英文 | 中文 |
Shangri-La | 香格里拉 |
Beneath billowing clouds, | 翻腾的云海之下 |
in China's far southwestern Yunnan province, | 在中国西南遥远的云南省 |
lies a place of mystery and legend. | 有一个神秘而又充满传奇的地方 |
Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world. | 这儿有着世界上最久远的雨林以及奔腾的河流 |
Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures, | 藏匿于此的河谷养育了奇异而又独特的动物 |
and colourful tribal cultures. | 同时也孕育了多彩的民族风情 |
Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics. | 雨林在远离热带的北部地区是罕见的 |
So, why do they thrive here? | 可是为什么却得以在此茁壮成长 |
And how has this rugged landscape come to harbourthe greatest natural wealth in all China? | 为何整个中国崎岖不平的山地里却蕴藏着富饶多姿的自然财富 |
In the remote southwest corner of China, | 在中国西南部的一个偏远的角落里 |
a celebration is about to take place. | 即将举行一场庆典 |
Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year. | 傣族人为他们一年中最重要的节日收集水 |
The Dai call themselves the people of the water. | 傣族人也称自己为水之民 |
Yunnan's river valleys have been their home for over 2,000 years. | 云南的河谷地带是他们的两千多年来繁衍生息的故里 |
By bringing the river water to the temple, | 把河水带到寺庙 |
they honour the two things holiest to them - | 敬俸傣族人最神圣的两件事物 |
Buddhism and their home. | 佛教和他们的家园 |
The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile lands which have nurtured their culture. | 傣族人感恩养育了傣族文化的河流以及肥沃的土地 |
Though to some it might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time. | 或许这看上去只是为了打上一场大水仗的借口 |
Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernize | 随着小镇的发展以及现代化傣族人的生活正发生着改变 |
but the Water Splashing Festival is still celebrated by all. | 泼水节依旧是众所周知的著名的傣族节日 |
The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture | 河流穿越了傣族人生活与习俗的心脏地带 |
flow from the distant mountains of Tibet, | 发源于西藏遥远的山脉之中 |
southward through central Yunnan in great parallel gorges. | 河水向南流经了宏伟的平行峡谷中的云南中部 |
The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos, | 傣族人现在居住在与越南以及老挝接壤的热带地区 |
but their legends tell of how their ancestors came here | 他们的传说讲述了先辈是怎样来到这儿的 |
by following the rivers from mountain lands in the cold far north. | 从寒冷而又遥远的北方山区顺流而下 |
Lying at the far eastern end of the Himalayas, | 头枕着遥远的喜马拉雅山脉东部的末端 |
the Hengduan mountains form Yunnan's northern border with Tibet. | 横断山脉构成了滇北的边界并与西藏相交 |
Kawakarpo, crown of the Hengduan range,is a site of holy pilgrimage. | 卡瓦格博峰是横断山脉之上的王冠也是圣洁朝圣者旅途的一站 |
Yet, its formidable peak remains unconquered. | 然而她那令人敬畏的顶点至今未被征服 |
Yunnan's mountains are remote,rugged and inaccessible. | 云南的山不但遥远而且崎岖 |
Here the air is thin and temperatures can drop below minus 40 degrees. | 这里空气稀薄而且气温能骤降至零下四十度 |
This is home to an animal that's found nowhere else on Earth. | 这里是地球上独一无二的动物 |
The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey. | 又称扁鼻黑金丝猴即传说中的雪猴滇金丝猴的家园 |
It's found only in these few isolated mountain forests. | 只有在极少数与世隔绝的山林中才能看到它们的踪影 |
No other primate lives at such high altitudes. | 在如此高海拔的地区难以寻觅其它灵长类动物的踪迹 |
but these are true specialists. | 这些是真正的专家 |
These ancient mountain dwellers have inspired legends. | 这些出没在远古深山中的原住民有着一些通灵的传说 |
Local Lisu people consider them their ancestors, | 当地的傈僳族人就把它们当作自己的祖先 |
calling them "the wild men of the mountains". | 并把它们称为:“山中野老” |
During heavy snowfalls,even these specialists cannot feed. | 在大雪之中即使是这些专家也不能够进食 |
It seems a strange place for a monkey. | 对滇金丝猴来说似乎又来到了一个新奇的地方 |
Between snows, the monkeys waste no time in their search for food. | 在另一场雪到了之前滇金丝猴抓紧时间寻找食物 |
At this altitude,there are few fruits or tender leaves to eat. | 在高海拔地区只有少数水果与嫩叶可供食用 |
90% of their diet is made up of the fine dry wisps of a curious organism. | 百分之九十的日常饮食由不常见的成捆精细干有机物组成 |
Half fungus, half plant it's lichen. | 其中一半是真菌,另外一半是植物地衣 |
How have monkeys,normally associated with lowland jungle, | 提起猴子人们通常联想到的是低地雨林 |
come to live such aremote mountain existence? | 缘何他们选择在偏远的山地繁衍生息呢 |
This is not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks. | 它们并非这些孤耸的高峰上唯一醒目的生命 |
A Chinese red panda. | 一只中国小熊猫 |
Solitary and quiet, it spends much of its time in the tree tops. | 这位沉默寡言的隐士将自己生命的大部分置于树的顶端 |
