新概念英语3册 lesson17-20笔记


The longest suspension bride in the




1.suspension n.

⑴the removal of sb from a team, job or

School for a period of time esp. topunish


Eg: a three-mach suspension


Eg: the suspension of license



Eg: ①suspensionbridge   吊桥

②arch bridge        拱桥

③swing bridge       旋开桥

④floating bridge     浮桥

⑤fly-overs          立交桥

⑥take-overs        过街天桥

⑶suspend v.

①to hang sth from   吊,悬挂

Eg: the pendent lamp is suspended from

the ceiling.吊灯悬挂在天花板之上。

⑵to make sb leave school, a job , an

organization temporarily.暂时使学生停学,工人停业。

①suspend sb from sth


footballer who had taken stimulant was suspended from the season.这个足球运动员被怀疑服用兴奋剂,所以暂停这个季度的比赛。

⑷suspense n.

 (a feeling of excitement or anxiety when youdon’t know what will happen; uncertainty)

①keep sb in suspense (keep sb worried)使某人担心。

Eg: His way of driving kept us in


2.agreeable   a. (please or acceptable)

Agreeable weather 宜人的天气

An agreeable young man 讨人喜欢的年轻人

To disagree in an agreeable way  以温和的方式表达不同的意见

An agreeable voice 声音悦耳

Eg: that sounds like the music to my


3.Immortal adj . 不朽的,长生不死的的,流芳百世的(living or continuing forever ;that will never be forgotten)

①undying adj.不灭的,不朽的

Undying love  永不熄灭的爱情之火

Endless love   无尽的爱

②everlasting : existing for ever 持久的,绵长的

Everlasting marriage  绵长的婚姻

③eternal : having no end永恒的

Eternal love :永恒的爱情

④permanent peace:永久的和平

⑴mortal adj.终有一死;致命的

Mortal wound 致命的伤

⑵fatal adj . 令人致死

A fatal attack 致命的一击

⑶lethal adj.致命的

Lethal weapons  凶器

⑷moral adj.道德的

Immoral adj.不道德的

4.brooklyn 布鲁克林

 An industrial and international port area of New York city, and one ofthe city’s 5 boroughs. It is known as an area where people of many differentraces live.

The other boroughs are : Manhattan, theBronx, Queens and Richmond.

5. span n.

⑴a period of time between two dates or two


Eg: over a span of ten years , the

company has made great strides.经过十年的时间,这家公司有了长足的发展。

①life span 一生,寿命

②enjoy a long life span   长寿

⑵ a short attention span 短期(短时间)注意力

①a short interest span  一时兴趣

②a short memory span 短的记忆力

Eg: Sabrina, my son has a very short

attention span. Sabrina,我的儿子是个朝三暮四的人。《情归巴黎》

6.cable n.


Cable television  有线电视(CATV)

Cable channel  有线电视频道

Cable car   缆车

⑵a thick strong metal rope used on ship: 缆索,钢索

①thread 细而长的棉线或丝线

A thread of hope : 一线希望

②cord : n. 粗线或细绳

Cordless telephone  无绳电话

The telephone cord  电话线

③chord (音)和弦,乐器的弦

Touch the right chord


④string 结实的粗线

A string of 一系列的

A string of hit albums : 系列经典歌曲唱片集

⑤rope :绳子

At the end of one’s rope


⑥stitch (缝)一针,一线

Eg: stitches come out tomorrow. 明日拆线

Eg: one stitch in time saves nine.一针及时省九针。



Send a cablegram  拍发越洋电报

7. concrete   n./adj

n. 混凝土

cement 水泥(水门丁)

adj . 混凝土的

⑴concrete mixer :混凝土搅拌机

⑵clearly based on fact rather than on

beliefs or guess : 具体

⑶abstract 抽象的

Eg: Beauty is an abstract concept. 美是一个抽象概念。

⑷entity 实体,独立机构

An independent political entity 政治上小组织

8. length  n.⑴长度

Breadth :宽度

A breadth of vision 宽阔的视野,有眼光(洞察力)

A breadth of mind  心胸开阔

A breadth of out look 有真知灼见

A statesman with a breadth of vision

⑵width  n.(多用于具体意义上)

Wide  adj.

6 metres in width / 6 metres wide

Height n.

High  adj.

3 metres in height/3 metres high :3米高

①two dimensions : 二维空间

②three dimensions : 三维空间

⑵a piece of sth long and thin : 根,段

①A length of steel tube :一根(段)钢管

②go to any lengths to do sth

③go to all lengths to do sth

④go to great lengths to do sth

(to be willing to use any methods to

achieve sth that you are very determined to achieve)用尽气力,用尽心血以得到什么

Eg: china, as the largest developing

country in the world, go to great lengths to develop its economy.中国,作为世界上最大的发展中国家,全力以赴致力于经济的发展。

At length: in great detail : 详尽的

Eg: the book tells the life of princess

Diana at length.这本书详尽的描述了戴安娜王妃的一生。

(2010-7-29 13:13:49)


From A to Z  详尽的

9. capacity ⑴容积,容量

Capacity crowd  爆满,座无虚席

Eg: the orchestra played to a capacity

crowd in the hall.这支管弦乐队的表演座无虚席。

⑵ ability 能力

Capacity for sth 做某事的能力

Capacity to do sth

Eg: He has a great capacity for

learning = He has a great capacity to learn.他有很强的学习能力。

⑶capability 本领(thenatural ability, skill)

Capability to do sth

Eg: a willingness and a capability to

change are necessary to meet future needs.一个人愿意改变并且有能力改变是适应未来的必然需要。

the efforts to be made

the right to refuse

the capability to change fate

a dream to be a poet

a desire to change one’s life

possibility to succeed


1. Freud Sigmund, an Austrian doctorabout whom little is known in 1920s to the Americans, become a world renownedpsychologist and was famous for his idea libido.

