ICH-GCP 3.4 Informed Consent(4)


Part 6: Quality Control in the Informed Consent Process

Part 7: Requirements for the Documentation of Informed Consent

Part 6: Quality Control in the Informed Consent Process    知情同意过程中的质量控制

Protection of human research participants is the primary goal of the IRB and the informed consent process. Failure to comply with general requirements for informed consent (45 CFR 46.116) and documentation of informed consent (45 CFR 46.117) may result in suspension of a study. Errors in the informed consent process are considered protocol violations and, as such, must be reported to the relevant IRBs, along with a description of the action taken to correct the error and prevent it from occurring again.

保护人类研究参与者是IRB和知情同意程序的主要目标。未遵守知情同意书(45 CFR 46.116)和知情同意书文件(45 CFR 46.117)的一般要求可能导致研究暂停知情同意过程中的错误被视为违反协议,因此必须向相关IRB报告,并说明为纠正错误和防止错误再次发生而采取的措施。

If violations of the informed consent process are severe or continuing, penalties may be imposed and the IRB may report the problem to the regulatory authorities. It is therefore important to ensure that the process of obtaining informed consent from participants is carried out carefully and with due attention to every detail. This section describes common errors that can occur in the informed consent process and discusses how they can be prevented.


Remember, mistakes will happen. The most important thing to remember is to deal with them openly and honestly and report them immediately upon identification. The study staff will help you identify methods to prevent them from happening again.


The following are examples of some of the most common errors that can occur in the informed consent process.


The Participant Signs the Informed Consent Form After Study Procedures Have Begun    研究程序开始后,参与者签署知情同意书

How did this happen?

Some studies may involve clients as they come into the clinic. An eager staff member sees that the person who usually conducts consent interviews is busy and tries to help by having the client “just fill out some forms” while waiting.


Another staff member later assumes, without checking and without seeing the completed forms, that the participant has already completed the informed consent documentation and proceeds to enroll the person into the study.


How can this error be prevented?

Ⅰ、Never assume anything. Always check that a participant’s informed consent documentation is complete before beginning a study procedure.

Ⅱ、Never perform any study assessments on potential participants before informed consent has been obtained.



Corrective Action: Review the study and the consent form with the participant as soon as the failure is identified. Document all steps to correct the situation, attach them to the signed Informed Consent Form and notify your supervisor as soon as possible.


The Consent Form is Signed by the Participant But is Missing the Initials or Signature of the Investigator or Witness (if Applicable), or is Not Dated   同意书由参与者签署,但缺少研究人员或证人的姓名首字母或签名(如适用),或没有注明日期

How did this happen?

The investigator may have become distracted. Perhaps the phone rang or another client needed attention. Perhaps the participant asked a question about another aspect of the study and the investigator turned the page, forgetting to sign or initial the form as required or to check that the participant has written the date on the form next to his or her signature.


It is important to remember that the principal investigator (PI) is accountable for the informed consent process. While the PI may delegate the task of reviewing or discussing informed consent to another research staff member, such as the research coordinator or clinician, the PI must provide oversight of the process and ensure that the participant is comfortable with the discussion.


How can this error be prevented?

Ⅰ、Conduct consent interviews in a quiet, separate room.

Ⅱ、When reviewing a consent form with a participant, focus on that task. Don’t answer the phone or respond to distractions unless there is a genuine emergency.

Ⅲ、The person obtaining the participant’s consent must be present when the consent form is signed. Having the investigator sign the consent form later is unacceptable. Never backdate a consent form.

Ⅳ、Create and use a checklist to ensure that every detail in the informed consent process is completed.





Whiteout is Used to Correct an Error on the Consent Form   涂改用于更正同意书上的错误

How did this happen?

Failure to follow Good Clinical Practice or Good Medical Record correction techniques is the only reason for this error. Whiteout should never be used on any research or medical record document.


How can this error be prevented?

By following good documentation practices. If an error occurs while the consent form is being completed, use Good Clinical Practice or Good Medical Record correction techniques to correct it: Cross out the error without obscuring the original entry, initial and date the crossing-out, and enter the correct information. (See also Good Medical Record practices to observe when writing progress notes in the Documentation and Record- Keeping module.)


An Out-of-Date Version of the Consent Form is Used   使用同意表的过期版本

How did this happen?

Several versions of an Informed Consent Form may be developed before IRB approval is received. Or, if the study has been in progress for more than 1 year, a new version of the consent form (most likely with a different date stamp) will have been prepared. In either case, a staff member may mistakenly pull out and use an out-of-date version of the form.


