asperity TEM8 GRE
UK /əˈsper.ə.ti/ US /əˈsper.ə.t̬i/
noun, If you say something with asperity, you say it impatiently and severely.语气的急躁,粗暴,严厉
1. Ms. Neuwirth brings an amusing touch of imperious asperity to her role as Malibran, but her naturally dry demeanor seems a strange fit for the character, who was famous for her tempestuousness.(New York Times)
2. He writes with asperity of President Obama and the Democrats, noting that the 2001 Patriot Act sailed through the Senate with one dissenting vote.(Seattle Times)
3. Kimball’s success and his faith in empirical perfection tend to provoke asperity from competitors.(New York Times)
4. Yet for all his loyalty to classical forms and tonal harmonies, the same prickliness injects a certain asperity into even his most lyrical moments.(New York Times)
5. She asserts control over her destiny with a brisk asperity that never reveals many glints of warmth, rendering the romantic comedy of the play almost an afterthought.(New York Times)
6. This is a drama full of warmth between both women and men, yet full, too, of asperity and political scepticism.(The Guardian)
7. He is not humorless, but he does often wear an expression of some asperity, which I took as his signature combination of German restraint and Japanese restraint.(New York Times)
8. In 1787, delegates to the Constitutional Convention agreed “to argue without asperity, and to endeavor to convince the judgment without hurting the feelings of each other.”(The New Yorker)
9. He insists, with increasing asperity, that the half-dozen debates sanctioned by the national party aren’t enough, joining Sanders in demanding more.(Los Angeles Times)
10. Mr Hollinghurst cannot be accused of inconsistency. He provides readers with a modern equivalent to Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited", albeit with knowing asperity and pastiche.(The Economist)
11. In an exchange last year in Mid dle East Quarterly, Mr Shlaim mounted a spirited (and, given the asperity of Mr Karsh's attack, good-natured) defence of his collusion thesis.(The Economist)
12. Connolly called him on the one hand "an inspired simpleton, a Holy Russian idiot" and on the other "a publicity-seeking individual full of administrative energy and rentier asperity".(The Economist)
with, without asperity | imperious, brisk, certain asperity | provoke, inject asperity
c. 1200, asprete "hardship," from Old French asperité "difficulty, painful situation, harsh treatment" (12c., Modern French âpreté), a figurative use, from Latin asperitatem (nominative asperitas) "roughness," from asper "rough, harsh," which is of unknown origin. The Latin adjective was used also of sour wine, bad weather, and hard times. Figurative meaning "harshness of feeling" in English is attested from 1660s; literal sense of "roughness of surface" is from early 15c.
bitterness, acrimony, harshness, sharpness, acerbity, severity, irritability, acuteness, sternness, stringency
mildness, softness, affability, calmness, contentment, courtesy, happiness, kindness, politeness, sweetness, gentleness, ease, harmony, flexibility, leniency, friendliness, smoothness, sympathy, comfort, pity, compassion
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