⑴harbour (Br)  海港

  Harbor (Am)

Background notes :

 Perhaps no single monument in the USA is as famous as the statue ofliberty which stands on a small island in New York Harbor.(自由女神像)

 Most immigrants from Europe now pass through New York city via KennedyAirport.but for immigrants from Asia, the gateway to the USA is San Francisconot New York City.

harbour (Br)  海港

pearl harbour  珍珠港

An important US naval base in Hawaii,

Which was suddenly attacked by Japanese

planes in Dec 1941. many warships were destroyed and this caused great shock

and anger in the US, and made the US start fighting in world war Ⅱ.


A city in Japan which was destroyed

In 1945 during world war Ⅱ, when a US unclear bomb was dropped on it, killing many people.

⑵name sth sth

 Call sb  sth


sth as sth : 把…描绘成

Eg: for millions of immigrants, the USAwas described as a promising land , but for many others, it was a bitter disillusionment.   对数百万的移民来说,他们把美国描绘成了希望的土地;对其他许多人来说,他只是痛苦的幻想的破灭。

regard sth as : 把…看作

Eg: the statue of Liberty was regardedas a symbol of American democracy.

②address sb as : (正式)将…称为

Eg: New York is addressed as Big Apple


③refer to sth as : 管…叫

Eg: people who work in offices arereferred to as white-collar workers.

④think of sth as : 认为…是

⑤appoint sb as : 任命某人为…

⑵in the midst of sth

In the midst of a period : 在…期间

In the midst of a place : 在…位置之间

In the midst of cold war : 在冷战期间

In the middle of : 在位置正中间

In the middle of doing sth :忙于(to be busy doing sth) (在…进行之中)

Eg: can I call you back later ? 我可以晚点再给你打电话吗?

①mid-   在中间的

Midautumn Day   中秋节

Midsummer Night’s dream : 仲夏夜之梦

Midday  :  正午


Eg: under the big tree was sitting an

old farmer.大树底下坐着一个老农。= there was an old farmersitting under the big tree.

Eg: outside the classroom stood a boy.

Eg: behind the farmhouse was a rice


Eg: at the foot of the hill lies a beautiful


3.⑴by nomeans : not at all

①in no way (used to say that you should

definitely not think about a situation in this way )无论如何也不…

②at no time 无论何时也不会

(used to say strongly that sth neverhappened or should never happen)

③on no account : 绝不

Eg: she is by no means a bad kid. 她无论如何都不是一个坏孩子。

Eg: In no way should it be seen as a


Eg:on no account can you tell him the truth.无论如何都不能告诉他实情。

Eg: At no time did I tell you that youcould use my car.

⑵be named after sb : 以…的名字来命名的

①be after sth : 追求的是…

Eg: the only thing she is after is fame

and fortune.他这个人只追求名利。

⑶eg: Everest rises to a height of8,848m


Eg: the hole extends to a depth of2m


Eg: the road extends to a width of5m


Eg: china covers an area of 9,600,000

square kilometers.中国有960万平方公里的土地。

Eg: the old man enjoys a life span of100


4.⑴account  n/v

①description : give an account of(书面语)

Eg: He gave us a vivid account of his

trip to paris.他绘声绘色的描绘了他的巴黎之行。

②take account of sth : (仔细的)考虑到

=Take sth into account

Eg: the budget didn’t take account of

changes in the rate of inflation.预算并没有考虑到通货膨胀的变化。

③on account of : because of (esp.becauseof a problem or difficulty)

Eg: He can’t run very fast on accountof his wounded legs.

④  account for : to give explanation or reason for:解释

Eg: probably, recent pressure at work

may account for his behavior.很明显,最近的工作压力在他的行为上有所显现。

⑤accounting :会计

Accountant :  会计

Teller :  出纳员

ATM : 自动取款机(automated teller machine)



Eg: the corn belt of American along

comprises as many as half of the world total output.美国玉米带占世界总产量的1/2.

⑵①it is said that…据说

it is expected that …据期待

it is predicted that…据语言

it is assumed that …据设想

it is known that …据了解

it is written that …据描写

it is felt that

it is report that …据报道

⑶be packed with

Eg: the road is packed with crowd.路上挤满了人。

①be teeming with  充满

Eg: future is teeming with hope.未来充满了希望。

②cram 塞,填(completely full of things or people)

③be crammed with

Eg: The house is crammed with people.房子里充满了人。

④stuff v.用…填充

Eg: the ice box is stuffed with food.冰箱里面填满了食物。

Eg: I’m stuffed /I’m full.我吃饱了。

Duck-stuffing  填鸭式教学


①fulfil your destiny   完成宿命

②fulfil your dream     实现梦想

③fulfil your hope      实现希望

⑵realize : to achieve sth that you werehoping

realize an ambition

realize a goal

三.Popular phrases

1. I made a pass at her , but she

brushed me off.我曾经追求她,但她拒绝了。

2.If you

look for a job ,you may study the want ads. 如果你打算找工作,就要看招聘广告。

四.Supplementary exercises

1. Peter’s driving license was ______because he was caught drunk-driving.

A. stopped      B.pulled

C.canceled      D.suspened


 A.停止    B.拉,拖

 C.取消    D.吊销

Drunk-driving  酗酒开车

2.You can’t be____ careful in makingthe decision as it was such a critical case.