Despite its name, | 抛开它的名字 |
the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda. | 让小熊猫与大熊猫扯上亲戚关系是一件非常勉强的事情 |
It's actually more closely related to a skunk. | 小熊猫有时在中文中也称火狐,英文中亦有FireFox 既是对其的直接译名。列在熊科或浣熊科是多年 一直被争论的问题,最近经过基因分析认为与美洲 大的浣熊亲缘关系最接近,应该单独列为小熊科, 它在血缘上更接近臭鼬。 |
But it does share the giant panda's taste for bamboo. | 但他却和大熊猫有着共同的口味嗜好--竹子 |
Southwest China's red pandas are known for their very strong facial markings | 中国西南部的小熊猫因其醒目的面部花纹而著称 |
which distinguish them from red pandas found anywhere else in the Himalayas. | 这些特征将他们与其它在喜马拉雅地区发现的火狐物种区分开来 |
Like the monkeys, they were isolated in these high forests | 如同猴类一般它们被隔离在了高远的山林之中 |
when the mountains quite literally rose beneath them | 山体在巨大的造山运动中被挨个完全抬起 |
in the greatest mountain-building event in recent geological history. | 近年来的地质学历史已经证明了这一点 |
Over the last 30 million years, | 在过去3000万年间 |
the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia. | 印度次大陆持续向北挤压欧亚大陆 |
On the border between India and Tibet | 印度与西藏的交界处 |
the rocks have been raised eight kilometres above sea level, | 巨大的岩石被推挤至海平面以上8000米处之高 |
creating the world's highest mountain range, the Himalayas. | 造就了世界最高大宏伟的山脉喜马拉雅山 |
But to the east, | 对东部来说 |
the rocks have buckled into a series of steep north-south ridges, | 岩石被皱褶进了南北走向的绵延陡峭的山脊 |
cutting down through the heart of Yunnan, | 同时也切进了云南的心脏地带 |
the parallel mountains of the Hengduan Shan. | 形成了平行的横断山脉 |
These natural barriers serve to isolate Yunnan's plants and animals | 这些天然屏障守护着隔绝在云南 |
in each adjacent valley. | 各自毗邻的河谷中的动植物 |
While the huge temperature range between the snowy peaks | 雪峰与斜坡间的巨大的温差 |
and the warmer slopes below | 所创造的足够的优厚条件 |
provides a vast array of conditions for life to thrive. | 使得这儿生命彰显无限生机 |
Through spring, | 春的岁月 |
the Hengduan slopes stage one of China's greatest natural spectacles. | 横断山脉的斜坡上上演了中国最为壮绝的自然景致 |
The forests here are among the most diverse botanical areas in the world. | 此处的森林拥有世界上最多样化的植被及物种 |
Over 18,000 plant species grow here, | 这里生长着超过18000种植物 |
of which 3,000 are found nowhere else. | 其中约3000种植物是这儿特有的 |
Until little more than a century ago,this place was unknown outside China. | 直到一个多世纪前这里还是个未为人知的世外桃源 |
But then news reached the West | 然而有关这个神奇隐秘的东方世界的传言 |
of a mysterious, hidden world of the orient. | 却不胫而走传至西方 |
Hidden among the mountains,a lost Shangri-la paradise. | 隐匿在群山中遗落人间的最后天堂香格里拉 |
Western high society, in the grip of a gardening craze, | 当时西方上流社会盛行园艺 |
was eager for exotic species from faraway places. | 渴望获得遥远国度的稀有物种 |
This gave rise to a new breed of celebrity adventurers, | 这也造就了新物种的探险家 |
intrepid botanist-explorers known as "the Plant Hunters". | 无畏的植物探索家 世称“植物猎人” |
Yunnan became their Holy Grail. | 云南成为了他们的圣杯 (Holy Grail是Jesus在最后的晚宴上 使用的餐具据称有不可思议的神奇力量) |
The most famous was Joseph Rock,a real life Indiana Jones. | 其中最出名的便是Joseph Rock 真人版的Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones是电影 "迷失方舟的侵入者" 中的英雄) |
Remarkable film footage captured his entourage on a series of expeditions, | 胶片出色的记录了他与随行人员的一系列 |
as they pushed into the deepest corners of Yunnan. | 深入云南腹地的探险远征 |
In glorious colour he recorded the plant life he found | 他发现了千姿百态的植物 |
on special photographic glass plates. | 并将其记录于特制的玻璃质感光片上 |
Sending thousands of specimens back to the West, | 通过将成千上万的标本送回西方 |
the Plant Hunters changed the gardens of the world forever. | 植物猎人永远的改变了世界园艺 |
Rock's success was born of a massive effort. | Rock的成功源自其不懈的努力 |
For, to find his Shangri-la, | 为了找到他的香格里拉 |
not only had he to traverse endless mountain ranges, | 他翻越了无尽连绵的山脉 |
but some of the deepest gorges in the world. | 征服了世界上最深的峡谷 |
The Nujiang is called The Angry River. | 怒江之名意为愤怒的河流 |
This 300-kilometre stretch of raging rapids | 绵延三百公里的急流如同那些巍峨群山 |
is as much a barrier to life as are the mountains above. | 成为了保护野生生命的天然屏障 |
WAVES CRASH | 惊涛拍岸 |
But the plant hunters weren't the first people to travel here. | 植物猎人并非第一个到这里旅行的人 |
Along the Nujiang, | 怒江之上 |
