# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import MySQLdb
import sys #为了给脚本添加参数
if __name__ == '__main__':
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="dz-233", user="abc", passwd="def", db="gh", charset="utf8")
cursor = conn.cursor()
#接受第一个参数 0 是脚本名
date = sys.argv[1]
topRateSql = 'select DISTINCT "rate" as tag,shop_id from tb_top_rate_secret_stat where date = %s and rate_top_num <= 100 and shop_id not in (select distinct(shop_id) from CAUser.tb_user_secret_relation where status >= 0)'
topSql = 'select distinct "top" as tag, shop_id from tb_top_secret_stat where date = %s and top_num <= 100 and shop_id not in (select distinct(shop_id) from CAUser.tb_user_secret_relation where status >= 0)'
shopRelationSql = 'select distinct(shop_id) from CAUser.tb_user_secret_relation where user_id="TSU" and status = 10 and last_modify_time >= "2017-04-01"'
rows1 = cursor.fetchall()
## 写入文件
with open("./result" + date, 'wb+') as f:
for row in rows1:
f.write('%s\n' % row[0])
备注 :
- python脚本应该比shell学起来写起来简单,可以用IDEA,同时也更强大多面,选择和方向很重要
- 如有错误可以提出来,本人实战经验还需慢慢积累总结
- 在服务器上用vim在不熟练的情况下,编辑测试起来好麻烦,搞了好久的IDEA 远程发布本地python,并到服务器上运行的方式,因为一些坑失败了,以后有时间继续搞