Part 5: Inviting Potential Participants to Enroll in a Research Study
Part 5: Inviting Potential Participants to Enroll in a Research Study 邀请潜在的参与者注册研究
Written documentation of Institutional Review Board approval of the study, consent document(s) and recruitment materials (where appropriate) must be obtained and provided to the sponsor. NIDA and the CTN Lead Investigator must give their approval before recruitment can begin at a study site.
Members of the research team may find it helpful to keep the following questions in mind as they go through the process of recruiting participants for a study:
Is the participant capable of understanding information about the study and giving informed consent voluntarily? 参与者是否能够理解研究信息并自愿给予知情同意?
Adults have the capacity to consent when they possess sufficient mental capability to:
Ⅰ、Understand information given to them.
Ⅱ、Appreciate the relevance of the information to their circumstances.
Ⅲ、Make a reasoned decision about whether or not to participate in a particular study.
Capacity to consent may be affected by several factors, including:
Ⅱ、Cognitive (mental) impairment.
Capacity to consent is study-specific. A person may have sufficient capacity to carry out daily activities and make personal decisions, but he or she may not have sufficient capacity to appreciate the relevance of a given research study to his or her circumstances. On the other hand, a person may be incapacitated in daily activities but still have the capacity to consent to study participation.
For some participants or groups of participants, the investigator or the IRB may decide to obtain an independent capacity assessment. This may involve consulting a psychiatrist or neurologist for a determination of an individual’s cognitive ability and ability to understand the details and implications of a study protocol.
If a person is unable to provide informed consent, a legal representative may give permission for the individual to participate in research in some circumstances. A legal representative may be:
Ⅰ、A parent (for minors only).
Ⅱ、A legal guardian, as determined by state law, who can make health care decisions for a person who is unable to consent.
Ⅲ、An individual who holds a valid durable power of attorney for health care. Because of variability in legal opinions about the authority of the holder of a durable power of attorney for health care, the investigator should clarify whether institutional and IRB policies permit the holder of a durable power of attorney for health care to give informed consent for participation in research on behalf of a study participant.
Has the participant been given sufficient, accurate information about the study? 参与者是否获得了关于该研究的充分、准确的信息?
To be informed means to have thorough knowledge of a matter. To be able to give informed consent, participants must have sufficient, accurate information about a study. This means that participants should be able to answer the following questions:
Ⅰ、What is the purpose of the research?
Ⅱ、Does the study involve an experimental treatment or procedure?
Ⅲ、Does the study involve random assignment to one treatment or another?
Ⅳ、What must I do as a study participant?
Ⅴ、What are the anticipated risks and benefits of participation in the study?
Ⅵ、What alternative treatments or procedures are available?
Ⅶ、Will participants in the study receive any compensation?
Ⅷ、Will I have any expenses for participating in the study?
Ⅸ、How long will my participation in the study last?
Ⅹ、Will my study records be kept confidential?
Ⅺ、Will I be informed in a timely manner about any issues that might affect my willingness to continue taking part in the study?
Ⅻ、Who is in charge of the study?
XIII、Will I receive treatment whether I participate in the study or not?
XIV、May I withdraw from the study at any time if I change my mind and no longer wish to take part?
13、 无论我是否参与研究,我都会接受治疗吗?
14、 如果我改变主意,不再希望参加研究,我可以随时退出研究吗?
To ensure that a participant has been given sufficient, accurate information about a study, a member of the research team should:
Ⅰ、Talk with the participant about the study’s purpose and requirements.
Ⅱ、Provide fliers or brochures that describe the study or provide general information about clinical research, if available.
Ⅲ、Invite the participant to ask questions and respond to questions asked by the participant.
Ⅳ、Give the participant plenty of time to read the informed consent document and ask questions about it.
Ⅴ、Give the participant a copy of the informed consent document to take home and read before signing it. Additionally, give the participant a copy of the consent form after he or she has signed it.
Ⅵ、Invite the participant to call with questions later and provide the names and phone numbers of people to call.