less than 30 rope crossings allow locals passage across the torrents. | 有二十多座溜索桥供当地人飞越激流 |
Tiny hamlets cling to the slopes. | 小村落依山而居 |
This morning, it's market day, | 今天是赶集的日子 |
drawing people from up and down the valley. | 一大早人们就从山谷的四处集中 |
PIG OINKS | 猪叫声 |
GOAT BLEATS | 山羊咩咩的叫 |
Hanging from simple rope slings, | 当地人使用这种简易吊索穿越河流 |
people have been using the crossings for many hundreds of years. | 已有数百年的历史 |
In such narrow, precipitous gorges | 在如此狭窄陡峭的山谷中 |
it's by far the easiest way to get around. | 这种简易的交通方式显得尤为便捷 |
Once across, the steep sides mean it's still a hike. | 虽然成功抵达彼岸前方崎岖的山路依旧艰辛 |
Many trek for hours by foot before they get to the market. | 抵达集市前还需要数小时的艰苦跋涉 |
The immense valley is home to over a dozen ethnic groups. | 超过十二个以上的族群居住在这片宽阔的河谷之中 |
Some, like the Nu people,are found only here. | 怒族人仅存于此 |
The markets bring the mountain tribes together. | 不同族群的山民们在集市上相聚 |
To continue his expeditions, | 为了继续他的征途 |
Rock had to get his entire entourage across the giant Yunnan rivers. | Rock与他的探险队必须设法越过云南的激流 |
He commissioned especially thick ropes made from forest rattan | 他定制了用森林藤蔓特制的结实绳索来完成运载 |
and filmed the entire event. | 并记录下了整个全程 |
With yak butter to smooth the ride,40 men and 15 mules made the journey. | 他们用牦牛油润滑了吊索40个人和15头骡子开始渡河 |
Not all made it across. | 但并非每次都成功抵达了彼岸 |
On the far side of the great Nujiang gorge, | 在怒江河谷遥远的彼岸 |
the Plant Hunters made a remarkable discovery. | 植物猎人们有了惊人的发现 |
Far from the tropics, | 尽管远离热带 |
they seemed to be entering a steamy,vibrant tropical jungle, | 他们却似乎进入了一片热气腾腾的热带丛林 |
the forest of Gaoligongshan. | 这就是高黎贡山的森林 |
The flora here is unlike anywhere else in the world. | 这里的植物群落与众不同 |
Next to subtropical species,alpine plants grow in giant form. | 类似亚热带高山植物物种的巨大外形 |
Crowning the canopy, rhododendrons,up to 30 metres high. | 高达30多米的杜鹃花向着苍穹昂首怒放 |
In April and May, their flowers turn the forests ruby red, | 四五月间它们将苍翠的山林染成一片嫣红 |
attracting bird species found only here. | 吸引了唯此独有的鸟类 |
Constant moisture in the air means that the branches are laden with flowering epiphytes, | 空气中丰富的水份供养的寄生植物增加了枝条的负载 |
fiercely guarded by tiny sunbirds,unique to these valleys. | 这些山谷中特有的小太阳鸟精心护卫着杜鹃花的枝条 |
Nectar feeders, these are the humming birds of the Old World tropics. | 蜂雀是花蜜的掠食者远古以来就一直生活在热带地区 |
The forests of Gaoligongshan are home to some of China's rarest wildlife. | 高黎贡山的森林是中国部分珍稀动物的家园 |
This is a female Temminck's Tragopan. | 这是一只雌性红腹角雉 |
She has a colourful male admirer. | 她有着一位绚丽夺目的雄性追求者 |
He's hoping to woo her with his peculiar peekaboo display | 它希望用奇特的躲猫猫游戏来向雌性求爱 |
but she's not about to be rushed. | 但她却不想轻易将芳心托付 |
His colourful skin wattle reflects more light than feathers do. | 它多彩的盘状肉髯比羽毛能更好的反射光线 (skin wattle肉髯此系指颈部皮肤上的附属物) |
To her, this is like a neon sign. | 对雌性来说简直就是黑暗中的霓虹灯 |
Seeing his chance,the male makes his move. | 是行动的时候了 |
Constant moisture in the Gaoligongshan forests | 高黎贡山的森林总是保持着湿润的气候 |
means that throughout the year there are always fruits on the trees. | 这意味着这里终年都出产水果 |
Such abundance of food encourages a high diversity of fruit eaters | 如此丰盛的水果吸引了各式各样原本 |
more commonly found in the tropics. | 仅存于热带地区的“水果派”们 |
The black giant squirrel is found only in undisturbed rainforest. | 大黑松鼠原本只生活在原始雨林中 |
At close to a metre in length, it's one of the world's largest squirrels. | 体长近一米的大黑松鼠是世界上体型最大的松鼠之一 |
The mystery is that these forests are growing well outside the tropics. | 神奇之处在于这些森林远离热带却依旧繁茂 |
By rights, none of this jungle,or its animals, should be here. | 要是公正的说雨林及其间的动物本不该存在于此 |
These are bear macaques. | 这是短尾猕猴 |
They're found only in tropical and sub-tropical jungle. | 他们通常只生活在热带亚热带的丛林中 |
With a tiny home range of just a few square kilometres, | 之所以能够在这片方圆千米的袖珍家园生息 |
they depend on the abundant fruit | 靠的是全年丰足的水果供给 |
that only true rainforests can provide all year round. | 这种得天独厚的饮食条件足以媲美热带雨林 |
To the European plant hunters, | 对欧洲的植物猎人而言 |
these northern rainforests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world. | 北方的雨林简直是奇幻美妙的失落世界 |
