全长转录组 | Iso-Seq 三代测序数据分析流程 (PacBio) (3)-- SQANTI3 v5.2


Functional IsoTranscriptomics (FIT)是美国弗罗里达大学(University of Florida)Ana Conesa 教授团队(Genomics of Gene Expression Lab, ConesaLab)开发的在转录本isoform水平上进行生物信息学分析的流程,旨在提供一个全长转录组end-to-end的解决方案 (图1)。SQANTI 3 构成了FIT流程的第一个模块,其设计目的是使长读序列定义的转录组的质量控制和过滤成为可能,这些转录本通常含有artifacts和假阳性。因此,对全长转录组进行校正是进行FIT分析的前提,且对产生可靠的、在生物学上合理的结论/假设至关重要。SQANTI 3 是SQANTI 工具(发布)的最新版本,该版本合并 SQANT 1 和 SQANTI 2 中的功能并加入了新的功能 ,更好的对全长转录本进行深度表征 。

图1. Functional IsoTranscriptomics, FIT流程

SQANTI 3 主要设计用来完成两个同等重要的任务 (图2):

  1. 长读序列定义的转录组分类和质量控制(SQANTI3 QC)。SQANTI 3 定义的 isoform 对于参考注释的类别和亚类,加上一系列的转录本层面的属性和描述,允许用户仔细检查他们isoform模型的属性,以及鉴别在文库制备和原始数据处理过程中产生的潜在问题。
  2. 长读序列定义转录组的 artifacts 过滤(SQANTI3 filter)。利用 SQANTI 3 的计算,用户可以他们的转录组中移除潜在的假阳性isoforms。考虑到当前长读序列测序实验流程的biases和pitfalls,这一点尤其重要。

为了深入了解这两个步骤,我们鼓励阅读SQANTI原文。然而,最近我们在SQANTI 3 工作流程中加入了最后一个步骤(SQANTI3 rescue):

  1. 参考转录本的补救(SQANTI3 rescue)。旨在通过参考基因组注释去除artifacts。该模块意在保持转录组的多样性,即防止失去那些有可信junction chains的转录本。通过运行SQANTI3 rescue程序,SQANTI 3 将选择已经被去除的aritfacts可信对应的参考转录本,并将它们添加回过滤后的转录组中。
图2. SQANTI 3的工作流程

SQANTI 3 生成高质量转录组之后,下游步骤包括(图1):

  • 对isoform模型进行功能注释,包括位置定义的功能特征,如motifs、结构域等。IsoAnnot是一个用于对isoform进行de novo注释的工具。目前正在开发中,但是用户可以在 SQANTI 3 内部或外部运行IsoAnnotLite,从其他已注释的转录组中推断功能特征。
  • 使用tappAS进行基于表达的功能分析。tappAS是一个Java GUI应用程序,其利用表达和结构域和motifs注释信息,以深入了解可变剪接isoform表达对功能的影响。

在运行 SQANTI 3 之前:推荐的长读序列处理流程:

以下是我们建议的工作流程,包括生成 SQANTI 3 输入文件的最佳方式以及在质量控制和过滤后该如何进行:

  1. 混样(Sample pooling ):尽管我们知道一些用户可能从多个重复实验和/或样品中获取了长读序列数据,但我们建议将所有长读样品数据合并起来,以构建每个实验的单一转录组。

  2. 使用您偏好的转录组构建工具处理长读数据。我们不建议在未经处理的长读序列(raw long reads)上使用 SQANTI 3,因为它不是作为长读序列数据质量控制的工具设计的。

  3. 转录本模型的合并。通常,长读序列处理流程会产生大量高度冗余的isoform模型。我们建议在使用SQANTI 3 前,先用cDNA_Cupcake(现在是isoseq collapse)或TAMA Collapse等工具来合并冗余的isoform,以供isoform的数量和质量。

  4. 质量控制和过滤:我们强烈建议用户尽可能仔细地检查他们的长读序列定义转录组,包括筛选转录组以移除可能的假阳性isoform,这在由长读序列生成的转录组中很常见。

  5. 使用短读/长读和相应的工具对过滤后的转录组进行定量。我们不推荐将输入到SQANTI 3的表达量估算用于下游分析,这些仅用于质量控制目的。一旦从转录组中移除了所有artifacts,这些序列可以被用来获得更准确的定量。

一、SQANTI3 v5.2 安装

  • SQANTI3的下载:
$ wget https://github.com/ConesaLab/SQANTI3/archive/refs/tags/v5.2.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf v5.2.tar.gz
  • SQANTI3的conda环境创建:
$ cd SQANTI3
$ conda env create -f SQANTI3.conda_env.yml
$ source activate SQANTI3.env
  • 安装gtfToGenePred,将运行程序加入到路径当中
#将 gtfToGenePred 加入 PATH,这里根据自己的路径进行相应修改。
$ echo PATH=/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/SQANTI3-5.2/utilities:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
#将 SQANTI3 python脚本加入 PATH,这里根据自己的路径进行相应修改。
$ echo PATH=/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/SQANTI3-5.2:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  • 安装cDNA_Cupcake软件
$ source activate SQANTI3.env

