“Mitchell and I have arrested Deliland this morning for multiple domestic assaults. According to preliminary interrogations, he did repeatedly abuse his wife and daughter. But according to his own account and other circumstantial evidence, in the last period of time, about six months, there has been no domestic violence, and his drinking has gotten better. Circumstantial evidence corroborates this, allegedly after a near-death experience with poisoned food. I wondered, how on earth had he been poisoned? It should be checked. Why after the poisoning, even the temper is changed, more should check.(我和米切尔上午已经以实施多次家暴为理由,拘捕了德里兰。根据初步审讯,他的确多次对自己的妻子和女儿施暴。不过据他自己的说法,以及其他旁证,最近一段时间,大约半年吧,自己并没有家暴行为,酗酒的情况也有所好转。旁证也证实了这种情况,据说是在一次误食有毒食品,差一点送命之后。我感到有些奇怪,他究竟是怎么中毒的?应该查一下。为什么中毒以后,连性子都变了,更应该查一下。)”
米切尔接着说,“We went to the clinic to check the records from six months ago, and according to the records and the doctor's recollection, Deliland had eaten a type of brown scale mushroom. This kind of mushroom is extremely toxic, contain poisonous fly alkali, incubation period is short, after eating 10 minutes to 6 hours generally come on (come on in more than 30 minutes). Appear sweating, fever, salivation, tears, chills, slow heartbeat, lower blood pressure, tachypnea, pupil narrowing, dizziness, vision weakening, even blurred, qi officer spasm, acute pulmonary edema. Severe delirium, convulsions, coma or numbness, because of respiratory depression and death.(我们到小诊所查了半年前的记录,根据记录和医生回忆,德里兰是食用了一种叫褐鳞小伞的蘑菇。这种蘑菇毒性极强,含有毒蝇碱,潜伏期较短,一般在食后10分钟至6小时内发病(多在30分钟内发病)。出现大汗、发热、流涎、流泪、发冷、心跳减慢、血压降低、呼吸急促、瞳孔缩小,眼花,视力减弱,甚至模糊不清,支气官痉挛、急性肺水肿。严重者谵语、抽搐、昏迷或木僵,因呼吸抑制而死亡。)”
“The strangest part, according to Deliland's own account, corroborated by his wife. He ate at home and drank alcohol on the day of the accident, but no one else in the family developed the same symptoms. His wife also denied having any fungus in her food. According to the doctor, liquids made with this fungus cannot be ruled out. So I suspect someone put this liquid in Deliland's drinking water, or liquor.(最令人奇怪的是,根据德里兰的自述,以及他妻子的证实。出事那天他是在家里吃的饭,并喝了酒,家中其他人没有任何人出现同样症状。他妻子也并不承认在食物中有任何的菌类食品。据医生说,并不排除用这种菌类熬成的液体。所以我怀疑有人在德里兰的饮用水,或者是酒里,加入了这种液体。)”
千里寻真皱紧眉头说,“You suspect someone in Deliland's house poisoned him?(你怀疑德里兰的家里有人给他投毒?)”
鹿鸣点点头。“Yeah, I think it was poison, and whoever did it, it could have been his daughter Jenna. As for the reason, it was clearly a revolt against Deliland's long history of domestic abuse.(对,我怀疑是投毒,而这个投毒的人,很可能是他的女儿杰娜。至于理由,显然是对德里兰长期家暴的反抗。)”
孟晓云开口说,“It wasn't just the violence, it was probably the drunken sexual assault that caused Jenna to fight so hard. And I have reason to believe that the boy was probably killed by Jenna. This is all because of jenna's psychological distortion caused by her family.(不仅是家暴,很可能是德里兰酒醉之后,对杰娜实施了性侵,才会导致了杰娜如此激烈的反抗。而且我有理由认为,杀害男童的凶手,很可能就是杰娜。之所以会这样,都是因为家庭造成了杰娜的心理扭曲。)”
“What did you say? Deliland sexually assaulted his own daughter? Is there any proof? It's a felony. You need proof.(你说什么?德里兰性侵自己的女儿?有证据吗?这是重罪,需要证据。)”
鹿鸣也严肃地望着孟晓云。“Mitchell's right. A father sexually assaulting his daughter is a serious crime, one that requires sufficient evidence and prosecution.(米切尔说得对,父亲性侵女儿,是很严重的罪行,需要足够的证据和当事人的指正。)”
千里寻真说:“In this seemingly innocent town, there are not only cases of killing boys, but also more than one case of a father sexually assaulting his daughter. We have just come back from Yadi's house, Yadi told Meng Xiaoyun the truth of that year. The father, Volosky, had also sexually assaulted his daughter, Jadhi, and when Volosky tried to do it again, he was violently resisted and Jadhi almost killed him. Three days after this incident, Wollensky fell drunk into a lake and drowned. That was the end of the matter.(这个看似淳朴的小镇,其实暗流涌动,不仅有残杀男童案,还有不止一起的父亲性侵女儿的案件。我们刚刚从雅荻家回来,雅荻亲口向孟晓云说出了当年的真相。父亲沃伦斯基也曾性侵了女儿雅荻,在沃伦斯基企图再度性侵雅荻的时候,遭到了激烈的反抗,雅荻差一点杀死了父亲。这件事后的第三天,沃伦斯基酒醉后掉入了湖里淹死了。事情就此不了了之。)”
“Yadi was also sexually abused by her father? If that's the case, scotwood's not safe. What else did Yadi say?(雅荻也遭到了父亲的性侵?真是这样的话,斯格特伍德的治安堪忧。雅荻还说了什么?)”
