1. COVID-19 单细胞测序数据的整合分析
- 过滤标准:
PBMC:UMI>1000 & gene>500 & percent.mt<10%- 双细胞去除(分组织进行):UMI和gene数+
1. PBMC:UMI < 25000 & gene<5000
2. 肺泡灌洗液和痰液:UMI< 70000 & gene<7000
3. Scrublet:Doublet Rate=ncol(pbmc)*8*1e-6
被预测为双细胞&doubletScore大于0.25的细胞被去除。- 细胞注释:参考Table S2⚠️
- Nornamlization和Scale:
包实现- 批次矫正:
先每个样本单独计算了高变基因,然后整合了1500个共有的高变基因,并删除了线粒体、核糖体和免疫球蛋白基因,随后使用Harmony进行批次矫正。we calculate a PCA matrix with 20 components using such informative genes and then feed this PCA matrix into HarmonyMatrix() function implemented in R package Harmony. We set sample and dataset as two technical covariates for correction with theta set as 2.5 and 1.5, respectively.- 分群和寻找marker基因:
第二次分群:resolution=0.3 to 1.5- 这里又去了一次双细胞(表达两种细胞marker的细胞被去除),表达HBA,HBB和HBD的细胞(红细胞)也被去除。
2. Association of patient age, sex, COVID-19 severity, and stage with PBMC compositions
3. Association of patient age, sex, COVID-19 severity, and stage with the diversity of B and T cell repertoires
4. SARS-CoV-2 RNAs detected in multiple epithelial and immune cell types
Fig 4A-B:从重症新冠患者的6个 BALF 和2个 sputum 样本中,作者从ciliated, secretory, and squamous 上皮以及多种免疫细胞包括neutrophils, macrophages, plasma B cells, T cells, 和 NK cells的3085个细胞中检测出了病毒RNA。
Fig 4C: Interestingly, immune cells harbored even more viral RNA sequences than epithelial cells
Fig 4D, E: 作者查看了新冠受体在这些细胞中的表达。发现ACE2和TMPRSS2在部分上皮细胞中表达,而免疫细胞则不表达这些受体。随后作者检测了最近被报道与SARS-CoV-2 entry有关的host factors:BSG 和 TFRC,发现它们的表达与不同细胞中病毒RNA的丰度相关。(moderate symptoms的新冠患者的肺泡灌洗液和痰液中则没有检出病毒)
病毒感染结构细胞主要是通过ACE2和TMPRSS2,感染免疫细胞主要是通过BSG 和 TFRC?
Fig 4F:Since interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) are typically associated with viral RNA sensing,作者也看了一下干扰素相关基因的表达,和病毒感染情况基本一致(C图)。干扰素的表达在病毒阳性的细胞中也比病毒阴性的细胞显著要高(附件)。
Fig 4G:We then examined the detection rates of different SARS-CoV- 2 genes in these cells. 在这个队列中,SARS-CoV-2-RNA阳性的免疫细胞在不同研究中心(包括了3'和5'测序)都被检测到。由于冠状病毒的特征是subgenomic transcription亚基因组转录,而且SARS-CoV-2是单股正链RNA病毒,因此在发生亚基因组转录的情况下,接近3'端的基因应该比5'端的基因检出率更高。In fact, both 10x 5' and 3; sequencing data demonstrated a 3'-enriched detection pattern along the SARS-CoV-2 genome in viral-RNA- positive cells, reminiscent of subgenomic transcription, in contrast to those cells without detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA (G). Since both 5' and 3' sequencing platforms detected consistent patterns along the genome, the positive and negative strands of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (at least the sub- genomes) likely both exist in these cell types, implicating active viral replication and transcription.
Fig 4H:免疫组化验证了一下
5. Transcriptomic differences between SARS-CoV-2-RNA- positive and negative epithelial cells and the potential impact on cell-cell interactions
The presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in different epithelial cells seemed to be associated with additional transcriptomic changes.
Fig 5A, B:在鳞状上皮细胞,SARS-CoV-2-RNA阳性的细胞有一些基因显著表达上调,如NT5E, CLCA4 和 SULT2B1。这些基因富集到的通路包括‘response to virus,’ ‘response to type I interferon,’ 和 ‘response to hypoxia’等。
Fig 5C:而在ciliated epithelial cells,病毒阳性和阴性的转录改变较小。有一些基因(50个)在三种上皮细胞感染病毒后都出现了变化。
在A图中我们观察到一些基因包括ANXA1在感染了病毒的鳞状上皮出现了显著上调。ANXA1通过与formyl peptide receptors(甲酰基肽受体)结合参与调节中性粒细胞的炎症反应,这使得作者想要去进一步探究病毒阳性和病毒阴性细胞的互作。
Fig 5D:作者使用CSOmap
Fig 5E-G:和病毒阴性细胞相比,ciliated细胞感染病毒后与自身的互作下降,而鳞状上皮感染病毒后与自身的互作上升。
Fig 5H:In severe patients, viral-RNA-positive squamous cells showed significant interactions with neutrophils and macrophages via the ANXA1-FPR1
and S100A9/A8-TLR4
Fig 5I:Neutrophils and macrophages exhibiting high interact- ing potentials with viral-RNA-positive squamous epithelial cells were also prone to be SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive
6. Megakaryocytes and monocyte subsets as critical peripheral sources of cytokine storms
We next sought to investigate the potential sources of cytokine production.
Fig 6A:作者首先计算了所有细胞的炎症评分和细胞因子评分,发现七种细胞类型 (3种单核细胞: Mono_c1-CD14-CCL3, Mono_c2-CD14-HLA-DPB1, Mono_c3-CD14-VCAN, 3种 T cells: T_CD4_c08- GZMK-FOShigh, T_CD8_c06-TNF, and T_CD8_c09-SLC4A10和1种megakaryocytes) 的炎症评分和细胞因子评分显著升高,提示它们是细胞因子风暴的主要来源。见:Seurat的打分函数AddMouduleScore
Fig 6B:The proportion of these hyper-inflammatory cell sub- types in PBMCs showed different enrichment patterns in patient groups.
7. Interactions of hyper-inflammatory cell subtypes in lung and peripheral blood