罗马帝国的分裂导致西欧的系统性崩溃,但在东罗马帝国主义法律下, 风俗和建筑传统在以君士坦丁堡(先伊斯坦布尔)为中心的拜占庭帝国中得以延续。这个位置导致来自东地中海, 特别是希腊文化和基督教的习俗的融入。拜占庭帝国建筑最常见的表现形式是在宗教建筑中, 特别是教堂。这种建筑类型的一个典范是圣索菲亚大教堂(537),由贾斯汀一世委托, 由米莱图斯的伊西多尔和特列勒斯的安提乌斯设计。在对称的平面中心升起一个直径为32米(107英尺)的由穹隅支撑的穹顶,穹隅将荷载转换到四个巨大的墩柱上。这个在地震区的大胆设计被证明确实过于大胆,这个穹顶不得不被多次重建。然而,尽管发生这些不幸的事,几个世纪以来,圣索菲亚大教堂设立了教堂建造和设计的标准。除了使用穹顶,拜占庭建筑最显著且持久的特征之一是基于罗马神庙和早期基督教教堂和最初的希腊十字平面的中心平面。
原文:The fragmentation of the Roman Empire led to systemic collapse in Western Europe, but in the Eastern Roman Empire laws, customs and building traditions were kept alive in the Byzantine Empire, centred on Constantinople (now Istanbul). This location led to the adoption of customs from the eastern Mediterranean, notably Greek culture and Christianity. The most common expression of architecture in the Byzantine Empire was in religious buildings, particularly churches. An exemplar of this architectural type was the Hagia Sophia (537), commissioned by Justinian I and designed by Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. In the centre of the symmetrical plan rises a huge 32-m (107-ft) diameter dome supported on pendentives that transfer the load onto four massive piers. The audacious design in an earthquake zone proved too daring, and the dome had to be rebuilt on several occasions. However, despite these misfortunes, Hagia Sophia set a benchmark in church construction and design for many centuries. One of the most prominent and enduring features of Byzantine church architecture, besides the use of the dome, was the central plan, based on the Roman temple and early Christian churches and the cruciform plan of Greek origin.