“Adhi told me herself about Jena's murder of Conan and Bessie. Conan had been killed, and his bones lay in a dry well in the center of the ruins. The wellhead had been buried by the broken wall jena and Adhi had knocked down.(雅荻亲口向我陈述了,关于杰娜杀害柯南和贝西的情况。柯南已经被害,他的尸骨在废墟中心的一口枯井里。井口已经被杰娜和雅荻,推倒旁边的断墙掩埋了。)”
“What, Conan's bones in the well of ruins? Well, if that's the case, we can arrest Jenna, and we have solid evidence.(什么,柯南的尸骨在废墟的枯井里?这,如果是这样,我们可以逮捕杰娜了,已经有了确凿证据。)”
鹿鸣朝他挥挥手。“Mitchell, you're getting a little carried away. This matter first requires Yaddi to come to the police station and tell the story, anyone can lead us to Conan's bones, and also testify for the police, against Jenna's crime. More importantly, Jenna and Yadi are both minor children, and their guardians have unshirkable responsibilities. Meanwhile, this fucking Delilan, and Conan sexually assaulted Jenna. Even because of these two evil father's shameful behavior, it led to the psychological distortion of Jena and Yadi. This is the root of the crime.(米切尔,你太沉不住气了。这件事首先需要雅荻到警事所来自首,陈述这个事情,任何才能带着我们去起柯南的尸骨,并且同样为警方作证,指正杰娜的罪行。还有更重要的一点,杰娜和雅荻都是未成年的孩子,她们的监护人有不可推卸的责任。同时,这个该死的德里兰,还有柯南性侵了杰娜。甚至就是因为这两个罪恶父亲的不齿行为,才导致了杰娜和雅荻的心理扭曲。这才是罪行的根源。)”
“Stag's right. What we're really punishing is what caused Jenna's crime. Both Jaina and Yadi suffered terrible sexual abuse in their childhood. Seriously distorted their mind, will make them have a strong revenge behavior. That's why every child killed in this town, it's always boys. The town has a preference for boys, plus various forms of domestic violence, even sexual assault. That inspires girls like Jenna and Yadi to hate and even kill male children in revenge.(鹿鸣说得对,我们真正要惩罚的,是导致杰娜犯罪的根源。无论是杰娜,还是雅荻,在她们的童年都遭遇了可怕的性侵。严重扭曲了她们的心灵,才会使得她们产生了强烈的报复行为。这就是为什么小镇出现的儿童被杀案,都是男孩子的原因。这个小镇有重男轻女的习俗,再加上各种不同的家暴,甚至性侵。才会激起了像杰娜和雅荻这种女孩的仇视男性儿童,甚至杀害他们的报复行为。)”
“What do we do now?(我们现在怎么办?)”米切尔问道。
鹿鸣看着孟晓云问,“Xiao Yun, will Yadi surrender to the police?(晓云,雅荻愿意来警局自首吗?)”
“I think she will. She longed to go back to school. I already said yes. Let's sponsor the dropouts here to go back to school. Scotwood's preference for boys must be corrected.(我想她会的。她很希望回到学校去。我已经答应了,我们来赞助这里的失学女孩回到学校去吧。斯格特伍德的重男轻女现象必须纠正。)”