A. very      B. quite

C. too       D. so


Can’t be too…to do sth 表示“无论怎样…也不过分”











①let them lead the way

②show them all the beauty: 向他们所有的美德

possess inside: 内心所拥有的

a sense of pride: 荣誉感

remind us how we used to be :问及我们的曾经

search for hero : 寻找英雄

look up to someone : 敬仰某人

fulfil one’s needs : 实现某人的需要

never to walk in anyone’s shadow :永远不走在别人的阴影和庇护之下。

take away my dignity: 夺走我的尊严


 Electric currents in modern art 


1. current  n. /adj

⑴water current : 水流

⑵air current : 气流

⑶electric current : 电流

⑷a stream of water : 水流

⑸a cold flow of air : 一股寒流

Eg: A cold current of air rushed

through the open door. 一股寒流从窗户外刮了进来。

⑹①a stream of traffic : 川流不息的车流

②a stream of tourists : 人流

③a gust of wind一阵风

④a torrent of water : 湍急的水流

⑤a torrent of protest over the new tax .对新税率的一阵反对浪潮。

⑺current adj.流行的,时尚的,当前的

(happening or existing now but notexpected to last for a long time)

current affairs      当前时事

current fashion     流行时尚

current account     活期存款

the current animal year 本命年

⑻currency n.货币

Hard currency   硬道理

2. Sculpure (the art of making solidobjects representing people or animals out of stone, wood)

①a piece of sculpture  一件雕塑品

②ice carving 冰雕(carve阳刻)

(cutting words or pictures on metal, glass)

③be engraved in your memory :铭刻于心

 Be engraved in your mind

 Be engraved in your heart

Eg: 泰坦尼克号下沉的日子应被人们永远铭记在心。The day of the tragic sinking of titanic should be engraved inpeople’s memory for ever.

④inscribe v.

(to write words on the surface of astone or coin)

Inscribe something with题上什么字

Eg:坟墓上刻有简短的墓志铭。The tomb was inscribed with a short epitaph.

⑤model  v.塑造

Model oneself on : 把自己塑造成

Model oneself after

⑥mold (Am) 铸造

Mould (Br)

Mold sth into :把什么铸造成

Eg: Her dress was molded to her body .这件裙子是为她量身定做的。

⑦chisel v.凿刻

3.art gallery (Br) 艺术馆,美术馆

Art museum (Am)

embassy 大使馆

library 图书馆

restaurant   饭馆

tea house  茶馆

4.odd adj.  (different from what is normalor expected)

Eg; It is odd that to be known by so

many and yet to be so lonely.奇怪的是为许多人所知却又如此孤独。

the odd thing is …奇怪的事情是

odd number : 奇数

even number :  偶数

strange : unusual or surprising

eg: that’s strange . 实在是太奇怪了(口语)

eg: all alone in a strange city .孤身一人在一个陌生的城市。

⑤feel strange ( to feel unpleasantphysically or emotionally )

Eg: I feel a bit strange .我感觉有点不舒服。

⑥queer adj (贬义)

A queer laugh  奇怪的笑

A queer bird   奇怪的鸟

# homosexual  同性恋

⑦weird adj .离奇古怪的

Weird dress  奇装异服

Weird hair-do 奇怪的发型

⑧bizarre adj. (程度较深) 奇怪

⑨eccentric ( behaving or appearing in a way

that is unusual and different from being normal) 有个性的; 与众不同的



An eccentric old man : 一个怪老头

5.attach to 依附

⑴ to connect one thing to another: 两者相互联系

Eg: attach a recent photograph to your

application form. 把你最近的照片附在你的申请表上。

①a house with a garden attached :一个带有花园的房子

⑵to like something very much : 非常喜欢某物

Eg: the old woman was sentimentallyattached to her old house since she and her husband have lived there for quitea few years.

⑶①attach significance to something

 ②attach importance to something 重视(to believe that something is important)

Eg: In china , academic education isattached too much importance to while little attention is paid to practicalabilities.

⑷①be affiliated to

 ②be affiliated with

(Usually used to define a smallerorganization connected with a larger one or controlled by it)

Eg: a high school affiliated to auniversity   附中

⑸①be wired with : 将收音机,电话,电脑安装接通

②hook up

Eg: China has hooked up 6,000 computers

and 40,000 subscribers to the Internet through 6 international channels.中国只有6,000台电脑,40,000的用户,通过6条国际主渠道而连接到了互联网上。

③be soaked with :与…密切相关

⑹eg: so everything is soaked with New Year

celebration.such as fire crackers, couplets, happiness character, New Year

painting , New Year cakes, lantern riddles, ancestral sacrifices, paying New

Year’s calls and so on.所有的一切都与新年有着密切的关系,放炮仗、春联、贴福字、年画、年糕、灯谜、祭祖活动、拜年等等。

6. sphere  n. a ball shape

①hemisphere   半球

引申为范围、领域(a particular area of activity or knowledge)

The sphere of her interest : 兴趣范围

The sphere of her power: 权力范围

②globe n.地球仪;世界

global fortune forum : 全球财富论坛

GPS-global positioning system  全球定位系统(美军)


7.magnetize :v. 使磁化;(比喻)吸引

Eg: His dark flashing eyes magnetized

all the girls.他黑色闪亮的眼睛不知多少女孩子为他着迷。

⑴magnetic adj.

magnetic force : 磁力

magnetic field : 磁场

magnetic pole :  磁极

magnetic tape :  磁带

⑵magnet n.磁铁(石)

Eg: Funfair is like a magnet for littlechildren.


