1. 注意underlying hum连读
2. American ’Accent Training 注意training不要读太重
3. 语调一直上扬会给人感觉比较浮夸,注意throaty placement。
4. the American,the only注意the的变音
5. pretty ’good/easily 注意重音位置,如果重音在前,意思会发生变化。比如:’pretty good是“还行吧”
6. get it的get不要读太重
1. 训练方式
① all at once: pure mimicry
② step by step
如果做不到①,就从②开始,破除紧张,化紧张为动力,充分准备,practice all the time。
3. Play with the sounds, rhythms and patterns. Have fun! You’ll find that some of the inhibitions fall away, and your linguistic adaptability kicks in.
把语言当成toy box,变着花样玩儿。
① If you try to rush through speaking English you’all end up skipping crucial details.
The devil is in the details.
② If you only rely on your own judgment about your accent, you’re going to fall far short of the mark.
e.g. What̬ are you (w) up to t̬onight?
5. Put yourself in a position of knowing nothing about pronounciation, intonation, voice quality, word connections, etc. Then lay the foundation with basic sounds and rhythms.
6. 七步走训练:
① 承认自己有口音,相信通过一步一步的努力可以改变这种口音。
② 找到一些rhythm pattern,举一反三。
③ 每周录音一次,去跟第一次的做对比。
④ 记录What Factor,即别人没听懂的部分。
⑤ 跟人对话时,要有意识地去运用多学技巧。
⑥ 每天大声练习15分钟,模仿原声。
⑦ It’s not the duration. It’s the consistency. I’m training my mouth, lips, tongue, and mind.