Yet, when they came here, they would have found beautifully constructed ancient stone pathways. | 然而 当他们来到这里却发现了构造美丽的古石道 |
on which the forest could be explored. | 拜此所赐 森林探索得以进行 |
Winding westwards into the hills, | 蜿蜒向西深入山地 |
these were once some of the most important highways in Asia, | 曾一度是亚洲地区的要道 |
the southwestern tea and silk road. | 西南部的茶马古道(即为西南丝绸之路) |
Built thousands of years ago, | 茶马古道源于古代西南边疆的茶马互市兴于唐宋盛于明清 |
the southwestern tea and silk road gave access to the world beyond China's borders, | 西南茶马古道越过中国的边境迎来了远自罗马的商人与旅者 |
carrying tradesmen and travellers from as far away as Rome. | 将这片古老土地与世界相连 |
Wars were fought over access to this tiny path, | 这条路上曾燃烧过连绵的战火 |
the only sure route in or out of China, | 也是出入当时中国的唯一咽喉要道 |
that was guaranteed to be clear of snow all year round. | 必须要保证全年畅通无阻 |
So, what causes Gaoligongshan's strange and remarkable climate? | 那么是什么造就了高黎贡山独特的气候 |
In late May, gusts of wind arrive, | 五月后旬阵风来临 |
bringing with them the key to Gaoligongshan's mystery. | 带来了解开高黎贡山气候之谜的钥匙 |
The winds are hot and saturated with water. | 热风富含水分 |
They come all the way from the Indian Ocean. | 它们完全来自于印度洋 |
Channelled by Yunnan's unique geography, | 受云南独特地形的影响 |
they bring with them the moisture of the tropical monsoon. | 热带季风带来了充沛的雨量 |
The giant river valleys,created millions of years ago, | 形成于千百万年前的巨大河谷 |
act like immense funnels. | 如同巨大的漏斗一般 |
The gorges are so deep and narrow, | 这些峡谷深邃狭长 |
that the moist warm air is driven right up into the north of Yunnan. | 引导湿热气流径直流向滇北 |
The result is rain, in torrents! | 然后就是降雨暴泄的狂流 |
Four months of daily rainstorms sustain luxuriant vegetation. | 近四个月的持续雷雨滋润着茂盛的植物 |
The arrival of the monsoon | 季风的来临 |
awakens one of the forest's most extraordinary moisture-loving inhabitants. | 唤醒了森林中最喜好潮湿的居民 |
The crocodile newt is one of the most unusual of the many amphibian species found here. | 类鳄蝾螈是此处发现的最为不凡的两栖动物之一 |
As the rains arrive,they emerge to mate. | 当雨季来临它们开始求偶繁衍 |
The newts are said to leave an odour trail that potential mates can follow. | 据说鳄蝾会为其潜在的伴侣留下气味线索 |
The crocodile newt gets its name from the bumps along its back. | 类鳄蝾螈得名于它背上嶙峋的凸起 |
These are its defence. | 这是它们的天然防御 |
If grabbed by a potential predator, | 一旦被潜在的肉食者捕获 |
the tips of its ribs squeeze a deadly poison from the bumps. | 肋骨的顶部的隆起物中便会挤压出致命的毒素 |
The deluge wakes another forest inhabitant. | 暴雨唤醒了另外一种森林生物 |
This one is particularly astounding in its vigour! | 它那勃发向上的朝气令人叹为观止 |
It can grow up to a metre a day, | 它一天能够生长一米 |
fast overtaking the other plants around it. | 使其迅速傲视四周 |
The taller it grows,the faster its growth rate, | 长得愈发高挺长势愈发猛烈 |
so that in a matter of days it towers above the undergrowth, | 数日间便拔地而起凌驾于灌木丛之上 |
and continues reaching for the sky. | 并且持续向着天际进发 |
Not bad for what is essentially a grass. | 对于出身草根的它而言干得还不赖 |
It's bamboo. | 它就是竹子 |
Given the chance, | 时机成熟 |
bamboo will create immense forests,dominating entire areas. | 竹子将造就出支配整个地域的庞大竹林 |
Bamboo forests occur across southwest China, | 竹林的踪迹遍及整个中国的西南部 |
all the way to Shanghai. | 一路向东直至上海都能看到它的身影 |
But probably the highest diversity of bamboos in the world | 或许世界上最高耸挺拔的竹子 |
is found on the hills and valleys of Yunnan. | 却悠然生长在云南的山谷之中 |
Though incredibly strong,bamboos have hollow stems, | 尽管外表坚硬竹子的腹中却空无一物 |
a perfect shelter for any creatures which can find a way in. | 为一切能够寻径而入的生命创造了天然完美的庇护所 |
This entrance hole was made by a beetle | 这是甲虫开凿的一个入口 |
but it's being used by a very different animal. | 但却为完全不同的生物做了嫁衣 |
A bamboo bat. | 竹节蝙蝠 |
The size of a bumblebee, it's one of the tiniest mammals in the world. | 它是世界上最小的哺乳动物体型和大黄蜂差不多一样大 |
The entire colony, up to 25 bats, | 整个聚居地内里多达25只竹节蝙蝠 |
fits into a single section of bamboo stem, smaller than a tea cup. | 挤在比一个茶杯的空间还要狭小的竹节里 |
It's quite a squeeze! | 这简直就是挤油渣 |
Half the colony are babies. | 竹节内一半的空间属于竹蝠宝宝 |
Though barely a week old, they are already almost as big as their mums. | 尽管只有一周大而已他们的体型却长得和妈妈一般大小了 |
