

英文 中文
Human beings venture into the highest parts of our planet at their peril. 人类总是愿意冒着生命危险 占领地球上最高的地方
Some might think that by climbing a great mountain 人们或许认为只要登上顶峰
they have somehow conquered it, 便能征服一座高山
but we can only be visitors here. 不过 我们仅仅只是这里的拜访者
This is a frozen alien world. 这是一个冰封的异域世界
This is the other extreme - 这里是另一种极端环境
one of the lowest hottest places on Earth. 地球上一处最低最热的地方
It's over a hundred metres below the level of the sea. 它的地势低于海平面100多米
But here a mountain is in gestation. 但这里却在酝酿一座高山
Pools of sulphuric acid are indications that deep underground there are titanic stirrings. 这些硫酸池暗示 地底深处正进行着大规模活动
This is the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, 这里是埃塞俄比亚境内的达纳吉尔凹地
lying within a colossal rent of the earth's surface 位于地球表面的大裂谷内
where giant land masses are pulling away from one another. 巨大的陆地板块在此互相分离
Lava rises to the surface through this crack in the crust 熔岩经过这条地壳裂缝涌上地表
creating a chain of young volcanoes. 诞生了一连串年轻的火山
This one, Erta Ale, 这座埃特阿雷火山
is today the longest continually erupting volcano on the planet, 是地球上现存持续喷发时间最长的火山
a lake of lava that has been molten for over a hundred years. 岩浆湖在此沸腾了100多年
These same volcanic forces also created Ethiopia's highlands. 这些相同的火山作用 也造就了埃塞俄比亚高原
70 million years ago 7000万年前
this land was just as flat and as deep as the Danakil Depression. 这片土地像达纳吉尔凹地一样平坦深陷
Molten lava rising from the earth's core 熔岩从地核中漫涌上来
forced up a huge dome of rock 500 miles wide, 形成了绵延500英里的巨大石丘
the roof of Africa. 这就是非洲屋脊
Over millennia, rain and ice carved the rock into a landscape of spires and canyons. 千万年后 雨水和冰川 已将岩石雕琢成尖峰与峡谷
These summits, nearly 3 miles up, 这些将近3英里高的山峰顶上
are home to some very remarkable mountaineers - 住着一些非常特别的山地居民
Gelada baboons. 狮尾狒
They are unique to the highlands of Ethiopia. 它们是埃塞俄比亚高原的特有物种
The cliffs where they sleep are for expert climbers only, 它们睡觉的悬崖只有 攀岩高手才能爬得上去
and Gelado certainly have the right equipment. 而狮尾狒则有一套合适的“工具”
the strongest fingers of any primate 强壮的手指是最主要的
and an utterly fearless disposition. 当然也少不了无所畏惧的气概
But you need more than a head for heights to survive up here. 不过在这样的高度要想活下去可不太容易
A day in a Gelado's life reveals how they've risen to the challenge. 下面将向你展示狮尾狒全天的生活看看它们如何面对挑战
For all monkeys morning is grooming time, 对于所有猴子来说早晨正是“梳妆打扮”的时候
a chance to catch up with friends. 一个交朋友的绝好机会
But, unlike other monkeys, 不过 与其它猴子不同的是
Gelados chatter constantly while they do it. 狮尾狒一边这么做 一边还不停地唠叨
It's a great way to network while your hands are busy. 这样手在忙活的同时也能搞好“人际关系”
But these socials can't go on for too long. 但是这种社交活动不会很长
Gelados have a busy daily schedule 狮尾狒全天的日程表排得很满
and there's work to be done. 还有很多事情要做
Most monkeys couldn't live up here. 大部分猴类都无法在此生存
There's no food and few insects to feed on. 这里没有食物 可以吃的昆虫也很少
But Gelados are unique - 但是狮尾狒却很特别
they're the only monkeys in the world that live almost entirely on grass. 它们是世界上唯一完全以草为生的猴子
They live in the largest assemblies formed by any monkeys. 它们生活的社群是所有猴类中最大的
Some groups are 800 strong 有的甚至能达到800只
and they crop the high meadows like herds of wildebeest. 如同散布在高山草场上的角马群
The Gelados graze alongside Walia ibex, 站在狮尾狒身旁的是西敏羱羊
which are also unique to these highlands. 它们也是这片高原的特有物种
