"All your children, wife, relatives and others, and your attachment for them, is Maya. Truly they neither belong to you nor do you belong to them. This connection and affection that you all feel is only for this life."-Meher Baba
The love, courage and faith of my lovers will be put to a severe-test. I am constantly eyeing your obedience to Me. - Meher Baba
The meaning of faith is that one is not shaken by anything. Faith is the means whereby anything can be courageously accomplished.- Meher Baba
Love should be absolutely devoid of lust, and it should be steadfast and unchanging. - Meher Baba
" When you do not want anything, you have everything. "- Meher Baba
"Love me at your level and I will take you to my level" - Meher Baba