Feeding such a fast-growing brood is hard work. | 喂养这帮疯长的小家伙实在是件苦差事 |
The mums leave to hunt just after dusk each night. | 蝙蝠母亲们只在每晚薄暮降临后外出寻觅食物 |
Back in the roost,the young are left on their own. | 小家伙们被留下来看家 |
Special pads on their wings help them to grip on the bamboo walls - | 翅膀上独特的肉趾帮助他们攀爬竹壁 |
most of the time. | 绝大多数时候 |
The young bats use the extra space to prepare for a life on the wing | 小竹蝠们在剩下的空间里用伸展腰肢整理翅膀 |
by preening and stretching. | 为日后的飞行早做准备 |
Packed in like sardines, they would make an easy target for a snake. | 就像罐头里的沙丁鱼挤得满满的将成为容易被蛇攻击的目标 |
But the snake has no chance of getting in. | 但是蛇却没有收获的机会 |
The entrance is thinner than the width of a pencil. | 入口的宽度比铅笔还要细 |
When the mothers return, | 当蝙蝠妈妈回来时 |
they can push through the narrow entrance only because of their unusually flattened skulls. | 穿过狭窄的入口必须要依靠它们与众不同的扁平颅骨 |
But it's still a squeeze. | 同样还是需要用力才能挤进去 |
Bamboos are exploited in a very different way by another forest dweller. | 另一个深林的原住民在竹子的采集与使用方面独辟蹊径 |
Fresh bamboo shoots are an important forest crop. | 新鲜的竹笋是重要的深林作物 |
Ai Lao Xiang is of the Hani tribe, | 哈尼族有一个聚居地叫哀牢 |
from the mountain village of Mengsong. | 坐落于今西双版纳州勐海县的勐宋乡 |
Roasted, the tender shoots he gathers will make a tasty dish. | 他采集的嫩竹笋将会被烤成一道美味的菜肴 |
The Hani have many uses for the different bamboos they grow and find in the forest around. | 哈尼族不仅从树林中采集竹子 也种植各个品种竹子以供不同的用途 |
Though flexible enough to be woven, | 尽管竹子足够柔韧以至于可以用来穿戴 |
bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel. | 但竹子却拥有比钢还要好的抗张强度 |
Succulent when young, | 嫩竹子富含水分 |
in maturity it's tough and durable,ideal for making a table | 成材的竹子制成的桌子坚固耐用 |
and strong enough for a pipe to last a lifetime. | 用竹子做成的水烟筒甚至可以用上一辈子 |
The people of southwest China | 中国西南部的人民 |
have found an extraordinary number of ways to exploit this most versatile of plants. | 找到了很多种方法来利用这种用途异常广泛的植物 |
Part of bamboo's phenomenal success | 竹子非凡成功中的一部分原因是 |
is that it's so tough that few animals can tackle it. | 因为它足够坚硬以至于只有很少的动物能够食用 |
Yet, bamboo does come under attack. | 看 竹子确实正在遭到攻击 |
A bamboo rat. | 一只竹鼬 |
Feeding almost exclusively on bamboo, | 吃的差不多全是竹子 |
they live their entire lives in tunnels beneath the forest. | 它们一辈子都生活在树林之下的地道之中 |
The thinner species of bamboo are easy to attack and pull below. | 细小的竹子很容易被拖进坑道中 |
She has a fantastic sense of smell | 她拥有极其出色的嗅觉 |
and can sniff out the fresh growth through the soil. | 能够透过土壤嗅到新鲜的生长物 |
Bamboo spreads along underground stems. | 竹子的根一直往地下延伸 |
By following these, new shoots are found. | 非常有利于竹鼬顺根找到新鲜的竹枝 |
Once a shoot is detected, | 一旦竹枝被发现 |
she snips it free and drags it down into her burrow. | 竹鼬咬断之后把竹枝拖回到她的地洞里 |
This female has a family. | 这只雌性竹鼬拥有着一个家庭 |
At just a few weeks old, | 小竹鼬出世才只有几个星期 |
the youngsters can already tackle the hardest bamboo stems | 小竹鼬已经能够应付最硬的竹枝了 |
and are eager to try. | 它们是如此的渴望咬上几口 |
Bamboo's tough reputation is such, | 竹子坚硬的名声是如此的显赫 |
that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as "The Iron Eating Animal". | 另一个食竹高手被认为是中国的“攻坚专家” |
The giant panda is famous for its exclusive diet. | 大熊猫以其独特的日常饮食而闻名于世 |
Giant pandas are thought to have originated in southwest China, millions of years ago, | 大熊猫被认为在几百万年前起源于中国的西南部 |
but they are no longer found in Yunnan. | 大熊猫现在已经在云南绝迹 |
Recently, their specialised diet has had dire consequences. | 近年来,恐怖的结果降临到了大熊猫钟爱的食物上 |
Bamboo has a bizarre life cycle, | 竹子有着难以预测的生命周期 |
flowering infrequently, sometimes only once every hundred years or so. | 不常见的花季,有时在百年之内竹子才会开一次花 |
But when flowering does occur,it's on a massive scale, | 一旦竹子的花季来临,就会影响到可观数量的竹子 |
and it's followed by the death of all of the plants. | 所有的植株都将追随死神的召唤 |
Sometimes an entire bamboo forest may die. | 有时,整片竹林都可能随之消亡 |
In undisturbed habitat, pandas simply move to another area | 在没有受到干扰的栖息地中熊猫 往往只是迁移到另外一片区域而已 |
where a different bamboo species grows. | 未受开花影响的不同品种的竹子依旧生机勃勃 |
But as human activity has fragmented their forest home, | 人类的活动已经破坏了熊猫生存区域的连续性 |
