“We demonstrate that the celestial body, the earth and finally everything we discern in the visible world could have come like seeds, even though we know full well that they did not come from them.”
Spinoza, Principles of Philosophy Of Descartes
instead of religious Revelation
“God created the world in its present order instantly, such as the plants on the Earth and Adam and Eve, not as children, but as fully grown people; “still, if we want to understand the natures of Adam and of the trees of Paradise, it’s much better to consider how children grow gradually in the belly of their mothers, and how plants grow from seeds, than to consider how they were created by God…”
“…In this spirit, perhaps we can create some very simple and easily grasped principles that can function as the seeds (so to speak) from which the stars, the earth and indeed everything we observe in this visible world demonstrably could have grown. (…) we’ll be able to explain their nature much better in this way than if we merely described them as they now are or as we believe them to have been created.”
Descartes, Principles of Philosophy
斯宾诺沙,在笛卡尔的哲学原理一书中指出,应该用理性之神去代替宗教之神(instead of religious Revelation)。这也是他泛神论的观点。
“…本着这种精神,也许我们可以创建一些非常简单的,很容易掌握原则,可以作为种子(这么说)的恒星,地球和所有我们观察在这个可见世界明显增长。(…)我们将能够解释他们的自然以这种方式存在,或者更好的描述去相信他们的存在与创建了。”" ——笛卡尔的哲学原则