⑶magnate n.大亨, 大腕

A tobacco magnate : 烟草巨商

⑷tycoon   商业巨子,大亨

Eg: Bill Gates , computer tycoon : 比尔. 盖茨是电脑大亨。

⑸fat cat (口语) 有钱人

⑹baron n.大实业家,大王

An oil baron :石油大王

A press lord :媒体大亨

8.fl- 移动的光

⑴Flicker : to shine with unsteady light 摇曳

Eg: the

candle flickered in the wind.蜡烛在风中摇曳。

⑵flash : to shine suddenly and brightly for

a short time.闪烁

Flash on and off : 忽明忽暗

A flash of lighting : 闪电

A flash of pan : 昙花一现,美景不长

⑶flare v. to suddenly begin to burn or to

brightly for a short time.突然燃着,变得异常明亮。

Flare up : (火)突然燃烧起来;


Eg: Violence has flared up again in the

Middle East.中东再度暴动。

⑷flame : to become suddenly bright withlight or color , esp. red or orange.

Eg: Her face flamed red with


Eg: Hatred flamed in his eyes .他的眼睛爆发怒火。

⑸flames : 火焰;火海

Eg: The house was in flames. 房子起火了

A flame of rage : 怒火

Old flame : 旧情人

9.gl-  不移动的光

⑴Glare v. (even hurt your eyes) 令人眩目的光

Eg: The

wet sand was glaring in the sun .湿润的沙子在阳光的照耀下发出令人炫目的光。

①glare at sb ( to look angrily at sb for along time)

⑵glow 鲜艳夺目,照耀,闪亮着

①Glow with pride : 春风得意,洋洋得意

②Glow with pleasure (to look very happy)看起来非常高兴

③sun-set glow :落日余晖

⑶glint : v.闪亮,闪闪发光

Eg: The gold bracelet glinted in the


Eg: The wolf’s eyes glinted in the darkness.恶狼的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。

⑷glitter v.(在阳光照耀下)闪闪发光(不强烈)

Eg: All is not gold that glitters .(谚语)闪光的不一定都是金子。

⑸gleam 发出微光

Eg: The crops gleamed in the autumn sun.麦田在秋日阳光的照耀下闪闪发光。

①a gleam of pride : 骄傲的神采

⑹glisten : (to shine and look wet or oily)看上去湿漉漉,油渍渍的。

Eg: His brow glistened with sweat.他额头上的汗闪闪发亮。

⑺glimmer : 朦胧闪烁

Eg: The candle glimmered. 烛光朦胧。

10.emit 发射,放出

Emit light :发出光

Emit heat :放热

Emit smoke :排放出烟雾

Emit sound :发出声响

Emit sparks :迸出火花

Eg: The chimney emits clouds of smoke.烟囱排放出一大堆烟雾。

⑴表放出、发出的短语:send out, give out ,give out

⑵eject (突然)喷出


was ejected from volcano熔岩突然喷发出来了。

Eg: launch a man-made satellite .发射人造卫星

⑶project v.(technical saying) 发射

Eg: project a missile 发射导弹

11. prehistoric adj. 史前的,过时的

Prehistoric animals :史前的动物

Eg: The strict father’s ideas about

educating girls are prehistoric。这位严格的父亲教育女儿的方式太过时了。

⑴pre- : before

Preschool : 学龄前

Pre-marriage : 婚前

Prewar : 战前

⑵post:later than;after

Postwar : 战后

Postpone: 拖延

Postgraduate: 研究生

Postmodern: 后现代

⑶ante : before

Antenna : 触角

Anteroom : 诊室

⑷fore (位置)before

Fore name (given name)

Foreleg : 前腿

Foreword : 前言

Foretell : 预告

Forecast: 预报


Hind legs : 后腿

⑹ex-: former or still living

Ex-girl friend : 前任女友

Ex-wife : 前妻

Ex-president : 前总统

⑺late : used to talk about someone who hasdied

Her late husband :刚刚过世的丈夫

The late president: 刚刚过世的总统


1. Modern sculpture rarely surprises usany more.

①Rarely : (频度副词) 很少,几乎不


Eg: Rarely has he been so happy foryears.

②scarcely : 几乎不,几乎没

Eg: scarcely did he borrow money fromother people.

③seldom 很少

Eg: Seldom have I watched a film sotouching as Titanic.

④barely : 很少,几乎从不

Eg: Barely does she go back on her own


(go back on one’s own words: 失言)

⑤hardly : 几乎不

Eg: Hardly can I ever trust him!

⑥never 永不

Eg: never could I resist the temptationof chocolates.


Eg: often would he go there and have atalk with someone.

⑧a little :有一点点

Eg: in nature’s infinite book of

secrecy , a little can I read.在大自然的怀抱中我只读懂了一点点。


have failed to do something 就连…也不可能没

Eg: Even the stupidest students cannothave failed to pass such an easy test.

