另外,Youtube上有一些很好的视频。我从BBC news开始看起,它会自动推荐一些可能我会感兴趣的内容。后来就 看到有Stanford Graduate School的,比如那个有1745万次观看的<Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques>。还有BBC Learning English频道的,比如<Exercise helps the brain>。听到BBC,我又想起从前看到的一部电影《莎翁情史》,里面的演员很多是英式英语的口音。Youtube上居然有一个叫做Shakespeare in Class的专题,对这部电影的人物、历史、背景、创作、制作等各方面做了背后解析,主演们来解说的,很好听的英英。
我做了一件不可思议的事,有个很有名的公益性视频Conservation International保护国际基金会影片<Nature is speaking>/<People need nature>《人类需要自然》,国内很多明星配音的。很受触动。我听到里面的英文原版,由茱莉亚诺伯茨等名人讲述的,里面的字母是中文。我居然一句句听着,将英文写出来。可能个别词会有出入。写下后我再跟着原视频一句句去念。要掐着分、秒的点和原视频的声音一致,还要模仿她们的语气语调。我一个视频跟着练了几十遍。我内心笑自己,这个假期让我变得都不像自己了。但是也很感恩难得让自己可以这么安静地学习,仿佛回到很久以前的学生年代。
"Some call me nature, others call me 'Mother Nature'. I've been here for over 4.5 billion years, 22,500 times longer than you. I don't need people. But people need me. Yes, your future depends on me. When I thrive, you thrive. When I falter, you falter, or worse. But I have been here for eons. I have fed species greater than you, and I have starved species greater than you. My oceans, my soil, my flowing screams, my forests, they call can take you, or leave you. How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or disregard me, doesn't really matter to me. Your actions will determine your fate, not mine. I'm nature. I'll go on. I am prepared to evolve. Are you?"
“I am coral. Some people think I'm just a rock. Well, in fact, I'm the largest thing alive on this planet. I'm so big that I can be seen from space. But for how long? I grow for almost 250 million years. And humans came along and now 1/5 of me is gone. Sure, I live at the bottom of the sea. And you might not see me that often. But you need me. Do you realize that 1/4 of the all marine life depends on me? I'm the nursery of the sea. Little fish depend on me for food, and to hide from the big fish. And guess who eats the big fish? That's right. You do. I'm the protein factory for the world. Yet you raise the temperature of the ocean so I can't live here anymore. And when big storms and tsunamis barrel through the ocean,I'm your fortress. Yet you tear me apart with dynamite and poison me with cyanide.Well, here is a crazy thought: stop killing me.
Here my words and bear witness to my vow.倾听我的誓言,做我的见证。
Night gathers and now my watch begins.长夜将至,我从今开始守望。
It shall not end until my death.至死方休。
I shall live and die at my post.我将尽忠职守,生死于斯。
I'm the sword in the darkness.我是黑暗中的利剑。
The watcher on the walls.长城上的守卫。
The shield that guards the realms of men.守护王国的坚盾。
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch.我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人。
For this night and all night to come.今夜如此,夜夜皆然。
A man gets what he earns, when he earns it. 一个人要想得到他想要的,就要先证明自己。
I'll find my way out. 我会找到出路。
Every lesson makes better.
They're quiet as shadows and light as feathers. 它们静如影,轻如羽。
Unbowed, unbent, unbroken不屈不挠
Your mother, until she dies, she will love you, absolutely, fiercely.
Some doors close forever, others open in the most unexpected places.诸神关掉这扇门,将会在意想不到的地方打开一扇窗。
It leaves no trace.不留痕迹
We all have our qualities.我们各有所长。
All desires are valid to a man with a full purse.只要有钱,任何欲望都是正当的。(这句本人不认可哈哈)
But is it wise to yank the lion's tail?但常言道,狮子尾巴拉不得。
May all the gods preserve you. 愿诸神保佑你。
There's no middle ground.没有中间地带。
There are ways. 天无绝人之路。
Power resides where men believe it.力量存于人心,信则有,不信则无。
The deed is done, faded into nothing.此事已过,烟消云散。
We're going to need details, copious details.我们需要知道细节,一丝不漏。
I hope we might talk in confidence.我希望我们可以推心置腹地谈话。
A fair exchange, that is. Always held to the notion of fair exchange in my dealings.我做生意向来讲究公平交易。
Make the best of our circumstances.最大限度利用现有条件。
I just understand the ways things are.我只是认清事实了。
The absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things.人若无欲无求,便可放开手脚追求别的东西。
I wonder if I might ask you for a favor.
I'm relieved.
I'm a practical man.识时务者为俊杰
Not talking is not the way to go.
Pace yourself. 悠着点。
You've nothing to fear.
You'd be alone with nothing, but the sky above you.你将高高在上,无人能及。
We do not choose our destiny, but we do our duty. 我们无法选择命运,但是应该尽自己的责任。
Watch yourself.注意你的言行。
Perhaps you might consider being a bit more discreet?或许你可以考虑行事更谨慎些?
The world's got so far bent.世上已无正道可言。
All taken care of.都办好了。
It's tempting. 令人向往。
A lot can happen between now and never.现在和永远之间,有很多事情可能发生。
Consider it a step in the right direction.只当是朝正确的方向迈出了一步吧。
You have my word.我向你保证。(那时的人很有信仰,这句词经常被说到)
You have many admirable qualities, self-pity is not one of them.
I do not mean to offend.
I'm sorry I'm always snapping at you。不好意思我总是冲你发火。
There's no need for such formalities.不必在意这些繁文缛节。
Stop being a bystander. Stop running.
I am forever in your debt. | I owe you a significant debt.
Lying is a great offence.
Hold your tongue. 闭嘴
I'm done with you.我受够了。
We have philosophical differences over what?