These rare creatures are usually very shy 这种罕见的动物通常很胆小
but they drop their guard when the Gelados are around. 但只要狮尾狒一来到身边它们便放松警惕
You might expect that grazers would avoid each other's patch 你或许会认为食草动物 总是尽量互相避让
but this is a special alliance from which both partners benefit. 但是这种特殊联盟能使双方都得到好处
It's not so risky to put your head down 它们可以毫无顾虑地埋头吃草
if others are on the lookout. 因为旁边有站岗的“哨兵”
Ethiopian wolves - 西门豺
they won't attempt an attack in broad daylight. 它们一般不会在大白天发动进攻
But at dusk the plateau becomes a more dangerous place. 可是一到傍晚 高原便成了 一个危机四伏的地方
With the grazing largely over 吃草活动基本结束
there's a last chance to socialise before returning to the sleeping cliffs. 狮尾狒们抓住最后一点机会进行社交然后返回睡觉的悬崖
An early warning system puts everyone on the alert. “即时预警系统”使大家都警觉起来
Their day ends as it began, safe on the steep cliffs. 这一天结束了 和开始时一样它们又坐在了陡峭而安全的悬崖上
The Ethiopian volcanoes are dormant, 埃塞俄比亚的火山正处于休眠期
but elsewhere others still rage. 可是其它地方的火山仍在怒吼
Volcanoes form the backbone of the longest mountain chain on our planet - 火山构成了地球上最长山系的主干
the Andes of South America. 南美洲的安第斯山脉
This vast range stretches 5,000 miles from the Equator down to the Antarctic. 这座巨大的山脉 从赤道向南极绵亘5000英里
It formed as the floor of the Pacific Ocean 它的形成是由于太平洋板块
slid beneath the South American continent, buckling its edge. 俯冲到南美洲板块之下造成它的边缘隆起
At the southern end stand the mountains of Patagonia. 最南端矗立着巴塔哥尼亚山脉
It's high summer, 现在是盛夏时节
but the Andes have the most unstable mountain weather on the planet 可是安第斯山的天气 是全球山区气候中最不稳定的
and storms can erupt without warning. 暴风雪会在毫无征兆的情况下来袭
Temperatures plummet 气温直线下降
and guanacos and their newborn young must suddenly endure a blizzard. 羊驼和它们新生的幼仔 只好忍受突如其来的风雪
Truly, all seasons in one day... 可以说是在一天之中度过了四季
A puma - 美洲狮
the lion of the Andes. 安第斯山区的狮子
Pumas are usually solitary and secretive. 美洲狮通常独来独往 隐秘莫测
To see a group walking boldly in the open is extremely rare. 这么一大家子在光天化日之下 外出实属罕见
It's a family - a mother with four cubs. 这个家庭由一只母狮和4只小狮组成
She has just one brief summer in which to teach them their mountain survival techniques. 母狮只能利用这个短暂的夏天 教会小狮在山区生存的技能
Rearing four cubs to this age is an exceptional feat, 把4只小狮养到这么大 是很了不起的业绩
but she does have an excellent territory, 那是因为它有一片富饶的领地
rich in food and water. 食物和水都很充足
Although the cubs are now as large as their mother, 虽然小狮已长到和它们的母亲差不多大
they still rely on her for their food. 它们仍需要依靠母狮获取食物
It will be another year before the cubs can hunt for themselves. 小狮至少还需要一年时间 才能学会独自狩猎
Without their mother's skill and experience 如果没有母狮的技术和经验
they would never survive their first winter. 它们肯定无法活过第一个冬天
Battered by hurricane force winds, these slopes are now lifeless. 凛冽的山风在崖坡上呼啸肆虐生命根本无法在此扎根
Further north, they hold other dangers. 在更远的北方 它们还潜藏着其它危险
Moving at 250 miles an hour, an avalanche destroys everything in its path. 雪崩时速可达250英里/小时足以摧毁路过的一切
In the American Rockies 位于美国的落基山脉
a 100,000 avalanches devastate the slopes every winter. 每年冬季会发生10万次毁灭性的雪崩
This huge mountain chain continues the great spine that runs from Patagonia to Alaska. 巨大的山系脊梁从巴塔哥尼亚 一直延伸到阿拉斯加
The slopes of the Rockies, bleak though they are, 尽管落基山地荒凉凄冷
provide a winter refuge for some animals. 却能为一些动物提供越冬场所
A mother grizzly emerges from her den 灰熊妈妈正走出巢穴
