Waldorf Essentials 华德福的要素:Christof Wiechert 演讲稿

Waldorf Essentials: Why We Should Ask Why 华德福要素:为什么我们要问为什么

2022 Lecture by Christof Wiechert, Alanus University, Germany

Transcribed and translated with imperfection and abbreviation by LI Li, Shanghai, China. This text is for non-commercial usage only.  以不完整和缩写形式转录和翻译Christof Wiechert在International Waldorf Campus的讲演。本文本仅用于非商业用途。

It’s a pleasure to be with you. After 100 years, we have to reflect on what is our progress on Waldorf. I will start with a short historical reflection. Going back to 1909, it was the year Steiner published his book “Knowledge of the Higher World”. What was the impact at that time? The impact was enormous. In the beginning of the 20th century, it was unheard of to talk about inner development, self-management, the inner processes of the human being. You have to think it was kind of an ice-breaker situation, where Steiner broke solid ice that defined mankind for hundreds of years. With that book, a bridge, an entrance, an instrument was built to develop oneself.


For example, he said you can meditate, and he gave a simple explanation, you can meditate on “in light lives wisdom”.  it is not important that you know what that means. But if you inwardly use this phrase , it is as if you are drilling a hole in this solid ice, and something will happen to you from the inside. Another sentence he gave was, “while thinking, I feel myself united with world affairs.” This is especially, for teachers, an outstanding sentence. Just move that thought, around and around. I’m not responsible for world affairs but in my thinking, I can feel united. That was really the beginning of anthroposophy. Solid ice for over hundreds of years was broke, Steiner did it.

例如,他说你可以冥想,他给出了一个简单的解释,你可以冥思“智慧活在光明中”。你知道这意味着什么并不重要。但是,如果你在内心使用这个短语,就好像你在这个固体冰块上钻了一个洞,你的内心会发生一些事情。他说的另一句话是:“思考的时候,我感受自己与世界事务结合在一起。”对于老师来说,这句话尤其出色。只要让这个想法在内心流动,就可以了- 我不负责世界事务,但在我看来,我可以感到团结。这真的是人类智慧的开始。数百年来的厚冰层被打破了,斯坦纳做到了。

In the year 1907, Steiner published a small book “Education of the Child”. He wrote it because he was asked to talk about education. For some years, the book lived without “form”, and then came this entrepreneur who asked him to develop and guide the school. And then you see something amazing- he worked out how it would work. For 5 years, Steiner, with his teachers, struggled to develop form out of the impulse. The impulse was to find an education that serve the identity of the child. Not serving necessity, but focus on becoming human being. That was the impulse. He struggled after WW1 to create this form, how it would be in a school day. I still think it’s a miracle that they managed to survive. It was a work of art to get that done. Within the first decade, after 1919, there were already Waldorf schools in Switzerland, Britain, Holland, Norway, even in the US. First Waldorf school in the US started in 1928. So the impulse had enormous power. Then war came. In Germany, we had to rebuilt everything. It was Immanuel Malt (?) who advised the teachers to close down the schools so they would not be inflicted by the Nazi regime. So Steiner gave up what was the achievement of his life shortly before his death. This saved the world Waldorf movement as it was able to survive the Nazis.

1907年,施泰纳出版了一本书《人智學啟迪下的兒童教育》。这些文章源自因为他被要求谈论教育。几年来,这本书一直没有“形式”,后来有位企业家要求他创立和指导学校。然后我们就看到一些惊人的事情——他想出了教育工作原理的形式。五年来,施泰纳和他的老师们都在努力发展形式。当时的内驱力是找到一种实现孩子的教育。不是关注需要,而是专注于让孩子成为一个人。这就是内驱力。第一次世界大战后,他努力创造了这种形式、这个形式如何一天天在学校展开。我仍然认为那所学校能够幸存下来是一个奇迹,这是件艺术品。1919年后的第一个十年里,瑞士、英国、荷兰、挪威甚至美国都有华德福学校。美国第一所华德福学校成立于1928年。因此,这种内驱力具有巨大的力量。然后,战争爆发了。在德国,我们必须重建一切。当时Immanuel Malt (?) 建议老师们关闭学校,这样他们就不会受到纳粹政权的迫害。因此,施泰纳在去世前不久放弃了他一生的成就,这行为拯救了世界华德福运动,因为它能够在纳粹中幸存下来。

Currently, Waldorf has over 1000 schools. What is the situation in this moment? Are the schools still the bearer, the chalice of that impulse? That is the question. Because we have to work towards the future. I will give you some ideas that came to me in the last meeting I had. They are not complete, but if we look at examples, we learn there are lots of little impulses near and far away. In Israel, there’s this impulse to bring elements of Waldorf education in public schools. It’s quite a big thing these days. There are lots of schools in Israel that are interested in taking this education impulses, even main lessons, into their own schools. Even the fundamentalists are interested.


