Recent research has found a surprising correlationbetween how women rate the physical attractiveness of male competitive cyclistsand their overall performance in an endurance race, with those competitorsrated most attractive finishing ahead of those rated less attractive. It seemsthat women are sensitive to those physical traits that relate to cycling excellenceand unwittingly factor this into how attractive they find a particularparticipant. Therefore it would follow that attractive male film stars andmodels are likely to make successful cyclists.
Which one of the following best expresses the flawin the above passage?
AThe studydid not suggest attractiveness alone is sufficient to ensuresuccess.
BA falseimpression of sporting excellence has been put forward.
CTheresults of this study may not be generalisable to all sports.
DThe studywrongly suggests that cyclists are more attractive than other sportsmen.
EThefindings of this study may not be repeated in the future.