简爱,书与电影中女主人公的名字,对应英文Jane Eyre。自幼双亲过世,被寄养在舅母家中,可是舅母极其讨厌她,因此将她送到戒律森严的罗沃德孤儿院。成人后,Jane登报找家庭教师类工作,被桑菲尔德庄园聘用,而该庄园的主人便是男主人公罗切斯特Rochester。从第一次不期而遇的邂逅开始,两个人开始了一段奇妙的情缘……
1. 在一次家宴后的夜晚,Jane和Rochester的一段对话。
Rochester: No matter, a girl of your sense will not object to the voyage.
Jane: Not the voyage, but the distance, and then the sea is such a barrier.
Rochester: From what, Jane?
Jane: From England, sir, and from Thornfield. And......
Rochester: Sometimes I have the strangest feeling about you. Especially when you're near me as you are now. It feels as though I had a string tied here under my left rib where my heart is. Tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion. And when you go to Ireland with all that distance between us, I'm afraid this cord will be snapped. And I shall bleed inwardly, but you're sensible, you'll forget......
Jane: Never, I'll never forget. I wish I'd never been born. I wish I'd never come to Thornfield.
Rochester: There are other houses just as fine.
Jane: How can you be so stupid? How can you be so cruel? I may be poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings. It's not the house but the life I lived here. I was not trampled on. I was not excluded. I was treated as an equal.
Rochester: And so you are, Jane.
一个男人若真的爱你,会选择放下其它的感情纠葛,会有迎娶你的想法,而绝不是一边置身于另一段感情中,一边向你说爱。那不是爱,那只是想要占有你。就像Rochester爱Jane,所以会告诉Jane,他要娶她。Stay and marry me. Stay at Thornfield. Be my wife. Say "Edward, give me my name".
2. Jane再次返回庄园时,与Rochester之间的对话:
Rochester: My brain will burst. What delusion is this? What sweet madness? So many times I've dreamed of this moment. Then the dream vanishes and flies away. Just like a dream, kiss me before you go.
Jane: I shall never leave you.
Rochester: You will stay with me. How?
Jane: I will be your friend, your nurse, your companion. You will not be left alone for so long as I shall live.
Rochester: But I'm not better than a ruined tree. I'm the lightening struck, and decayed.
Jane: You're not ruined, sir. You're vigorous, and full of life. Plant will grow and wind around you. Because your strength offers a safe hold.
如果真的相爱,疾病还是健康怎么会分开彼此呢?Jane再次返回庄园时,看到是一个被在大火中烧伤了、腿有残疾、双目失明的爱人,但是她没有选择离开他,而是留下来陪伴他,对他说:You're not ruined, sir. You're vigorous, and full of life. Plant will grow and wind around you. Because your strength offers a safe hold.
这便是我喜欢这部电影的第三个原因。在我心中,我一直认为爱可以战胜一切,疾病并不能让相爱的两个人分开,她可以留下陪伴他、照顾他,而他依旧可以给他强有力的safe hold,就像电影中的Jane与Rochester。Rochester慢慢恢复了光明,而他们最终走向了幸福美满的生活。
We're truly devoted. Our hearts beat as one. Our happiness is complete.