after six months' dozing underground. 长达6个月的地下冬眠结束了
Her two cubs follow her 两只小熊紧跟着它们的母亲
and take their first steps in the outside world. 第一次踏足这个陌生的户外世界
These steep slopes provide a sanctuary for the cubs. 这些陡峭的斜坡也是小熊的庇护所
A male bear would kill and eat them given the chance. 公熊只要有机会就会吃掉它们
But big animals find it difficult to get about here. 不过大型动物很难爬到这个地方
Males may be twice the size of a female 公熊体型可能是母熊的2倍
and even she can have problems. 但即使是母熊也已是举步艰难
Her cubs, however, make light of the snow and of life in general. 可是它的幼崽在雪地里却是轻松自如体型也和一般动物差不多
But the mother faces a dilemma: 母熊面临着一个进退两难的选择
it's six months since she last fed 它已经6个月没有吃东西了
and her milk is starting to run dry. 它的乳汁也即将耗尽
She must soon leave the safety of these nursery slopes 它必须尽快离开这个安全的斜坡“托儿所”
and lead her cubs away from the mountain. 把它的幼崽带离山地
If she delays, the whole family will risk starvation. 若是稍有耽搁 整个家族就会面临饥荒
Summer reveals the true nature of the Rockies. 夏天揭露了落基山的真实面目
Stripped of snow, 剥去雪层之后
the peaks bear their sculpted forms. 山峰裸露出斧凿般的造型
Only now can mountaineers reclaim the upper reaches. 山地动物只有此时才能 向更高的地方拓展疆土
Two miles up the crumbling precipices seem devoid of life. 两英里高的碎石崖上 似乎不可能有生命存在
But there are animals here - 可是那里仍有动物
a grizzly bear. 一只灰熊
It seems to be an odd creature to find on these high rocky slopes. 很奇怪这样的动物为何 会爬到如此高的碎石斜坡上
It's hard to imagine what could have attracted it here. 真不知道这里有什么吸引着它
At this time of the year bears should be fattening up for the winter. 在每年的这个时候熊必须为越冬储备脂肪
Yet they gather in some numbers on these apparently barren slopes. 然而却有一定数量的灰熊 聚集在这片不毛之地
They're searching for a rather unusual food - 它们正在寻找一种很特别的食物
moths. 飞蛾
Millions have flown up here to escape the heat of the lowlands 为了躲避低洼地带的炎热数百万只飞蛾抵达此地
and they're now roosting among the rocks. 栖身于岩石缝隙之中
Moths may seem a meager meal for a bear, 飞蛾似乎并不足以填饱熊的肚子
but their bodies are rich in fat 但它们身体内富含脂肪
and can make all the difference in a bear's annual struggle for survival. 直接关系到灰熊每年冬天的生存能力
Another battle is being waged here 这里又开辟了一个新的战场
but on a much longer timescale. 可是不会持续多久
These loose boulders are the mountain's crumbling bones. 这些散落的石块是从山脊上崩裂下来的
The Rockies are no longer rising 落基山脉已不再上升
but slowly disintegrating. 却是在慢慢地崩塌
All mountains everywhere are being worn down by frost, snow and ice. 世界各地的高山都在不断经受 森林、积雪和冰川的消蚀
The Alps were raised some 15 million years ago 阿尔卑斯山崛起于1500万年前
as Africa, drifting northwards, collided with the southern edge of Europe. 原因是非洲板块向北漂移与欧洲南麓相撞
These spires are the eroded remains of an ancient seabed that once stretched between the two continents. 曾经连接两块大陆的古老海床 侵蚀后留下了一座座尖耸的山峰
But these are just the Alpine foothills. 可是这些只是阿尔卑斯山麓地带的小山
The range at its centre rises to 3 miles high 山脉中心地带的山峰伫立高达3英里
and is crowned with permanent snows. 并且终年覆盖积雪
The Matterhorn, 马特洪峰
its summit too steep to hold a snow field. 高峻挺拔的峰顶甚至无法附着积雪
Mont Blanc - the highest peak in Western Europe. 勃朗峰——西欧最高的山峰
The distinctive jagged shapes of the Alps 阿尔卑斯山峰具有与众不同的尖齿状外形
were carved by those great mountain sculptors - 这些杰作出自一位伟大的山峰雕刻家之手
the glaciers. 冰川
Immense rivers of moving ice, 一望无际的流动冰河
laden with rock, 满载着岩石
grind their way down the mountains, 碾磨出一座座尖峭的山峰
gouging out deep valleys. 刨削出一个个深邃的山谷