Look into Germany, we have enormous development of the traditional Waldorf schools. We also have amazing influences of the inter-cultural world, where people come from not from German origin. This inter-cultural Waldorf school didn’t take hold in Europe for many years, but there are some interesting development on this in Germany now. Then, there are independent schools that are getting more expensive, and more parents are not able to pay for them, so parents apply for a position at the school.

We all ask ourselves how will this develop? There is one public school in Oakland, California, that follows the idea of giving children a Waldorf experience. If you visit there, you can see that Waldorf has a lot of positive impacts that are being recognized by authorities. There’s also so called Waldorf home schools in the US that are developing fast. This is all very interesting development. So in many places, we can see the traditional form flourishing. So the question is, is this form still the identity of the impulse?



I make another detour now into the the history of the anthroposophy society. If we look at the original Anthroposophy Society, it was not directed by Steiner, they had their own broad, they had Steiner as their teacher. Steiner did what the board wanted. And then, it happened that the society slowly disconnected from the impulse, in a way that some actions of the society contradicted with the impulse of anthroposophy, and it caused quite some crisis in Germany. Crisis serious enough that the spiritual impulse may not survive. What happened then, was that Steiner reorganized the society, the old society was abandoned and a new one was created. He said, in the new society, impulse and form are identical. And everything done by this society, will be done in the light of the spiritual impulse.


The basic principle of coming together of impulse and form will be out of what is human. Now we come back to education, there is something for us that is very interesting. What is really human in the becoming of human being, and how do we serve that? What is the future of the Waldorf movement? If all what we do is the expression of the impulse, how do we know what the impulse is?

We are now in the situation where teachers find their ways to the root sources, or lose it. This is a critical situation in the world. The form is given, do we still recognize the impulse, does this form still represent the impulse of Waldorf education? This is a serious situation. In some countries, we face a dying process, where step by step the impulse die out of the scope, and what is left is an empty phasm.



The world’s movements and development are different. We have young Waldorf countries like China and India. If you have a young Waldorf country, they are very engaged in the impulse and finding the form. Now some say it’s related to colonization, giving those countries a form where those people may not want it. But Waldorf happens in countries where it is wanted. It is not wise to talk about colonization. I think it is wise to talk about recognition, how we want to raise our children. When we talk about colonization, we may also talk about DE-colonization, but DE-colonization needs to be done there in those places with those who are there. So it’s important that we be more precise with the wording so we don’t get false understanding of the impulse. The impulse is the representation of the consciousness thought, and this is for the whole world, not reserved for certain countries. It’s very simple.

So coming back- we live in this situation, do we still recognize the impulse?



Now I will give you an idea. This is not an idea for us to fight about: The form that was given in 1919, it was a form that they created to align with the impulse. Are we now in the moment where we can say, do we need new forms? Do we have to go back, so to speak, to the year 1907, to the little booklet (The Education of the Child), where we have no form, where we are trying to realize what is this impulse? What do the children in this century need? How do we build new education realities?

In the new schools in Germany and Holland, they do very well. We have achievements there. But is the next steps, seeing how the world progresses, that we look at the impulse and try to understand it again? Where the needs of the children of this time? Needs of the cities, the privileged, the underprivileged... what are the next steps?



There is something developing in some places. We hope to explore in a much wider perspective, what phasm can be engaged with the impulse. I think this is the direction of where Waldorf school has to develop. To give another thought- when Steiner reorganized the Anthroposophy Society, there was a famous Christmas conference in 1924, in which he had a conversation with some Swiss teachers, who said they don’t see the possibility to start Waldorf school in Swizterland, can Steiner advice them? Steiner’s reply was remarkable- He adviced the teachers to bring the Waldorf methodology into the public schools. This lead to the founding of an organization to do just that. And so it happened. believe it or not, it happened.


Another similar example of this movement that we see is in Holland, where Waldorf high school forms partnership with state high school. Sometimes it does not work, there was resistance. Sometimes it works when there is mutual interests.

Why am I tell you this? Because my interpretation of this situation is that Steiner suggested that Waldorf impulse can be realized in other forms, in other phasm. So we need to free ourselves from the form and look into the impulse side. It is a necessary to create new forms.

That is the question of the day, for me.




Question: Is it like that there is so much focus on the form, that we lose the impulse that created the form, and we are holding onto the form that is nothing but an empty shell?

Christof: Yes. That is true. Our societies, especially in the first world, are over organized, that means it gives enormous form that can crush the impulse. The form side is overwhelming.



Comment: I would like to suggest even a step further, you remember there was a Bauhaus movement that suggested form follow function. We need to focus on the impulse and not to worry too much on the form. You talked about one impulse and one form. But the impulse what I see is very diverse, so is form. If we focus on the one form, we may lose the many aspects of the original impulse.

Christof: This is very interesting. In architecture, form follows function. The spiritual reality is that impulse needs a form on earth. Gerber (?) did not find its form in the scientific community and some of this is lost. After 3 generations, Steiner described in the biography of Gerber, spiritual impulse dies out if it has not found its form, or it would have to be reborn. This is the question we have now- how to help generations to become human, that is the impulse, the question.