pandas find it increasingly hard to find large enough areas in which to survive. | 大熊猫所面临的生存环境日益窘迫 |
Wild pandas are now found only in the forests of Central China, | 野生大熊猫现在仅存活于中国中部的森林里 |
far to the east. | 远离东部 |
But in the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in Yunnan's tropical south, | 在隐秘的云南南部热带的小型低地丛林里 |
live one of China's best-kept wildlife secrets. | 居住着中国最神秘的野生动物之一 |
DEEP BELLOW | 深沉的咆哮 |
The wild Asian elephant. | 亚洲野象 |
Elephants once roamed across China as far north as Beijing. | 亚洲野象的一次迁徙可以走到中国北方的北京那么远 |
But it's only in the hidden valleys of Yunnan that they have survived. | 但是它们仅仅存活于云南的隐秘的山谷之中 |
Elephants are the architects of the forest. | 大象是森林的建筑师 |
Bamboos and grasses are their favourite food | 竹子和草是大象最喜爱的食物 |
but saplings, tree leaves and twisted lianas are all taken, with little care. | 吃一些盘旋的藤蔓植物树苗以及树叶也无所谓 |
As they move through the forest, | 当它们穿越森林 |
the elephants open up clearings,bringing light to the forest floor. | 大象开辟出了小块的林中空地为森林中的地面带来了阳光 |
This has a major impact on their home. | 这对它们的家园有着较大的影响 |
The richest forests are now known to be those which from time to time experience change. | 富足的森林正为那些偶尔经历改变所熟知 |
The Jinou people are incredibly knowledgeable about their forests | 基诺族对于森林的知识博学得让人难以置信 |
and claim to have uses for most of the plants that they find there. | 他们声称能够利用在这儿找到的大多数植物 |
They have names for them all, | 所有的植物都被基诺族人命名 |
those good for eating and some which even have strong medicinal qualities. | 那些吃起来应该不错有的植物甚至还有很高的药用价值 |
By working here, the Jinou play a similar role to the elephants, | 通过在这儿劳动基诺族人扮演了一个与大象相似的角色 |
opening up the forest,bringing space, light and diversity. | 开发森林 拓展空间带来了阳光与多样化 |
Green, fast growing species are encouraged. | 生长迅速的绿色植物有很强的竞争优势 |
Insects are in high abundance here, | 这儿的昆虫资源也极其富足 |
together with the animals that feed on them. | 以昆虫为食的动物也不少 |
Knowledge of the forest enables the Jinou to find not just plants, | 基诺族人掌握的关于森林的知识使他们能够找到植物之外的 |
but other tasty forest food too. | 其它美味可口的森林食品 |
Forest crabs are common here,feeding on the abundant leaf litter. | 丛林地蟹在这儿很常见它们以充足的废叶为食 |
This will be a tasty addition to the evening meal. | 晚餐又多了一道美味可口的菜肴 |
Flowing through Yunnan's southern valleys, | 流经云南南部的山谷 |
the once angry rivers are now swollen, | 怒江的水量正是充沛的时候 |
their waters slow and warm. | 缓慢流动河水有些温暖 |
These fertile lowland valleys are the home of the Dai. | 这些富饶的低地河谷是傣族人的家园 |
The "People of the Water" | 水之民 |
live along streams which originate in the surrounding hills. | 山环水抱沿河而居 |
Each family keeps a kitchen garden | 每一个家庭都拥有一个菜园子 |
modelled on the multi-layered structure of the surrounding forests, | 仿照森林环境中的多层结构 |
which the Dai hold sacred. | 傣族人对森林满怀敬重 |
The gardens are made more productive by inter-planting different crops. | 套种不同的作物能够显著提高产量 |
Tall, sun-loving species give shelter to plants which thrive in the shade. | 高大向阳的作物为阴地植物提供了遮阳伞 |
As companions,the plants grow better. | 作为伙伴,大家都得以茁壮成长 |
Yunnan's forests are home to more than a dozen wild banana species | 云南的森林里有十二种以上不同品种的野生香蕉 |
and banana crops grow well in most Dai gardens. | 多数傣族人的菜园里的香蕉都长势良好 |
The huge banana flowers are rich in nectar for only two hours a day, | 尽管富含花蜜的硕大香蕉树花一天只绽放两个小时 |
but it's enough to attract a range of forest insects, including hornets. | 却足以吸引周围森林中的昆虫前来采吸大黄蜂当然也不甘落后 |
With their razor sharp mandibles, | 用它们剃刀般锋利的下颚骨 |
they find it easy to rob the flowers of their nectar. | 很容易就能够采集到花蜜 |
But hornets are predators too. | 捕食者大黄蜂也是肉食动物 |
They hunt other insects and carry them back to their nest. | 它们捕食其它的昆虫并带回蜂巢 |
An ideal target, | 一个理想的目标 |
but this grasshopper is no easy meal. | 但是这只蚱蜢并非免费的盘中餐 |
There may be a price to pay. | 也许要为之付出一定的代价 |
The Dai men, Po and Xue Ming, take advantage of a hunter's instincts. | 傣族猎人Po与Xue Ming利用猎人的本能 |
A hornet sting is agony. | 被大黄蜂蛰伤是一件很痛苦的事情 |
But for now it's distracted,intent on cutting away | 现在大黄蜂的心思都在蚱蜢身上 |
a piece of grasshopper small enough to carry back home. | 咬下一块足够小的蚱蜢肉以便带回蜂巢 |
Success! | 成功了 |