Potential study participants may have difficulty focusing for an extended period of time for various reasons. For example, in some study populations (e.g., substance use disorders), such difficulty could be related to co-occurring illness, chronic pain, or withdrawal from substance use. Information must be presented in a language they can understand, at a pace they can keep up with, and in a manner that invites questions.
Sometimes information about a study may be presented to a group of potential participants. In this situation, it is important to meet with participants individually, ensuring that each person has the opportunity to ask questions in private.
Does the participant understand the information he or she has been given about the study? 参与者是否理解他或她收到的关于研究的信息?
The research team must be satisfied that the participant understands what he or she has been told about the study. Participants who are in withdrawal, depressed, manic, or otherwise psychiatrically or cognitively impaired may not be able to give informed consent.
The best way to be sure that the participant understands the information he or she has been given about the study is to review the consent document with the participant, line-by-line. Then, ask the participant questions about the study to ascertain what information he or she has absorbed.
It may be helpful to prepare a quiz to test the participant’s understanding of the study. Such a quiz would have to be prepared in advance and submitted to the IRB for review and approval along with the other consent documents.
There are instances when it is challenging to assess that participants understand the information they have been given. Consider the following conditions.
A Participant has Limited Speaking Ability in English 参与者的英语口语能力有限
45 CFR 46.116 requires that:
“the information given to the participant or the representative shall be in language understandable to the participant or the representative.” In practice, most IRBs require the informed consent document to be translated for potential participants who have limited or no understanding of spoken English. Researchers must follow the procedure approved by the IRB for obtaining consent from these participants.
45 CFR 46.116要求:
It is also important to be aware of specific language differences that may be confusing to participants who are not fluent in English. For example, in Spanish, the word “once” means the number 11. An instruction to “take this medication once daily” might be confusing to a Spanish-speaking participant.
A Participant has Limited Reading Ability 参与者的阅读能力有限
45 CFR 46.117 states:
“[the consent] form may be read to the participant or the participant’s legally authorized representative, but in any event, the investigator shall give either the participant or the representative adequate opportunity to read it before it is signed.” The participant may take the consent home and return at a later date with a decision.
45 CFR 46.117规定:
Both 45 CFR 46.117 and ICH E6 GCP 4.8.9 state that if a participant is unable to read, a witness must be present throughout the informed consent discussion and must sign the consent form(s).
45 CFR 46.117和ICH E6 GCP 4.8.9说明如果参与者无法阅读,则在知情同意书讨论过程中必须有证人在场,并且必须在同意书上签字。
Is the participant’s decision to participate in the study entirely voluntary or has he or she been coerced or influenced in any way (e.g., by circumstances or by other people)? 参与者参与研究的决定是否完全是自愿的,或者他或她是否受到任何方式的胁迫或影响(例如,环境或其他人)?
Coercion occurs if an individual perceives that he or she could be harmed or punished for refusing to take part in a study, or if he or she feels compelled due to financial circumstances.
Historically, individuals in relationships of dependence or unequal power have been particularly vulnerable to coercion. Coercion occurred in the 1960s at Willowbrook State School when some parents could not admit their child to the school unless they agreed to the child’s participation in studies in which children were deliberately infected with hepatitis.
Blatant coercion such as this, as well as coercive financial incentive, is rare today because of the vigilance of research teams and IRBs. However, in some cases, coercion may occur subtly and unintentionally. This kind of coercion can be more difficult to detect.
Does the participant understand that signing the informed consent document indicates agreement to participate in the study? 参与者是否明白签署知情同意文件表明协议参与该研究?
In most cases, the dated signature of the participant, or his or her legally authorized representative, on the informed consent document indicates that the participant understands the study and is willing to participate. Signing the informed consent document should be the final step in the informed consent process.
A member of the research team must sign the consent form to confirm that:
Ⅰ、To the best of the team member’s knowledge, the participant has understood the information given to him or her about the study and is volunteering without coercion.
Ⅱ、The informed consent process followed the procedures authorized by the local IRB.
ICH GCP requires that the person conducting the informed consent discussion sign the form.
The participant should be given a copy of the signed consent document. The original must be kept on file in the research offices per local IRB guidelines.
ICH GCP要求进行知情同意讨论的人在表格上签名。