They're the most powerful erosive force on our planet. 它是地球上最大的侵蚀作用
A moulin - a shaft in the ice opened by melt water as it plunges into the depths of the glacier. 冰川瓯穴——由冰融水凿成的 直达冰川深处的圆筒状竖井
Like the water running through it, 正如奔腾不息的流水
the ice itself is constantly moving, 冰川也在不断移动
flowing down the valley with unstoppable force. 一刻不停地刨蚀着深谷
Alpine glaciers may seem immense, 阿尔卑斯冰川看起来已是无边无际
but they're dwarfed by those in the great ranges that divide the Indian subcontinent from Tibet. 但它仍比不上分隔印度次大陆 和西藏的巨大山脉中的冰川
This is the boulder strewn snout of the giant Baltoro glacier in the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan. 这片巨石滩嘴属于巨大的巴尔托洛冰川位于巴基斯坦境内的喀喇昆仑山脉
It's the biggest mountain glacier on Earth - 它是地球上最大的山丘冰川
43 miles long and over 3 miles wide. 长43英里 宽3英里多
This huge ice-filled valley is so large 这座冰封山谷巨大无比
it's clearly visible from space. 即使在太空中也能看得很清楚
This is the greatest concentration of peaks over 5 miles high to be found anywhere on Earth. 这里是地球上5英里以上高峰最集中的地方
They're the most dangerous mountains of all. 它们是最危险的山峰
K2 and her sister peaks have claimed more lives than any others. 乔戈里峰和它的姊妹峰夺去的生命 比其它山峰都要多得多
The peaks here rise so precipitously, 这里的山峰极为险峻
the glaciers are so steep and crevassed 冰川陡峭易碎
that few except the most skilled mountaineers can penetrate these ranges. 纵使最有经验的登山运动员 也很难征服这些高山
Markhor gather for their annual rut. 捻角山羊正在举行年度聚会
Males must fight for the right to breed, 公羊必须为争夺生育权而战斗
but on these sheer cliffs any slip by either animal could be fatal. 在如此峻峭的崖壁上哪一方滑倒都有可能直接送命
A snow leopard - 雪豹
the rarest of Himalayan animals. 喜马拉雅地区最稀有的动物
It's a female returning to her lair. 这是只母豹 正要返回巢穴
These are the first intimate images of snow leopard ever filmed in the wild. 这是在野外环境中 第一次近距离拍摄雪豹
She greets her one year old cub. 它在向自己一岁大的幼崽问好
Her den is well chosen. 它的巢穴选址不错
It has exceptional views of the surrounding cliffs. 非常适于观望周围崖壁的情况
On these treacherous slopes 在这些变化莫测的悬崖上
no hunter other than the snow leopard 没有其它掠食者能和雪豹一样
would have a chance of catching such fragile prey. 有机会逮住这些羸弱的猎物
A female with young makes an easier target. 一只母羊和几只小羊羔 是最容易下手的目标
Her large paws give an excellent grip 它那宽大的脚爪具备很好的抓地力
and that long tail helps her balance. 长尾巴能保持身体平衡
Silently she positions herself above her prey. 它静悄悄地来到猎物上方
She returns with nothing. 这一次它无功而返
Golden eagles patrol these cliffs in search of the weak or injured. 金雕在悬崖边巡视搜寻着老弱病残的动物
With a 2 metre wing span 靠着两米长的翼展
this bird could easily take a young markhor. 这些大鸟能轻松抓起一只小羊羔
Eagles hunt by sight 金雕捕猎靠的是视力
and the thickening veil of snow forces them to give up. 雪越下越密 它们只好选择放弃
For the leopard the snow provides cover 不过雪却能为雪豹提供掩护
and creates an opportunity. 使它有机会捕猎
The worsening weather dampens the sound of her approach 恶劣的天气掩盖了它逼近的脚步声
allowing her to get within striking distance. 它正逐渐进入攻击范围
It was an act of desperation 它已被逼上了绝路
to try and catch such a large animal. 所以才会捕捉如此大的动物
Wolves have made a kill 狼刚进行完一场屠杀
giving other hunters a chance to scavenge. 为其它掠食者留下了残存的肢体
The worst of the blizzard brings success for the snow leopard, 肆虐的风雪终于使雪豹成功了一回
but having descended so far to make the kill 不过作为自古以来的狩猎方式
she has a grueling climb to get back to her lair. 它得费很大气力才能把猎物拖回家中
The cub must be patient. 小豹只能耐心等待