Eg: even students who take no interestin English can not have failed to be attracted by the book New Concept English.

②couldn’t agree more (used when you completelyagree with sb)

⑴couldn’t be better :好的不能再好

⑵couldn’t be worse :坏的不能再坏

 ( used to emphasize how good or bad sth is)

Eg: Things couldn’t be worse; everythingseems to be going wrong at the same time.

③⑴can not have done something 不可能,不会

⑵might have done sth:本可能就(差一点,几乎)

Eg: The flashing car might have killed

the boy! 这辆疾驰地车险些要了这孩子的命

④should have done something :本应该…

Eg: The clever boy should have gone touniversity.

Eg: you should have declared the perfume

⑤would have done sth :本来会…

Eg: If it hadn’t rained yesterday, wewould have gone picnic.

3.⑴inresponse to  :作为回答;作为对…的反应

Eg: The law was passed in response topublic pressure.

Eg: move in response to a gust of wind:随风而动


In regard to  :关于;考虑到

Eg: In regard to the great demands ofthe product, the manufacturers promised to produce more.

⑶in respect to 关于,考虑到

Eg: In respect to her begging, herhusband bought her a new dress.

⑷in relation to : 关于,与…相比

Eg: woman’s earning are still low inrelation to man.

⑸in opposition to 与之相反

Eg: In opposition to your opinion, Ithink quite the opposite.

三.Popular phrases

1. This is a fashion you to the


2. Sunday Mr. Right (心上人)will come along and sweep off (横扫)your feet.星期日,你的心上人就会使你神魂颠倒。

四.Supplementary exercises

1. This is middle school is attached_____ a normal college.

A. for          B. by

C. to           D. in


C.be attached to  附属的,隶属于

2. Your failure in the finalexamination is due to the fact that you didn’t ____ enough importance to yourstudy.

A. attend       B. attack

C.attach        D.obtain


C.attach importance to 把重点放在…,认为…很重要



 A very dear cat :一只贵重的宝贝猫

1. dear 亲爱的


[if !vml][endif]⑵honey




⑹Mr. right 如意郎君

⑺sugar report  情书

2.kidnapper : 绑匪

① kidnap : 绑架

② hold sb for ransom :以勒索赎金为目的绑架某人

put a price on sb’s head :悬赏捉拿

abduct women and kids :拐卖妇女儿童

swindle money out of sb :拐骗钱财

defraud sb of money :从某人那诈骗钱财

swindler :骗子

⑴ political swindler :政治骗子

imposter : sb who pretends to be someone


cheat :sb who is dishonest 


⑴cheat on sb :

 To be unfaithful to one’s husband or wife


⑵trickster (耍把戏的)骗子

A fast-talking trickster :油嘴滑舌的骗子

3. considerable adj. 相当多的

⑴Considerable income : 收入可观

Handsome income <-> meagerincome  :收入菲薄

⑵Considerate :very

thoughtful 体贴细致的

Eg: It is so considerate of you not toplay the piano while I was sleeping.

⑶tolerable :可容忍的

  Tolerate  :宽容大度


A respectable old lady :值得尊敬的老妇人

⑸respectful :

Be respectful to sb :对…表示尊敬

⑹respective :各自的

Eg: These ambitious young men have

their respective future dreams .这些有抱负的年轻人都有自己的梦想。

4.wealthy 有钱的,有资产的

⑴ rich (口)

Rich in Vitamin C


Protein-rich food :高蛋白事物

Rich blue :a beautiful strong color 靓丽的蓝色

⑵ opulent adj. 富足的

⑶ luxurious adj. 豪华奢侈的

A luxurious dining room

⑷well-off : to have enough money to have agood standard of living.



  Best-off  :生活很富裕的

Eg: The government claims that peopleare better-off than they were five years ago.

⑹be loaded 腰缠万贯的

⑺fat cat 有钱人

⑻have deep pockets  有钱人

5. disappear v. 消失

⑴Disappear from view :消失在视野中

Disappear from sight : 消失在视线中

Eg: Peter目送他心爱的人乘船慢慢消失在视野之中。Peter watched the boat with his sweet heart on it until itdisappeared from view.

⑵vanish v.(突然)消失

Vanish into the air :消失的无影无踪,一扫而光

Eg: The little boy’s sorrow vanishedinto the air when he saw his prize dog come back.


⑶gone with the wind :随风而逝

6. anonymous adj.

(unknown by name )没署名的;匿名的

①An anonymous phone call 一个匿名的电话

②An anonymous letter : 一个匿名信

③An anonymous donation :没有署名的捐赠

⑴anonymity n.

Under the anonymity :没有署名

⑵autonym: n. 真名

⑶pseudonym : 笔名


anemia :wand of blood  贫血

anarchy :without a monarch  无政府

anecdote :(not given out )a story in private life :奇闻异事

7.ransom  n.赎金

Hold sb for ransom

⑴bail n./v. 保释金(人)

Pay (money)in bail for sb :花钱保释

v. bail sb out :保释出狱

⑵premium n. 保险费

⑶pension n. 退休金

⑷mortgage 抵押金(房产等)

8.withdraw  v.撤销,取回

⑴withdraw the troops from the front


⑵withdraw oneself from society


⑶withdraw a child from school


⑷withdraw from the election


⑸withdraw a bill :取消一项议案

⑹withdraw an order :取消一项命令

⑺withdraw money :取钱

⑻deposit v. 存款

Deposit money in the bank

⑼overdraw :透支

⑽hot money : 短期贷款

⑾interest rate :利率

9.Punctually adv. 准时地

⑴Punctual adj

Be punctual for appointments :准时赴约

Be late for school

Be early for party

Break an appointment :失约

Stand sb up :放了某人的鸽子



二. 课文讲解

1. Be interested in sth

Show interested in sth

Take interested in sth

Lose interested in sth

Arouse sb’s interested in sth :激起某人对某事的兴趣= stimulate sb’s interested in sth

⑴supplement of oral English

How to ask if sb is interested is in

sth :

Eg: Does bull fight appeal to you ?


