常规磁共振 MRI
功能性磁共振 fMRI
任务诱导/自发调节神经代谢 -> 神经元活动 -> 脑血流、脑血容等变化 -> 血氧水平变化 -> 铁离子浓度变化 -> fMRI信号变化。
血氧水平依赖现象是指,血液中的血红蛋白和氧的不同结合状态有不同的磁性。血红蛋白和氧结合时 (氧合血红蛋白) 表现出抗磁性,而血红蛋白和氧脱离时(脱氧血红蛋白)表现出顺磁性。当局部脱氧血红蛋白下降时,fMRI 图像上就表现为 T2 加权信号的增高,这也是磁共振功能成像技术的神经生理基础
BOLD-fMRI 大致分为三种类型:
任务态fMRI (Task-based fMRI or tfMRI,需要执行专门设计的任务) ,
静息态 fMRI(Resting State fMRI or R-fMRI,无外界刺激和任务) 以及
自然刺激 fMRI (Natural Stimulus fMRI or N-fMRI,刺激为自然视频或音频) 。
扩散张量成像 DTI(Diffusion Tensor Imaging)
扩散张量D:描述三维空间中水分子的扩散位移(3*3对称矩阵) 利用三维椭球可视化扩散张量。
FA(fractional anisotropy, FA)各向异性分数是DTI扫描得到的一个非常重要的参数。它的定义是扩散张量的各向异性成分与整个扩散张量之比,定量测量单个体素的各向异性值。
完成DTI扫描后,系统根据计算和后处理,会生成一个各向异性分数图,也就是FA map。这种图一般可以用伪彩色来表示。
脑白质纤维束追踪 Tractography Fiber Tracking
根据FA值和一些算法可以进行纤维束追踪及显示。纤维束追踪的方法很多,主要有确定性跟踪算法Deterministic tractography和概率跟踪算法Probabilistic tractography。
锥体束 --- 运动功能 锥体束经过内囊后肢和大脑脚前3/5向下传导
视放束 --- 视觉传导
弓状束 --- 语言传导
Diffusion MRI Analysis with 3D Slicer
DWI扫描获得了12 个扩散敏感梯度方向 (S1-S12) 和 2 个非扩散敏感梯度 (S0)
- Install SlicerDMRI
Modules -> Diffusion menu -> Install Slicer Diffusion Tools -> Open Extension Manager menu
-> SlicerDMRI in Extension Manager -> install SlicerDMRI -> install UKFTractography -> Restart 3D Slicer to finish installation -> Related modules appear in the Diffusion menu
- Install SlicerDMRI
- From DWI images to Tensors
扩散加权成像 (DWI) 数据集由使用 41 个不同的扩散敏感梯度方向获取的 41 个体积和一个没有扩散加权获取的基线图像组成。
locate the file dwi.nrrd in the dataset folder -> Drag and drop the file dwi.nrrd onto the viewer -> load the dataset to Slicer -> 3D Slicer displays DWI volume of the brain -> Modules menu and select the module Volumes -> baseline image corresponds to the DWI Component #0. Select the DWI Component #10, which
corresponds to the 10th diffusion sensitizing gradient -> Manual W/L slider for image contrast adjustment -> link icon and the fit image to window icon -> layout menu and select the Red slice only layout -> Axial anatomical slice in the Viewer
- From DWI images to Tensors
- Creating a brain mask
Modules menu select Diffusion -> Process -> Diffusion Brain Masking -> Input DWI volume ‘dwi’ -> Output Baseline Volume ‘Create new Volume as...’, and name it ‘baseline’ -> Output Diffusion Brain Mask
‘Create new LabelMapVolume as...’, and name it ‘brain_mask’ and click on Apply -> 3D Slicer displays the
edited brain mask -> Change the label layer to None to make the mask invisible
- Creating a brain mask
- Estimating the tensor
Modules menu, then select Diffusion -> Process -> Diffusion Tensor Estimation -> Input DWI volume to ‘dwi’ -> Input Brain Mask to ‘brain_mask’ -> Output DTI Volume ‘Create DiffusionTensorVolume as ...’, and name it ‘dti’ -> Output Baseline Volume to ‘baseline’ -> Under ‘Advanced Settings’, set Fitting Methods to ‘WLS’ (Weighted Least Squares) and Click on Apply -> pin icon, click on the double arrow and select the dti in the B field, set the F and L to none.
