【我用的是dash.js v3.2.1,作者只实现了低延迟直播模式下使用catchup机制来维持两个播放器播放同步,之前有发起issue和作者沟通,在确认了没有实现点播模式下多播放器时间同步之后,我决定直接加一个支持点播模式的catchup机制。】
以tile = 6的CMP格式360度视频传输为例,平台首先初始化六个基于dash.js的Mediaplayer,每个Mediaplayer对应一个tile空间,各Mediaplayer按照文件服务器的视频块索引文件进行流媒体数据请求,并通过A-Frame框架进行3D联合渲染执行播放。
以下代码是在dash.js v3.2.1版本的基础上修改的,只提供playbackController.js中的关键修改部分供大家参考,具体还要考虑怎么和平台适配以及各种数据怎么调用等等。
// Change: [PlaybackController.js]
PlaybackController.onPlaybackProgression() { // Consider the situation whatever isDynamic is
if (
//isDynamic &&
_isCatchupEnabled() &&
settings.get().streaming.liveCatchup.playbackRate > 0 &&
!isPaused() &&
) {
if (_needToCatchUp()) { // Judge if it needs to catch up according to current live latency
if ($scope !== undefined && $scope.playerCatchUp !== undefined) {
$scope.playerCatchUp[settings.get().count] = true; // $scope contains global variables, $scope.playerCatchUp is for caching catchup state, settings.get().count is for locating which tile is operating
startPlaybackCatchUp(); // Begin catching up
} else {
if ($scope !== undefined && $scope.playerCatchUp !== undefined) {
$scope.playerCatchUp[settings.get().count] = false;
stopPlaybackCatchUp(); // Stop catching up when the divation is less than the threshold
// ...
PlaybackController.getCurrentLiveLatency() { // Change totally with compatibility for non-isDynamic
if (isNaN(availabilityStartTime)) {
return NaN;
let currentTime = getNormalizedTime();
if (isNaN(currentTime) || currentTime === 0) {
return 0;
if (!isDynamic && $scope !== undefined && $scope.normalizedTime !== undefined) { // Run this when non-isDynamic
const now = $scope.normalizedTime * 1000 + timelineConverter.getClientTimeOffset() * 1000;
return Math.max(((now - availabilityStartTime - currentTime * 1000) / 1000).toFixed(3), 0); // Return the divation between current tile's timeline and the normalized timeline
const now = new Date().getTime() + timelineConverter.getClientTimeOffset() * 1000; // Run this when isDynamic
return Math.max(((now - availabilityStartTime - currentTime * 1000) / 1000).toFixed(3), 0);