Eg: Do you think golfing attracting?


Eg: Are you a film goer?


Eg: Are you keen on bowing?


Eg: Do you go for basketball ?


Eg: what turns you on ?


⑵be interested in :同…有利害关系

Eg: Being interested in the matter , he

cannot arbitrate. 由于他与这件事有厉害关系,他不能裁决。

2.⑴avery wealthy old lady …


①a Chinese writing desk : 一张中式写字台

②a dark brown Chinese writing desk:一张深褐色的中式写字台

③a big dark brown Chinese writing desk:一张宽大的深褐色的中式写字台

⑵a wonderful example of early Chinese architecture一个早期的中式的精美建筑物展示。

⑶share sth with sb

①share the same interest with sb :二者有共同的兴趣爱好。

②share the sorrow as well as joy with sb :与某人分担快乐与忧伤。

③shares n.  (Br)股,股份

 Stock      (Am)

Eg: He holds 50% shares in this

company. 他在公司里享有50%的股份。


an orderly life :过着有规律的生活

Lead a colorful life :过着精彩的生活

Lead a mysterious life :过着神秘的生活

⑵orderly adj

orderly market :规范的市场

a man with an orderly mind :头脑清晰的一个人

& Lead an orderly life


dream a sweet dream :做了一个美梦

sleep a sound sleep : 甜甜的睡了一觉。

laugh a hearty laugh :开怀大笑

smile a faint smile :微微一笑

sigh a deep sigh :深深叹息

⑶①in the evenings :inevery evening


②on Sundays :每个星期天

at nights : 每个夜晚

in the mornings :每天一大早晨


home : 回家

Home adv.

①Strike home :击中要害

②Hit the nail on its head :一针见血

③drive home :tomake sb understood


④home free :大获成功

Eg: The whole project is now home free.


home page :个人主页

home crowd :家乡父老

⑵Eg :Even it wasrather late, the cat could not have failed to come back home.

5.⑴hand  n.

①writer :写信人

②be in safe hands / be in good hands


③hand :in control/care

Eg: Don’t worry the kids are in goodhands

A firm hand :严厉的管教

Eg: The naught boy needed a firm hand.

A free hand :全权负责

A green hand :生手

A help hand :帮手

A right hand :得力助手

A china hand :中国通

⑵①but fearing 担心,惟恐(表示原因状语)

② afraid of …

Eg: But fearing to frighten the poorman,Mrs Richards quickly hid herself in the small storeroom under the stairs.

6.⑴“that”refers to :

  “If she didn’t pay a ransom, she would

never see the cat again”

Eg: I’ve made it clear that I’m against

the plan 关于这一点我已说的很清楚了,我反对这个计划。

⑵ follow one’s instructions :听从某人的指示

Follow one’s orders :听从某人的意愿

Follow one’s wishes

Follow one’s advice :听从某人的建议

Follow one’s promise:信守诺言

Follow one’s nose :跟着感觉走


next morning =the following morning :第二天早晨

The very next morning :转天大清早

⑵keep one’s word / promise :信守诺言

Make a promise :许诺

Carry out a promise :履行诺言

Keep a promise

Break a promise :食言

⑶character 方块字(象形文字)

3-charater scripture :三字经

Calligraphy :书法


⑷word :字母文字

a man of his word :信守诺言的人

a woman of her word

4-letter words :strong language which is often made of 4 letters. 骂人的粗话

Fart 、shit、fuck、jerk

④ carry out to the letter :事实照办

Eg: The henpecked husband carried out

everything to his wife’s letter.这个“妻管严”的丈夫对他的妻子言听计从。

8. ⑴lookwell

Well adj .healthy

Look healthy

Look fit

Fitness centre :健身中心

Eg: How are you?

I’m very well.

I’m very good.(wrong)

⑵be dear to sb

Expensive and lovely




Eg: customer: This soup is spoiled?

   Water:  who told you?

  customer: A little swallow.我尝了一小口。

Eg: A: I thought the guy was gay.我认为这个人蛮有意思的。

  B: He is not a gay .他好像不是一个同性恋。

  A: It’s not a gay, it’s just gay.


Eg: Seven days without water make one


⑶considering …


according to 根据

concerning 关于



Eg: Respecting his serious illness, thedoctor decided to make an operation on him.

⑶in more ways than one 不仅如此(还有别的意义)

Eg: Education is paid too muchattention to, for the simple reason that it is important for anyone who wantsto find a job. But, actually it is essential in more ways than one.