- Estimating the tensor
Slicer displays the DTI volume in color by orientation mode:
Red: right-left 右-左
Green: anterior-posterior 前-后
Blue: inferior-superior 上-下
- Exploring the DWI Dataset
Slicer layout menu and select the Yellow slice only layout
- Exploring the DWI Dataset
- Trace
Modules menu, then select Diffusion -> Quantify -> Diffusion Tensor Scalar Maps -> select the Operation ‘Trace’ -> set Input DTI Volume to ‘dti’ -> select Output Volume ‘Create new Volume as...’ and name it ‘trace’ -> click on Apply to calculate the trace map of the tensor volume -> Set L as none -> The trace image appears in the yellow viewer -> Adjust window level by right-dragging up and down -> pin icon and then
select the ‘>>’ icon to display this table and Select the volume ‘trace’ in the Background viewer, Select the volume ‘dti’ in the Foreground viewer, Set the opacity of the dti volume to 0.40 -> Position mouse within the region of the Corpus Callosum and observe the trace values in the Data Probe. Note how the Trace values are fairly uniform in both white and gray matter.
- Trace
- Fractional Anisotropy
Set Input DTI Volume to ‘dti’ -> Select Output Scalar Volume ‘Create new Volume as ...’ and name it ‘fa’ -> In ‘Scalar Measurement’, select ‘Fractional Anisotropy’ -> Click on Apply to calculate the Fractional Anisotropy map of the tensor volume -> Set L as none -> The FA image appears in the yellow viewer -> Position mouse over the pin icon and click the ‘>>’ icon to display this table. Set the background volume to ‘fa’ and be sure
the foreground volume is still set to ‘dti’ with opacity at 0.40 -> Change to Conventional view.
- Fractional Anisotropy
- Visualizing the tensor data
Modules menu and select the module Volumes -> pin icon and select the ‘<<‘ icon to display the axial slice toolbar. Set the Foreground to ‘fa’ and the Background to ‘dti’, with the Foreground opacity set to 1.00 -> Set the Active Volume to ‘dti’ and the Scalar Mode to ‘ColorOrientation’ -> Scroll down the module panel and in
the Glyphs on Slices Display section: Check off the option for Red, Yellow, and Green Slice Visibility, Set the Color by Scalar parameter to ‘ColorOrientation’, Set the Glyph Type to ‘Ellipsoids’ -> Glyphs on Slices Display section: Check off the option for Red, Yellow, and Green Slice Visibility, Set the Color by Scalar parameter to ‘ColorOrientation’, Set the Glyph Type to ‘Ellipsoids’ -> Position your mouse over the
pin icon select the eye icon to display the axial, coronal, and sagittal slices in the 3D viewer -> Slicer displays the anatomical slices in the 3D viewer
- Visualizing the tensor data
- Diffusion MRI tractography
Deselect the option for Red,Yellow, and Green Slice Visibility, and deselect the eye icon -> Click L to reset the 3D view to left -> Position mouse over the pin icon and change the Foreground to ‘None’ and the
background to ‘fa’
- Diffusion MRI tractography
- From tensors to tracts
Select the module Editor -> Select the Yellow slice only layout -> Select the DrawEffect tool -> Outline the contour of the Corpus Callosum with the DrawEffect tool and press enter. Repeat this step with 3 adjacent sagittal slices -> Modules and then select Diffusion -> Tractography->Tractography Seeding -> Change to Conventional view -> Set the Input DTI Volume to ‘dti’, Set Output Fiber Bundle to ‘corpusCallosum’ by renaming the default parameter ‘Fiber Bundle’, Set the Input Fiducials, Model or Label Map to ‘fa-label’->Click on the Modules and then select Diffusion -> Tractography->Tractography Seeding -> Change to Conventional view -> Set the Input DTI Volume to ‘dti’, Set Output Fiber Bundle to ‘corpusCallosum’ by renaming the default parameter ‘Fiber Bundle’, Set the Input Fiducials, Model or Label Map to ‘fa-label -> Select the default Tractography Seeding parameters: Threshold Type: FractionalAnistropy, Seeding Threshold:0.30, Stopping Threshold: 0.25, Click Update to generate tractography -> The tracts generated in the corpus callosum area appear in the 3D viewer.
- From tensors to tracts
Session/run: 一次磁共振采集
Volume: 一个3D全脑数据
TR (repetition time): 采集一个3D全脑的时间,一般为2s
TE (echo time): 回波时间,影响不同组织的对比度
Slice: 一个2D切片
Thickness: 层厚
Slice number: 层数
FOV (Field of View): 视野
Voxel: 一个立体的像素点
Slice order: 采集顺序
Sequential ascending: 1 2 3 4 5 6…
Interleaved ascending隔层采集,
start with odd: 1 3 5… 2 4 6… Interleaved ascending, start with even: 2 4 6… 1 3 5…