The white feather hardly slows the hornet, | 白色的羽毛几乎没有迟滞黄蜂的飞行速度 |
and, more importantly, | 然而,更总要的是 |
it can be seen. | 白色羽毛能够为猎人导航 |
Now the hunter is the hunted. | 猎人的狩猎现在开始了 |
So long as Po and Xue Ming can keep up! | 只要Po与Xue Ming能够跟上 |
Back at the nest,the other hornets | 回到蜂巢后,其它的大黄蜂 |
immediately begin to cut the feather free. | 立即把羽毛咬碎 |
But it's too late. The nest's location has been betrayed. | 但是为时已晚蜂巢的位置已经暴露 |
The relationship between the forest animals and the people who live here | 森林动物与当地人之间的关系 |
was never one of harmony. | 几乎就没有和睦的时候 |
Yet the fact that the Dai and other ethnic groups considered these forests to be sacred, | 傣族与其他的族群认为森林是神圣不可侵犯的 |
has ensured their survival | 并且能够为他们的生存提够保障 |
and now many have been given extra protection as nature reserves. | 现在很多森林通过自然保护区的形式被特别地保护起来 |
Ingenuity and hard work pays off at last. | 身心的劳累终于获得了回报 |
The fattened larvae are considered a delicacy by the Dai. | 傣族人很喜欢食用这种多脂的幼虫 |
Although these forests have experienced a great deal of change, | 尽管这些森林历尽了沧桑巨变 |
they are still host to some ancient and incredible relationships. | 但它们依旧是一些远古的令人难以置信的关系的主人 |
Almost 60 centimetres high, | 差不多六十厘米高 |
this is the immense flower of the Elephant yam. | 这是滇南魔芋的巨大花冠 |
Locals call it the "Witch of the Forest". | 当地人称之为丛林女巫 |
As the stars rise,the witch begins to cast her spell. | 夜幕降临繁星满天丛林女巫开始释放她的魔力 |
The forest temperature drops,but the flower starts to heat up. | 森林中的气温下降了花儿却开始升温了 |
A heat sensitive camera reveals the flower's temperature | 热成像摄影机显示出了花的温度 |
rising by an incredible ten degrees Celsius. | 温度令人难以置信的升高了十摄氏度 |
At the same time, a noxious stench of rotting flesh fills the forest air. | 在这个时候,腐肉有毒的臭气弥散在整个森林 |
As the flower's heat increases,a cloud of odour rises up. | 随着花朵热量的增加臭气阵阵袭来 |
The foul perfume carries far and wide. | 难闻的味道四处飘散 |
It doesn't go unnoticed. | 它并非没有注意到 |
Carrion beetles arrive on the scene. | 腐尸甲虫登场了 |
The beetles come in search of a feast of warm decaying flesh, | 甲虫来到这儿寻找一顿温暖的腐肉圣宴 |
but they've been tricked. | 但是甲虫上当了 |
Slippery sides ensure they tumble | 滑溜的花壁使甲虫摔倒 |
straight into the centre of the monster flower. | 直接跌进了巨花的中央 |
There's not enough room to spread their wings | 这儿的空间不足以让甲虫展开它的翅膀 |
and the waxy walls ensure that there's no escape. | 像蜡一般光滑的花壁注定甲虫无处可逃 |
But there's nothing sinister in the flower's agenda. | 花儿挽留甲虫做客期间并不会有任何凶险的事情发生 |
The beetles will be its unwitting helpers. | 甲虫将会在不知情的情况下成为花的助手 |
Dawn arrives, | 天色破晓 |
but the flower remains unchanged,holding its captives through the day. | 花朵困住了它的俘虏一整天 |
As the second night falls,the witch stirs again. | 次日的夜色洒向了大地丛林女巫再次释放它的热情 |
In a matter of minutes, the flower's precious golden pollen | 一会儿,花朵珍贵的金色花粉 |
squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall, | 从雄蕊中挣扎而出并下坠 |
showering onto the captive beetles below. | 阵阵洒落在被俘获的甲虫身上 |
Now, at last, the prisoners are free to go. | 现在,囚徒终于被释放 |
The flower's wall changes texture,becoming rough | 花壁的质地变得粗糙起来 |
to provide the ideal escape ladder. | 提供了理想的逃离天梯 |
Loaded with their pollen parcels,they can now climb to freedom, | 满载花粉奔向自由 |
just as other forest witches are beginning to open. | 正好其它的丛林女巫即将绽放 |
Seduced by the irresistible perfume,the beetles are sure to pay a visit, | 无法抗拒的味道引诱甲虫再次造访 |
so ensuring pollination, | 保证了授粉得以施行 |
and another generation of incredibly big, smelly flowers. | 也因此保证了这种硕大的发出难闻气味的花得以传宗接代 |
As dawn arrives, forest birds claim their territories in the canopy. | 晨曦乍现森林之鸟在树荫地下宣告它们的领地 |
BIRDSONG | 鸟鸣声 |
But there's one call which stands out among the rest - | 这儿有一种声音在其中显得格外突兀 |
virtuoso of the forest symphony. | 森林交响乐的艺术大师 |
It's a gibbon. | 是一只长臂猿 |
Living on a remote mountain range in south central Yunnan | 在云南中南部偏远的山脉之中 |
is one of the few remaining wild gibbon populations in China. | 居住着中国的珍稀动物野生长臂猿群 |
The black-crested gibbons of Wuliangshan. | 无量山里的黑冠长臂猿 |
They are confined to these forest mountains, | 他们活动范围局限在这些山林之中 |
so remote and steep that few hunters ever come here. | 如此偏远而又陡峭的环境以至于少有猎人光顾 |