It'll be a year before it has the strength and skill to kill for itself on these difficult slopes. 它至少需要一年时间才能有足够的技巧和力量 在这些艰险的峭壁上独自狩猎
The snow leopard is an almost mythical creature, 雪豹是一种几乎被神化了的动物
an icon of the wilderness, 它们是荒野的标志
an animal few humans have ever glimpsed 这种动物只有很少一部分人亲眼见过
for its world is one we seldom visit. 因为我们很少涉足它们的世界
The Karakoram lie at the western end of a range 喀喇昆仑座落在另一座山脉的西侧
that stretches across a tenth of our planet - 这座山脉绵延长达地球圆周的1/10
the Himalayas. 它就是喜马拉雅山脉
These, the highest mountains of the world, 这些世界上最高的山峰
like other great ranges, 与其它大型山脉一样
were created by the collision of continents. 也是由于大陆板块相撞而形成的
Some 50 million years ago 大约5千万年前
India collided with Tibet 印度次大陆撞上西藏
thrusting up these immense peaks, which are still rising. 挤压形成的这些巨大山峰 至今仍在不断升高
This vast barrier of rock and ice is so colossal it shapes the world's climate. 这条岩石与冰川组成的巨幅屏障极其宽广甚至能改变全球气候
Warm winds from India, full of moisture, 印度吹来的暖风满载着水气
are forced upwards by the Himalayas. 经由喜马拉雅山脉抬升
As the air rises so it cools, 上升的气流逐渐变冷
causing clouds to form 形成云团
and the monsoon is born. 从而产生了季风雨
At high altitudes the monsoon rains fall as snow. 高海拔地区的季风雨变成了雪
Here, at the far eastern end of the range in China, 这里是中国境内的山脉东部起点
one inhabitant endures the bitter winters out in the open. 有一位居民在户外忍受着严冬的寒冷
Most other bears would be sleeping underground by now, 现在其它大部分熊都已躲在地下睡大觉
but the giant panda can't fatten up enough to hibernate. 可是大熊猫没能储备足够的脂肪冬眠
Its food, bamboo, on which it totally relies 它完全依赖竹子为生
has so little nutritional value 但是竹叶没有太多营养价值
that it can't build up a store of fat like other bears. 所以它无法像别的熊那样积累起脂肪
Most of the creatures here move up or down the slopes with the seasons 这里的大部分动物 都随着季节变化上下迁移
but the panda is held captive by its diet 只有大熊猫因为食物始终逗留此地
for the kind of bamboo it eats only grows at this altitude. 它吃的这种竹子只生长在这一海拔地区
But these forests hold fewer challenges for the more mobile. 不过这些森林对于更灵活的动物来说 却没有什么挑战性
The golden snap-nosed monkey, like the giant panda, lives only in China. 和大熊猫一样川金丝猴只生活在中国境内
Their thick fur allows them to survive at greater altitudes than any other monkey 它们有厚实的毛发所以能比其它猴类更能适应高海拔气候
and when the cold bites they have these upper slopes to themselves. 每当严寒袭来这些山坡就成了它们的天下
Even if you have a warm coat 虽然有了暖和的“大衣”
it apparently helps to surround yourself with as many layers as possible. 最好还是与尽可能多的伙伴 挤在一起保暖
But at least these monkeys have a choice - 这些猴子至少还有一个选择
if they tire of tree bark and other survival food 如果它们厌倦了树皮和其它残存的食物
they can always descend to lower warmer altitudes 便会搬迁到温暖的低海拔地区
and not return there till spring. 等到春天再返回此地
As the snows retreat 冰雪消融
trees come into bloom. 万木逢春
Cherry blossom. 樱花
Rhododendrons - 杜鹃花
here in their natural home they form great forests 它们在大自然中形成大片灌木林
and fill the landscape with the covers of a new season. 为这幅季候风景画抹上一笔浓艳的色彩
These forests are a host to a rich variety of springtime migrants. 这些灌木林也是许多种春季候鸟的家园
Beneath the blooms - another display. 花丛下别有一番景象
It's the mating season for oriental pheasants, 现在正是亚洲雉的交配季节
Himalayan monal, 棕尾虹雉
tragopan 角雉
and blood pheasant. 还有血雉
Musk deer make the most of a short flash of spring foods. 许多春季食物才刚露面不久便已被麝鹿一扫而光
This male smells a potential mate. 这只公鹿闻到了未来配偶的气味