How can this error be prevented?

Ⅰ、Ensure that the current version of the consent form is readily identifiable (e.g., color coded, marked with a prominent date stamp).

Ⅱ、Keep copies of the current version of the consent form in a different place than older, archived versions. Destroy copies of old, unused consent forms and mark the old original as obsolete in the regulatory binder.



Corrective Action: When the issue is identified reconsent the participant using the appropriate Informed Consent Form. Attach a memo identifying the issue and the corrective action to the new consent form.


A New Consent Form is Required, But Not All Participants Signed It    需要新的同意书,但并非所有参与者都签字

How did this happen?

Ⅰ、Some participants were absent from the clinic during the week when most participants signed new consent forms. When the absent participants returned the following week, the need for them to sign new consent forms was overlooked.

Ⅱ、A staff member assumes that a colleague already had the participant sign a new consent form.



How can this error be prevented?

Ⅰ、Again, never assume anything. When a new consent form is required, check on each participant’s next clinic visit to ensure that he or she has signed the new form.

Ⅱ、Devise a system for flagging the files of participants who have not yet signed new consent forms.

Ⅲ、Use a tracking spreadsheet.

Ⅳ、Ensure documentation of consent form is in the source notes.





Corrective Action: When the issue is identified have the participant review, sign and date the new consent form. Document the reason for the delay and attach it to the new consent form.


The Original Consent Form Has Been Lost   原始同意书已丢失

How did this happen?

Ⅰ、A staff member may mislay a participant’s consent form among other papers on his or her desk.

Ⅱ、The form may have been filed incorrectly.

Ⅲ、The original of the consent form may have been given to the participant by mistake.




How can this error be prevented?

Ⅰ、Devise written procedures for the handling of informed consent documentation and train all staff in the use of these procedures.


Corrective Action: Report the loss of a consent form immediately to the IRB and/or the sponsor and get another signed as soon as possible. To avoid the appearance of fraud, carefully document the sequence of events that led to the loss of the first consent form.


Informed Consent Activity   知情同意活动

Users are instructed to choose the answer that best describes the action to correct the informed consent document as described.   指导用户选择最能描述纠正知情同意书所述行为的答案。

Ⅰ、As the research coordinator for a study at ABC Treatment Center, you discussed the informed process with the participant and she signed and dated the informed consent form. After re-reviewing the form later that day, you noticed that the study participant signed the informed consent form but added yesterday’s date and she has already left the clinic. What should you do? Choose the best answer from the options given below:

A. You cross out the wrong date and add the correct date.

B. Throw away the old consent form and start a new informed consent form when the participant comes in for the next visit.

C. Ask the PI to cross out the wrong date, add the correct date, then initial, and date the informed consent form with the current date.

D. On the next visit, ask the participant to cross out the wrong date, add the correct date, then initial, and date the informed consent form with the current date.

E. Do nothing. Yesterday’s date will suffice.







Feedback: Which do you choose: A, B, C, D, or E? The best answer is: On the next visit, you should ask the participant to cross out the wrong date, add the correct date, then initial, and date the informed consent form with the current date. That would be multiple choice D.


Now that you know how to correct the informed consent form when an error occurs, how could you prevent the problem from occurring again? ( Choose the best answer from the options given below.)既然您知道了在发生错误时如何更正知情同意书,那么如何防止问题再次发生?(从下面给出的选项中选择最佳答案。)

A. Have a list handy of key items to check when reviewing informed consent documents signed by study participants.

B. Highlight the initial, signature, and date lines in the actual consent form document so that as the form is discussed, these areas are clearly identified.

C. Be sure to review the signed informed consent form before the participant leaves the visit to ensure that all items are marked, signed, and dated appropriately.

D. Keep a calendar handy to check today’s date against the date provided by the participant in the form.

E. All of the above.






Feedback: Which do you choose: A, B, C, D, or E? The best answer is: All of these strategies would help participants to complete accurately the informed consent form. That would be multiple choice E.


Part 7: Requirements for the Documentation of Informed Consent   知情同意书的文件要求

Requirements for the documentation of informed consent are set forth in 45 CFR 46.117, 21 CFR 50.27, and ICH GCP 4.8. In brief, these requirements are as follows.