Eg: The sticky business could have been

dealt with in more ways than one.这棘手的事情应该多用一些方法解决它。

三.Popular phrases

1.play cat and mouse with :对…搞猫戏老鼠的把戏;对…欲擒故纵

Eg: The police decided to play cat and

mouse with the thief.警察决定对那个小偷实行欲擒故纵的方法。

2.dog days  :伏天;酷暑期

四.Supplementary exercise

1. Digestion _____ the necessarychemical changes in the food which must occur before it can be absorbed.

A. consists of      B. consists in

C. consists with    D. consists


B.consistin : lie in

A. consists of: be made up of 由…组成


with:accord with



 Pioneer Pilots       飞行员的先驱


1.pioneer n.先驱,先锋,(军)工兵

Eg: The pioneers of the women’s

Liberation Movement 女性解放运动的先驱

⑴-eer  …人(做某事)

①An auctioneer :拍卖者

②A profiteer : (在战时,混乱之际)囤积居奇者

③Frontier : n.边境,边疆

Frontier disputes : 国际纷争

The Frontier: 边远地区

  An area where people have never lived there before, that not much isknown about, esp. in the western US before the 20th century.


Frontiersman :拓荒者

④Father: n.创始者,鼻祖

Eg: Freud is the father ofpsychoanalysis.



1. offer a prize of :提供(…钱)的奖酬

Eg: The police offered a reward for any

information .警方悬赏获取信息。

①Put money on sb’s head 悬赏捉拿

②Offer one’s hand to sb (to shake hands with)

Offer one’s life to the country :把生命献给祖国

Offer identity card :出示身份证

Offer $500 for the horse :出价500买这匹马

③fly across :飞越

④sail across :横渡

Eg: Titanic sailed across the icywaters of the north Atlantic.

⑤swim across 游过

⑥come across : 通过;遇上;碰到

Eg: I came across a new word .我遇到了一个生词。

Eg: I came across an acquaintance.


2. Eg: The first attempt was not made untilover a year passed.

 Eg: The bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.

 Eg: He ran out of the room before they could stop him.他们还没有来得及阻止他,他已经跑出了屋子。

①over :超过,…多(了)

Eg: You don’t seem a day over 20. 你看上去连20都没有。

Eg: You don’t seem your age .


②take off

⑴ 脱掉

①Take years off sb :使之看上去年轻

Eg: Her slimming course seems to take

years off her. 她的减肥课程使她看上去年轻了许多。

②put years on sb : 使某人看上去老了许多。

Eg: His broken marriage put years on

him. 他的那场破碎的婚姻使他看上去老了许多。

⑵ 起飞(off:离开,动身)

Draw off 撤离

Lift off (火箭,飞船)起飞,发射,升空

Set off : 出发

Kick off :离开(口)(足球赛)开始比赛

Fly off : (轮子等)飞脱


n. the area where the land meets the sea (陆地与海岸相接)海岸

①Pacific coast :太平洋海岸

②seashore /seaside : 海滨

③a seaside sanatorium :海滨疗养院

⑵Beach :海滩,沙滩

Marine nature reserve :海洋自然资源保护区

⑶  Hehad travelled only seven miles across the channel when his engine failed此句也可以改写为:

He had travelled only seven milesacross the channel before his engine failed

⑷fail :失败,坏了

Eg: Words failed me when I met my

long-lost sister.我见到了多年未见的妹妹,激动的说不出来话了。

Eg: The peace-talk failed .和谈失败

①fail to see :used

to show that you are annoyed by something 我不明白,我不觉得

Eg: I fail to see anything wrong. 我觉得没有什么错

②be broken :出故障

 Break out

Something sucks (Am)(口语)什么东西坏掉了

Eg: The car sucks.我的车坏掉了。

Eg: Their marriage sucks. 他们的婚姻破裂了

Eg: My English sucks. 我的英语太糟糕了。

③force to land :迫降

Forced landing (航空)紧急降落

Force a smile :勉强一笑

Force sb’s hand :不得不,被迫

 Tomake someone do something unwillingly or earlier than they had intended.

Eg: We didn’t want to raise our prices

but the fall in the dollar forced our hand.我们本不打算谈价的,可是美元下跌使得我们不得不出此下策。

4.float on the water :漂浮

Float :to stay or move on the surface of water without sinking

⑴float on air :兴高采烈

 float on cloud:兴高采烈

⑵fluctuate :v. 价格波动

Fluctuate wildly :大幅波动

⑶drift :to moveslowly on water or in the air


Eg: The raft was drifting down the


★drifter :漂泊者,流浪汉

⑷pick up

★1. pick yourself up :to get up from the ground after a fall. 摔倒后爬起来

Eg: Pick yourself up where you fall

down. 从哪里摔倒便从哪里爬起来。

★2. pick up after sb :to tidy things that someone else has left untidy.

Eg: Who wants to get married and spendlife time picking up after some men?

★3. pick me up at 7:to collect sb 在7点钟接某人

★4. pick up Lesson-20 :学习了第二十课

Pick up a wallet lying on the ground :捡起地上的钱包

5.⑴ ◆with的复合结构

Eg1: Now he could walk only with

someone supporting him.他要靠别人的搀扶才能走路。

Eg2:Shesaid good-bye with tears in her eyes.


speak with your mouth full.说话的时候嘴里面不要塞满了东西。

Eg4: He was thinking for a while with

eyes shuts. 他闭上眼睛想了一会。


ran with beads of sweat running down her face. 他搞的满天大汗。


adj. 陆上的

Overland flight :陆上飞行

⑴Overseas adj.海外的

Overseas students :海外学生

Overseas Chinese :华侨

⑵overman 监工,工头


⑴to travel a distance :行走了…

①cover a lot of ground :(travel a long way)走了很长的一段路


②to spread over an area :覆盖的面积

Eg: China covered 9.6 million squarekilometers.