The red panda, rarely glimpsed in the wild. 小熊猫在野外十分罕见
It was once considered a kind of raccoon, 它曾经被认为是浣熊的一种
but is now believed to be a small mountain bear. 现在已被确认为一种小型山地熊类
By midsummer its larger, more famous relative, has retreated into a cave. 到了仲夏 它那更大更有名的亲戚 便会躲进山洞
A giant panda nurses a tiny week old baby. 这只大熊猫正在照顾刚满一周的小宝宝
Her tender cleaning wards off infection. 轻柔的清洁是为了防止感染
She won't leave this cave for three weeks, 未来3周内 它都不会离开这个山洞
not while her cub is so utterly helpless. 否则它的幼崽将彻底无依无靠
Progress is slow 幼崽生长得很慢
for milk produced on a diet of bamboo is wretchedly poor. 因为由竹子转化来的乳汁少得可怜
Four weeks old and the cub is still blind. 小家伙已经4周大了 可仍旧看不见东西
Its eyes do not fully open until three months after birth, 直到出生后的第3个月它的眼睛才能完全睁开
but the chances of the cub reaching adulthood are slim. 但是熊猫幼崽长到成年的机会极为渺茫
The struggle of a giant panda mother to raise her cub 大熊猫努力养育幼崽的情景
is a touching symbol of the precariousness of life in the mountains. 真是大山里濒危生命求生的动人一幕
On the highest summits of our planet 在地球上最高的地方
nothing can live permanently. 没有什么生物能在此永久生存
The highest peak of all, 世界上最高的山峰
Mount Everest, five and a half miles above sea level and still rising - the roof of our world. 海拔5.5英里的世界屋脊 ——珠穆朗玛峰仍在不断升高
Of those humans who've tried to climb it 在试图登顶珠峰的人中
one in ten have lost their lives. 有1/10失去了生命
Those that succeed can stand for only a few moments on its summit. 而成功的人们也只能在峰顶短暂逗留
The Nepalese call it 'a mountain so high no bird can fly above it.' 尼泊尔人称之为 “一座高得连鸟也飞不上去的山峰”
But each year over 50,000 demoiselle cranes set out on one of the most challenging migrations on Earth. 可是 5万多只蓑羽鹤每年都会 进行一场地球上最具挑战性的迁徙
To reach their overwintering grounds in India 要想到达印度境内的越冬场所
they must cross the Himalayas. 它们必须跨越喜马拉雅山脉
By late morning ferocious winds are roaring past the peaks. 晌午时分 群山间狂风大作
The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm. 鹤群必须提升高度躲避正在形成的风暴
They've hit serious turbulence. 它们遇上了一股强力气旋
They must turn back 它们只好掉头返回
or risk death. 否则就会送命
A new day 新的一天
and a new opportunity. 新的机遇
The flock stay in close contact by calling one another. 鹤群通过互相鸣叫保持密切联系
Weak from lack of food and water, 尽管它们缺食少水 日渐衰弱
they use thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain height. 可它们会利用热空气 ——呈圆柱形上升的热气流来获取高度
For many this is their first journey across the Himalayas. 许多蓑羽鹤都是第一次 踏上穿越喜马拉雅的旅程
For some, it will be their last. 而有些却是最后一次
The golden eagles have been expecting them. 金雕早已企待它们的到来
The eagles work in pairs to separate a young crane from the flock. 两只金雕合作将一只小鹤 从队伍中分离出来
It escapes the touches of one, 它躲过了其中一只的追捕
and is caught by another. 却没能逃过另一只的利爪
But even a young crane is a heavy prize 一只小鹤的份量也是挺重的
and the eagle has to struggle to control it. 金雕不得不努力控制飞行
The mother can wait no longer - 母鹤可不能等得太久
this is a desperate race against worsening weather. 这是一场与恶劣气候的死亡赛跑
The rest of the flock battle on. 鹤群其它成员开始背水一战
In the ascent every wing beat becomes an exhausting struggle. 上升过程中每扇一下翅膀 都得用尽全身气力
At last they are over the highest barrier that lies in their way. 最后它们终于翻越了旅途中最高的障碍
But like all who visit the world of the high mountains 不过 与所有高山世界的拜访者一样
they dare not linger. 它们也不敢逗留


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