45 CFR 46.117、21 CFR 50.27和ICH GCP 4.8中规定了知情同意书的文件要求。简言之,这些要求如下。

Informed Consent Shall be Documented by the Use of a Written Consent Form  知情同意书应以书面同意书形式记录

Ⅰ、The IRB must approve the consent form.

Ⅱ、The participant or the participant’s legally authorized representative must sign the current version of the IRB approved consent form.

Ⅲ、ICH GCP requires that the consent form should also be signed by the person conducting the informed consent discussion.

Ⅳ、A copy of the form must be given to the person who signs it. The study site must keep the original on file.



3、ICH GCP要求进行知情同意讨论的人也应签署同意书。


The Consent Form May Take One of Two Organizational Structures   同意书可采用两种组织结构之一

A written document that embodies the elements of informed consent required by 45 CFR 46.116. This form may be read to the participant or the participant’s representative. The investigator should give the participant or representative ample time to absorb the content of the form before signing it.

包含45 CFR 46.116要求的知情同意要素的书面文件。本表格可向参与者或参与者代表阅读。研究人员应给参与者或代表足够的时间,让他们在签字前吸收表格的内容。

A short-form written document stating that the elements of informed consent were presented orally to the participant or the participant’s representative. When the short form document is used:

Ⅰ、A witness must be present at the oral presentation.

Ⅱ、The IRB must approve a written summary of what is to be said to the participant or representative.

Ⅲ、The participant or representative must sign only the short form itself.

Ⅳ、The witness must sign both the short form and a copy of the summary.

Ⅴ、The person obtaining the participant’s consent must also sign a copy of the summary.

Ⅵ、A copy of the summary, in addition to a copy of the short form, must be given to the participant or the participant’s representative.








Researchers Must Not Waive or Appear to Waive Any Legal Rights of Participants   研究人员不得放弃或似乎放弃参与者的任何合法权利

For example, care must be taken when describing what compensation (beyond the provision of immediate or therapeutic intervention) the institution is voluntarily willing to provide in an event such as a research-related injury.


Participants should understand that, regardless of what the institution may agree to provide as compensation for a research-related injury, they retain the right to take legal action against the institution and/or those responsible for the injury.


The Consent Form Must be Revised When New Information Becomes Available that May Be Relevant to the Participant’s Consent   当获得可能与参与者同意相关的新信息时,必须修改同意书

If a new adverse event appears to be related to the study medication (e.g., a severe allergic reaction that occurs shortly after a medication is given), this risk should be added to a revised consent form.

Ⅰ、The revised consent form must be approved by the IRB.

Ⅱ、The participant must be informed of the new information in a timely manner.

Ⅲ、The communication of the new information to the participant must be documented.

如果一个新的不良事件似乎与研究用药有关(例如,在用药后不久发生严重的过敏反应) ,这个风险应该加入到修订的同意书中。

Ⅰ、经修订的同意书必须得到 IRB 的批准。



Other considerations for the Informed Consent Process   关于知情同意进程的其他考虑因素

The investigator must document the informed consent process in the participants’ source notes. When new information becomes available which results in a revised informed consent form, the participant must be informed in a timely manner and the communication of this information must be documented in the source notes.


In obtaining and documenting the informed consent, the investigator should comply with ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, ICH GCP, CFR and applicable regulatory requirements.

在获取和记录知情同意书时,研究人员应遵守赫尔辛基宣言ICH GCPCFR适用监管要求中的伦理原则

Non-therapeutic trials should be conducted in subjects who are capable of personally giving consent and signing and dating the consent form.(ICH GCP 4.8.13)

非治疗性试验应在能够亲自同意并签署同意书并注明日期的受试者中进行。(ICH GCP 4.8.13)

Non-therapeutic trials may be conducted with consent from a legal representative if the following conditions are met:

Ⅰ、The objectives of the trial cannot be met by a participant that can personally give consent.

Ⅱ、The foreseeable risks to the participants are low.

Ⅲ、Any negative impact on the participants’ well-being is minimized.

Ⅳ、The trial is not prohibited by law.

Ⅴ、The approval of the IRB is expressly sought on the inclusion of such participants and is documented in a written approval letter.







These type of non-therapeutic trials should be conducted in patients having a disease or condition for which the investigational product is intended and they should be closely monitored.


Further Information   更多信息

45 CFR 46.116

21 CFR 50.20

ICH E6 GCP 4.8 — ICH GCP Guidelines

45 CFR 46 Subpart B — Research Involving Pregnant Women

45 CFR 46.408 — Research Involving Children

45 CFR 46.303 — Research Involving Prisoners

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