阿姆斯特丹大学的Ine Beyens博士通过研究[6]证明青少年手淫越多,他们的学习成绩越差。弗莱堡大学实验教学与学习研究系主任Jörg Wittwer教授也在研究[7]中指出观看色情内容显著导致学生成绩下降。
[6] Beyens, Ine, Laura Vandenbosch, and Steven Eggermont. "Early adolescent boys’ exposure to Internet pornography: Relationships to pubertal timing, sensation seeking, and academic performance."The Journal of Early Adolescence35.8 (2015): 1045-1068.
[7] Wittwer, Jörg, and Martin Senkbeil. "Is students’ computer use at home related to their mathematical performance at school?."Computers & Education50.4 (2008): 1558-1571.
新南威尔士大学Steven B. Most博士在他的实验[10]中发现色情内容会导致人们注意力难以集中。类似的是杜伊斯堡-埃森大学的Christian Laier博士也发现色情内容导致人们的工作记忆能力下降[8],导致比如读书时看到后面忘了前面等一系列问题。同时,Laier博士还进一步发现[11]色情内容使人们更可能做出不明智的决定。
[8] Laier, Christian, Frank P. Schulte, and Matthias Brand. "Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance."Journal of sex research50.7 (2013): 642-652.
[10] Most, Steven B., et al. "The naked truth: Positive, arousing distractors impair rapid target perception."Cognition and Emotion21.5 (2007): 964-981.
[11] Laier, Christian, Mirko Pawlikowski, and Matthias Brand. "Sexual picture processing interferes with decision-making under ambiguity."Archives of Sexual Behavior43.3 (2014): 473-482.
美国犹他州立大学心理学系Michael Levin教授研究了观看色情内容和心理疾病的关系,他在论文[3]中指出观看色情内容与焦虑,压力,抑郁和社交障碍强烈相关,并且频繁的观看色情内容会导致更严重的心理问题。加州大学洛杉矶分校塞梅尔神经科学与人类行为研究所Rory Reid助理教授在他的研究[4]中给出了类似的结论,即手淫与沮丧,抑郁,无聊和面对压力的脆弱相关。哥伦比亚大学Ariel Kor博士在其研究[5]中指出手淫者比常人更感到自卑且人际关系糟糕。
[3] Levin, Michael E., Jason Lillis, and Steven C. Hayes. "When is online pornography viewing problematic among college males? Examining the moderating role of experiential avoidance."Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity19.3 (2012): 168-180.
[4] Reid, Rory C., Sheila Garos, and Bruce N. Carpenter. "Reliability, validity, and psychometric development of the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory in an outpatient sample of men."Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity18.1 (2011): 30-51.
[5] Kor, Ariel, et al. "Psychometric development of the problematic pornography use scale."Addictive behaviors39.5 (2014): 861-868.
Shane W. Kraus博士[2]通过药物实验指出滥交/观看色情/手淫成瘾的机理是多巴胺成瘾,Rory Reid教授[1]进一步指出82%的手淫者其手淫频率会逐渐增加。布拉德福德匹兹堡大学的著名心理学教授Kimberly Young则在她的研究[9]中更直接地指出:“手淫成瘾是一个持续加重的过程,随着时间推移,它变得更频繁,更极端,或两者兼而有之。(Internet sex addiction is a progressive problem. It rarely gets better. Over time, it gets more frequent, more extreme, or both. )”
[1] Reid R. C., Carpenter B. N., Hook J. N., Garos S., Manning J. C., Gilliland R., et al. Report of findings in a DSM‐5 field trial for hypersexual disorder. J Sex Med 2012 ; 9 : 2868 – 77.
[2] Kraus, Shane W., Valerie Voon, and Marc N. Potenza. "Should compulsive sexual behavior be considered an addiction?."Addiction111.12 (2016): 2097-2106.
[9] Young, Kimberly S. "Internet sex addiction: Risk factors, stages of development, and treatment."American Behavioral Scientist52.1 (2008): 21-37.
布拉格查理大学Stuart Brody教授在其研究[12]中指出手淫会导致前列腺疼痛且前列腺癌风险更高,并在研究[13]中指出"手淫可以预防前列腺癌"这一错误说法是对现有研究结果的错误理解。
[12] Brody, Stuart. "The relative health benefits of different sexual activities."The journal of sexual medicine7.4 (2010): 1336-1361.
[13] Brody, S. "Sexual factors and prostate cancer."BJU international93.1 (2004): 180-180.
Stuart Brody教授在其研究[12]中指出手淫会导致更差的心血管健康状态和更大的血压波动,Rui Miguel Costa博士随后的研究[14]得出了类似结论。
[14] Costa, Rui Miguel, and Stuart Brody. "Greater resting heart rate variability is associated with orgasms through penile–vaginal intercourse, but not with orgasms from other sources."The journal of sexual medicine9.1 (2012): 188-197.
在世界卫生组织(WHO)发布的最新版《国际疾病分类(ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics)》第6C72节中已经明确将难以抑制的手淫列为一种精神/行为障碍。
另外,一些国外民间组织也对手淫危害及成瘾问题进行了总结,其中比较著名的是NoFap和YBOP(Your Brain On Porn)等。