Isabel Codrington was a British artist. She painted figures in watercolor and oils, and also produced miniatures. She came from an artistic family; her mother wrote and painted and her father was an amateur playwright. She entered the Royal Academy School of Art aged 15. She was best known for her paintings of Romani people and hawkers, and portraits of peasants.
伊莎贝尔-科德林顿(Isabel Codrington)是一位英国艺术家。她用水彩和油画描绘各种人物,同时也创作一些微型作品。她出生于一个艺术家庭:母亲是一位作家和画家,父亲是业余剧作家。她15岁就进入皇家艺术学院学习,以绘画吉普赛人、货郎小贩以及农民肖像画而闻名。
The extraordinary flowering of her work occurred at the time of the Great War when she secured a commission in 1919 to paint the Cantine Franco-Britannique, Vitry-le-François (now in the Imperial War Museum, London) and simultaneously began to exhibit at the Royal Academy. By 1925, her work was being discussed in newspapers and reproduced in artistic monthlies. Morning is typical of Codrington’s work and highlights her mastery of light and shadow.
科德林顿的作品真正到达顶峰时期是在第一次世界大战期间。1919年,她收到委托创作了《法兰西-不列颠食堂,维特里勒弗朗索瓦》(Cantine Franco - Britannique, Vitry-le-François)(现收藏于伦敦帝国战争博物馆),同时她也开始在皇家艺术学院展出作品。1925年,她的作品在报纸上被讨论,并在艺术月刊上转载。《清晨》(Morning)是科德林顿的典型作品,展现了她对光影的熟练掌握。
Today we present this work thanks to Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery. : )