The Wuliangshan gibbons are unusual for their social structure. | 对它们的社会结构来说无量山的长臂猿是如此的与众不同 |
Most gibbons live in small family groups | 大多数长臂猿生活在一个小家族之中 |
consisting of a mating pair and their offspring. | 由交配的双方和他们的后代所组成 |
But these gibbons exist in troops. | 但是这些长臂猿也过着群居的生活 |
One male can have two or sometimes three females | 一只雄性长臂猿能够与两只到三只的雌性交配 |
and all of these can have young. | 而且这些雌性都能怀胎生子 |
Often even the juveniles stay in the community. | 通常这些小长臂猿都生活在族群之中 |
BABY SQUEAKS | 幼崽的吱吱声 |
Rarely glimpsed,this baby may be only a day old. | 惊鸿一瞥这只小长臂猿也许刚出生了一天 |
If it survives infancy,then it has a promising future | 如果安全度过了婴儿期它将拥有一个充满希望的未来 |
in these few valleys with its close-knit family. | 与它组织严密的家庭共同生活在宛如世外桃源的山谷中 |
Gibbon song once inspired the ancient poets of China, | 长臂猿的歌声曾经激发了中国的古代诗人的灵感 |
their glorious calls echoing far across the hills. | 它们壮美的歌声回荡在崇山峻岭之间 谱写了“两岸猿声啼不住”的辉煌篇章 |
But now, new, strangely quiet forests have come to Yunnan. | 可是现在云南的森林异常的宁静 |
These trees are here to produce an important and valuable crop. | 这些树能够出产一种重要而又珍贵的作物 |
When the tree bark is scored,it yields copious sticky sap, | 当树皮被刮开便流出了丰沛的粘液 |
so bitter and tacky that nothing can feed on it. | 没有任何动物能够以这种又苦又粘的液体为食 |
It's the tree's natural defence against attack. | 这是树木面对攻击时的自我保护 |
It's collected daily, | 它每天都被采集 |
bowl by bowl. | 一碗又一碗 |
It will be boiled and processed into one of the most important materials | 液体将被熬制成为一种非常重要的材料 |
to a fast developing nation - rubber. | 橡胶对发展中国家来说尤为关键 |
The expansion of the rubber forests began in the '50s when China, | 中国的橡胶林种植面积在五十年代时急速扩张 |
under a world rubber embargo, | 美国侵略朝鲜期间对当时的中国实行了 全面的经济封锁和橡胶禁运 |
had to become self-sufficient in this vital product. | 中国对这种战略原料的需求必须自给自足 |
Beijing turned to the only place where rubber could grow, | 北京当局把目光转向了橡胶树唯一能够快速成材的地方 |
the tropical south of Yunnan. | 位于热带地区的云南南部 |
With efficiency and speed, | 高效快捷的行动开始了 |
some of the world's richest forests were torn up and burned. | 一些世间最丰茂的森林被摧毁并焚烧殆尽 |
Replaced with mile upon mile of rubber plantation. | 取而代之的是成片的的橡胶林 |
But there was a problem for the rubber growers. | 橡胶种植者的问题也接踵而至 |
While Yunnan's unique natural forests | 尽管云南独特的天然林 |
can survive on the valley slopes which stretch to the north... | 能够在延伸到北部的山坡上茁壮成长 |
just one severe frost will kill off these delicate rubber trees. | 可是一场严峻的霜冻就能毁灭这片娇弱的橡胶林 |
So Yunnan's terrain puts a limit on how far the plantations can spread, | 云南的地形为种植范围划定了天然界限 |
halting at least their northwards advance. | 阻碍了向北种植的计划 |
The jungles of Yunnan are increasingly under pressure. | 云南的丛林所面临的压力正逐渐加大 |
HORN BEEPS | 汽车喇叭嘟嘟响 |
New roads criss-cross the tiny remnant forests, | 新建的公路纵横交错在残存的树林间 |
the infrastructure needed for trade,industry and, increasingly, tourism. | 以满足商业工业以及旅游业对基础设施的需求 |
It's a meeting of two very different worlds. | 这是两个截然不同的世界的交汇之处 |
That elephants still exist in China is remarkable | 大象还能在中国存活简直就是个奇迹 |
considering the immense pressures | 考虑到那巨大的压力 |
in the world's most highly populated country. | 那世界上最多的人口所带来的压力 |
The 250 or so wild elephants which still live here | 约250头野生大象依旧居住在此 |
are now strictly protected. | 并受到严密的保护 |
And each year young are born to the small herds. | 每年都有小象诞生在稀疏的象群中 |
If elephants were to survive anywhere in China, | 倘若问大象打算在中国的何处安居 |
it could only have been here,in Yunnan. | 那必定非云南莫属 |
The same mountains which guide the monsoon rains north | 山脉引导着季风带着湿热气流径直流向滇北 |
and which made Joseph Rock's journeys so treacherous, | 这不仅使得Joseph Rock的旅程充满了艰难 |
also guarded Yunnan's forests and its wildlife. | 也保护了云南的森林和这儿的野生动物 |
For the moment, the mountains are still carpeted in a rich green, | 此时此刻群山依旧满目苍翠 |
deceptive in its simplicity. | 简单的颜色掩盖了她的美丽与富饶 |
Below the canopy lies perhaps China's richest natural treasure. | 也许云南是苍穹之下中国最宝贵的自然财富 |
Delicate and unique, | 雅致而又独特的 |
a complex world of intricate relationships | 人类难以割舍的自然情怀都汇聚在这 |
between animals, plants and people,beneath the clouds. | 美丽的彩云之南 |