则存在于毛囊的inner root sheath。1um分辨率下,作者发现在毛囊的TREM2outer root sheath中,巨噬细胞和 KRT5+ KCs 相邻近。
Fig 3e:基因表达也显示KRT5 和 KRT16的表达与TREM2巨噬的marker基因APOE相邻近。
Fig 3f:免疫荧光的结果显示TREM2巨噬和痤疮丙酸杆菌(C.acnes)的抗体存在共定位。
These data indicate that TREM2 macrophages containing C. acnes antigens are located near hair follicle epithelium expressing squalene oxidase.
5. Squalene induces TREM2 expression in macrophages in vitro
随后作者进行了体外试验。首先作者想要去建立in vitro model of TREM2 macrophages in acne lesions。为了达到这个目的,作者使用Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)分析了TREM2巨噬细胞群,鉴定了可能驱动TREM2巨噬细胞分化的上游调节分子,得到了IFNG, IL13, TNF, IL1B, 和 IL4。其中IL4已被证实可以与M-CSF一起在体外诱导TREM2的表达。
Fig 4a:作者首先检测了这些分子诱导巨噬细胞的TREM2表达的能力(with and without M-CSF),发现在M-CSF存在的条件下,鲨烯诱导TREM2形成的能力显著上升。
Fig 4b:用上述方法诱导的TREM2巨噬细胞的基因表达与单细胞测序检测到的一些关键基因表达类似。
Fig 4c:随后作者对squalene/M-CSF体外诱导的TREM2巨噬细胞进行了单细胞测序,并和此前人的样本中检测到的M1, M2和TREM2巨噬细胞进行了比较,发现和TREM2巨噬细胞表达谱类似。
Fig 4d:胞内脂滴染色结果显示和IFN-r/LPS–treated M1-like macrophages相比,squalene/M-CSF–treated macrophages were replete with lipids as measured by BODIPY
6. Squalene blocks oxidative killing of C. acnes
由于M1样巨噬细胞可以对痤疮丙酸杆菌C. acnes产生抗菌反应,作者随后比较了IFN-r/LPS巨噬细胞(M1)和squalene-derived TREM2巨噬细胞的抗菌反应。
痤疮相关菌株:HL005PA1, HL043PA1, HL096PA1(IA-2型);
健康相关菌株:HL042PA3, HL110PA3, HL11-PA4(II型);
Fig 4e:结果显示M1巨噬对痤疮相关菌株(和健康相关菌株相比)显示出更强的抗菌性。squalene-derived TREM2的抗菌性则很低。
Fig 4f:随后作者探究了鲨烯存在的情况下M1和M2巨噬细胞的抗菌性,发现都出现显著下降。
Squalene consists of a methyl group attached to six double bonds that act as a highly effective reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger with a rate constant much larger than other lipids on human skin. 此外,鲨烯在体外可以降低胞内ROS和ultraviolet-induced ROS水平。巨噬细胞使用phagosomes中的ROS和 reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs)来杀伤胞内病原体。
Fig 4g:为了探究是哪种intermediates发挥了针对C. acnes的抗菌作用,我们使用了NO-donor diethylenetriamine NONOate (DETA NONOate)和两种oxygen donors, alkyl peroxide tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),结果显示和DETA NONOate相比,C. acnes对ROS的杀伤更敏感。
Fig 4h:Squalene was able to block the killing of C. acnes in the presence of TBHP at similar efficacy to the oxygen scavenger N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), which served as a control.
Together, these data suggest that squalene, which is overproduced in acne lesions, induces TREM2 macrophages with enhanced phagocytic capacity for lipids and C. acnes, but scavenges oxygen radicals, thus blocking the macrophage antimicrobial response. These TREM2 macrophages are not able to reduce the bacterial load but secrete IL-18 and up-regulate chemokine expression, thus contributing to the inflammation that is characteristic at the site of disease