⑶ to report the details of sth for a

newspaper, television or radio.报道

Eg: cover the winter Olympics

⑷to pay money for :付账

①cover the bill :买单

8. It looked as if there would be an excitingrace across the Channel.

▼as if/though


Eg1:He works very hard as if he never intended

to sleep a wink.他工作的太卖力了,好像他根本就不需要睡觉。

Eg2:Those flowers looked as if they were

asleep in the hot sun.这些花在太阳下好像都要睡着了。


talks as if he were a hero. 他说话的语气好像他是个英雄似的。

⑵但as if /though 引导的从句表示一种实现可能性较大或说话人认为接近事实,往往也用陈述语气。

Eg: It looks as if the little twins aregoing to have another fight with each other.

●give up

Eg: He was willing to give up a long,normal life for a short, exciting life as a flier.



flight :试飞

①take an IQ test :接受智力测试



②a nuclear test :核试验

③test drive :试车

④test pilot :试飞员

⑤test match :国际锦标赛

★ local policeman :当地警察

① local time :当地时间

② local custom :当地习俗

③ local government :当地政府

④ local news :当地新闻

local color :地方特色

local anesthesia :局部麻醉

10.◆withinhalf a mile of Dover

⑴with :no more than

① within a mile of the town :离城镇一英里的地方

②45 miles south of  London:离伦敦城45英里的地方

三.Adage :箴言

A well-known phrase that says somethingwise about human experience.

★1.If I saw further than other men, it wasbecause I stood on the shoulders of giants.


           ———————Isaac Newton

★2. Jackie Cochran:

  She was the first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound.第一个进行超音速飞行的女飞行员。

  ※“Earth-bound souls know only thatunderside of the atmosphere in which they live. But go up higher, and the skyturns dark. High up enough and one can see the starts at noon.”I have. I havetraveled with the wind and the stars.


四、Supplementary exercises

1. American newspapers_____ from thesensational, which feature crime, sex, and gossip, to the serious, which focuson factual news and the analysis of world events.

A. cover       B.rate

C. range       D.rank

分析: 【C】

C. range from …to… 在…的范围内变化

题意为: 美国报纸范围很广,既有犯罪、性、传言等耸人听闻的消息,也有新闻及对世界大事进行分析的严肃文章。

2. Just as the builder is skilled inthe handling of his bricks_____ the experienced writer is skilled in thehandling of his words.

A. as        B.thus

C. so        D. like


C. 这是比较状语从句

  Just as…so…是词组,表示“正像…一样也…”

题意为 :正如建筑工人砌砖铺瓦时得心应手一样,有经验的作家遣词造句时也应用自如。


Listening-------《Kramer vs. Kramer 》

  This is a movie about a family crisis which finally leads to a legalbattle over the custody of a child. It reflects the changes in a woman’s senseof her new social identity.

  Ted throws Billy into bed. The boy finally cries himself to sleep. Latein the evening, Ted comes into Billy’ room.



☆3.BILLY:I’m sorry.

☆4.TED:I’msorry.,too. I want you to go to sleep, because it’s really late.


☆6.TED:Now what is

it ?(什么事?)

☆7.BILLY:Are you

going away?(你会离开我吗?)

☆8.TED:No, I’m

staying right here with you. You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.(不会的,我会永远在你身边陪着你。你才没那么容易把我甩掉呢。)

☆9.BILLY:That’s why

Mommy left, isn’t it? Because I was bad? (这就是母亲离开我的原因吗?是不是因为我不乖。)

☆10.TED:Is that

what you think? No, no. That’s not it, Billy. Your Mom loves you very much.The

reason she left doesn’t have anything to do with you.(你真的是这么想的吗?不是这么一回事,Billy。你妈妈非常爱你,你母亲的离开和你一点关系都没有。)

●have nothing to do with 与…没关系

☆11.TED:I don’t know

whether this is going to make any sense, but I’ll try to explain it to you,


☆12.TED:I think

reason why Mommy left was because for a long time now I’ve kept trying to make

her be a certain kind of person, Billy.(我想你母亲离开的原因是一直以来我都想把他塑造成某一类型的人)

☆13.TED:A certain

kind of wife that I thought that she was supposed to be, and she just wasn’t

like that.(她应该成为一个贤妻良母式的人,可她并不是那样的。)

☆14.TED:And now

that I think about it, I think that she’d tried for so long to make me happy.

And when she couldn’t, she tried to talk to me about it, see? But I wasn’t

listening because I was too busy or just too wrapped-up.(不过我在想你的母亲正努力的使我高兴,你知道吗?当她做不到这一点时,她就想和我一起交谈,但是我不想听,因为我实在是太忙了)

☆15.TED:Justthinking about myself and I thought that if I was happy that meant she washappy. But I think that underneath she was very sad.


☆16.TED:Mommystayed here longer than she wanted to, I think, because she love you so much .And the reason why Mommy couldn’t stay any more was because she couldn’t standme , Billy. She didn’t leave because of you. She left because of me.

☆17.TED:Go to sleepnow because it is really late.



☆20.BILLY:Don’t letthe bedbugs bite

21.TED:See you in the morning light.

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