Our core mission is to bring research to the front of the organization: enable Protocol Labs to continue to work on not only implementing great tech, but also develop, specify, and improve new tech.
This repo contains a directory and explanation of the structure of public research at Protocol Labs. While not all Protocol Labs research will begin in this repository under public scrutiny, most will. In addition, only under extreme circumstances will we ever make private any progress on a project that was at any point made public.
本报告包含一个目录和协议实验室公共研究结构的解释。尽管并非所有的Protocol Labs研究都将在公开审查的情况下开始,但大多数会这样做。另外,只有在极端的情况下,我们才会选择将公开项目取得的进展进行保密。
In addition, this repo will hold the research roadmap, which includes all research that we are engaged in or supporting, including research being conducted by researchers who are not formally members of Protocol Labs.
此外,本报告将展示研究路线图,其中包括我们参与或支持的所有研究,包括非Protocol Protocol实验室正式成员所进行的研究。
This repo also contains a list of open problem statements in the issues and serves as a workplace and dicussion venue for those problems.