Today we will talk about how to make things better.
Take challenges
Most of us like challenges, so take up a challenge likevolunteeringyourself for a new project. Give your 100 % to the project. Work hard but take a few short breaks for refreshing yourself. Don't get discouraged if the project doesn't turn out to be as you expected. Try your hands on second one and work more hard. Focus on quality of work. Quality of the work is of utmost importance as it reflects on your capability.
Ask for help
It is very important how you deal with people around you including your supervisor, co-workers and others. If your supervisor is not cooperative or doesn't give you a free hand, feel free to tell him/her so respectfully andassertively [ə'sɜtɪvlɪ]. Also, make it a point to thank your supervisor or a co-worker for their help or encouragement to you. Also, show an interest andinclination [ˌɪn.klɪˈneɪ.ʃən]to help your co-worker and support your supervisor for attaining your team’s goal. Importantly, try to be in the company of positive colleagues, and stay away from those whoindulge [ɪnˈdʌldʒ]ingossiping。
assertively adv. 断言地,独断地;
inclination n. 倾向; 爱好; 斜坡;
vt. 迁就,纵容; 使满足; 使(自己)沉溺于; 使快乐;
vi. 纵容; 满足; 沉溺;
n. 流言蜚语,谣言; 爱讲闲话的人; 谈话,闲话; 关系亲密的伙伴;
vi. 传播流言,说长道短;