Question: How can the impulse be shared and propagated? As the impulse is something that streams through us, how do we share that with one another?

Christof: I started my contribution today with meditative examples. I think if we want to truly understand the concept, the art of education, then we have to go two paths: one is scientific understanding of the anthroposophy, and the other is to turn inward, to develop our spiritual capacities. If you find for yourself, then you can find ways, guidance in your thought. That is also our task today, to recreate that. I know a scholar in Israel who travels to many schools. I understand that it’s very effective. So we need people who are capable to talk the language of today in a spiritual way.



Question: From my recent experiences, I have begun to realize that Waldorf school brought out my fears as a parent. I try to overcome my fears and go with the flow. But where do we draw the line between my fear, and something else that is missing in the process? How can I question someone else’s notion of impulse or form? How far should I trust the process, or see the shortcoming as part of the growth process?

Christof: It is a little bit risky but I will say it now- Your question is an absolutely wonderful question. But I do not know the answer. We have to distinguish: there are people who are making and following their impulse, they can make mistakes and know whether they are on the right track by looking back at the impulse; But there are also people who does not need to listen to the call of the impulse, then perhaps their inner capacities are not really cut out for this work. You will see that in their social shortcomings, their education shortcomings, the inability to work together. So I do not give you an answer, but what I can tell you is that I understand your question very well.

Follow-up question: Sometimes I think, who am I to question someone elses’ journey? Am I thinking too much?

Christof: May I give you a suggestion? It sounds a bit stupid, but try to do this for 4 weeks, everyday: meditate on “in light lives wisdom”, and just look what happens to you. My experience is if you do that, let’s say for 3-4 minutes a day, then you get inner orientation. Experiment with your capacities.





Comment: You are presenting this picture, this quality, with the fire of the Goetheanum, showing us what we had before and what came afterwards... so we could see the fire and the horrible points in it. But we can see and you said it, what is possible through this and because of this... I don’t want to say it in a dramatic way in relation to Waldorf pedagogy, but here in Peru, and in other parts of the world, we couldn’t have classes in the “present” form for about 2 years. We could say “it was horrible!”, and it was, in some ways. But I also see that something was dying- something in Waldorf movement can die in a negative way, or in a positive way. So this positive quality, we could observe here during this pandemic. So much of the form died...the nice classroom and everything, and we had to make classes online. Teachers suffered from a lot of fear- but I also heard from teachers and parents that there are something incredible. For example, I heard some parents said, because of this situation, I understand the essential point of Waldorf pedagogy. Some teachers are saying that they have decided to study with us because what they are experiencing brought them to Waldorf pedagogy. What I’m saying is that something, in these years, is dying to be born. Dying and birth are the same thing. Possibly, we need courage to die, not in a dramatic way, perhaps to dissolve. My point is that we find this courage.


Question: I’m just wondering about who do we go to, if the school management haven’t got the awareness to do the inner work? Because what I’m seeing is that children are being affected with imbalances. I wonder if this is something for the Waldorf Fellowship so there’s a top down suggestion of how to doing the inner work? Or should I be doing the inner work? I’m hoping to have some directions.

Christof: It’s wonderful, what you said. But it is quite risky. If a friend comes to me and say to me that I’m stupid, I’m not doing inner work, then it is not easy to have communication. Anthroposophy is the freedom of the human being. We never, ever, say to another, what should be done, there is no authority in the world who can prescribe this, because anthroposophy is built upon this freedom. if you have problem with management, with the school, I would talk with the management about the problem. But not talk about our inner work.

Follow up: I tried that, we didn’t get anywhere. There were a lot of promises but no changes.

Christof: I know this problem very well. But the solution has to come out of where it is. For example, if you have colleagues at your school, who have the same opinion, maybe talk together and see what can we do.

Follow up: I tried that. Everyone just left. It wasn’t going anywhere.

Christof: Perhaps that’s also a form of dying.

Follow up: Yes...

Chritof: I’m sorry I cannot help. this is situation of our time. We need the courage to overcome. But I cannot give practical advice over this distance for your situation.









Comment: Good evening from Denmark. I have an idea about this form and the impulse. Because it’s very much in line with the question of consciousness. As I understand, at least in North Denmark and Norway, a little bit in Germany, Switzerland and Croatia, we have an issue about the impulse of anthroposophy. How can people express and debate without what they say being just an opinion, how can we be in a state of having a platform of discussion and debating? I think for anthroposophy to become alive again, we need to make an understanding that anthroposophy is the base. it comes before everything else. If people are not really educated, they’d take a lot of other impulses into the schools, then something starts to break. I think this is important to address everywhere in the world. To talk about the impulse, consciousness and the form. Then we can begin to re-build.

Christof: That’s very interesting perspective. We have to rebuild an understanding of what was meant. From there we find the ways for our education practices. We are in the situation of re-building, with courage, then we can do something.



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