(SQANTI3.env)$ git clone https://github.com/Magdoll/cDNA_Cupcake.git
(SQANTI3.env)$ cd cDNA_Cupcake

(SQANTI3.env)$ python setup.py build
(SQANTI3.env)$ python setup.py install


1. 激活SQANTI3 conda 环境

(base)-bash-4.1$ conda activate SQANTI3.env

2. 把 cDNA_Cupcake/sequence 文件夹路径加入$PYTHONPATH

(SQANTI3.env)-bash-4.1$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path_to>/cDNA_Cupcake/sequence/
(SQANTI3.env)-bash-4.1$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path_to>/cDNA_Cupcake/

(SQANTI3.env)-bash-4.1$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/cDNA_Cupcake-master/sequence/
(SQANTI3.env)-bash-4.1$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/cDNA_Cupcake-master

3. 运行SQANTI3 QC sqanti3_qc.py

  • 官方示例
#进入 SQANTI3-5.2 文件夹
#修改  UHR_chr22_short_reads.fofn   中文件路径为如下:
example/UHR_Rep1_chr22.R1.fastq.gz example/UHR_Rep1_chr22.R2.fastq.gz
example/UHR_Rep2_chr22.R1.fastq.gz example/UHR_Rep2_chr22.R2.fastq.gz

$ sqanti3_qc.py example/UHR_chr22.gtf example/gencode.v38.basic_chr22.gtf example/GRCh38.p13_chr22.fasta    \
                     --CAGE_peak data/ref_TSS_annotation/human.refTSS_v3.1.hg38.bed    \
                     --polyA_motif_list data/polyA_motifs/mouse_and_human.polyA_motif.txt    \
                     -o UHR_chr22 -d example/SQANTI3_output -fl example/UHR_abundance.tsv    \
                     --short_reads example/UHR_chr22_short_reads.fofn --cpus 4 --report both  
图3. Sqanti3_QC官方示例结果文件
  • 实际案例,以第一部分URHH数据为例:
$ python sqanti3_qc.py example/UHRR.collapsed.gff example/GRCh38.gtf example/GRCh38.fa    \
      -o UHRR -d example/SQANTI3_UHRR_Output -fl example/UHRR.collapsed.flnc_count.txt \
      --isoAnnotLite --gff3 example/human_tappas_gencode_annotation_file.gff3 \
      --cpus 20 --report both
图4. UHRR数据Sqanti3_QC结果文件


1). 我在其它文件夹运行时,老报错,经过输入文件的各种测试,估计是依赖文件的问题,因为示例能够成功运行;而在SQANTI3-5.2文件里运行就可以正常运行,只是需要把文件包括参考基因组及其注释文件都拷贝到exapmle文件夹里。
2). isoseq collapse 所产生的 *.collapsed.gff.gff2格式,和sqanti3_qc.py输入文件.gtf格式一样,所以是通用的。不需要用gffread进行转化。
3). gffread的安装和使用。

$ conda install -c bioconda gffread
$ gffread input.gff3 -T -o out.gtf
$ gffread input.gtf -o out.gff3

4). cDNA_cupcake 已经停止更新了,被官方iso-seq所吸纳取代,因此iso-seq collapseTAMA collapse的输出.gff文件都被官方建议作为sqanti3_qc.py的输入文件。

4. SQANTI3 QC 的参数

usage: sqanti3_qc.py [-h] [--min_ref_len MIN_REF_LEN] [--force_id_ignore] 
                     [--aligner_choice {minimap2,deSALT,gmap,uLTRA}] 
                     [--CAGE_peak CAGE_PEAK] [--polyA_motif_list POLYA_MOTIF_LIST]
                     [--polyA_peak POLYA_PEAK] [--phyloP_bed PHYLOP_BED] 
                     [--skipORF] [--is_fusion] [--orf_input ORF_INPUT] 
                     [--fasta] [-e EXPRESSION] [-x GMAP_INDEX] 
                     [-t CPUS] [-n CHUNKS] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DIR]
                     [-c COVERAGE] [-s SITES] [-w WINDOW] [--genename] 
                     [-fl FL_COUNT] [-v] [--saturation] 
                     [--report {html,pdf,both,skip}] 
                     [--isoAnnotLite] [--gff3 GFF3]
                     [--short_reads SHORT_READS] [--SR_bam SR_BAM] 
                     [--ratio_TSS_metric {max,mean,median,3quartile}]
                     isoforms annotation genome

Structural and Quality Annotation of Novel Transcript Isoforms

positional arguments:
  isoforms              Isoforms (FASTA/FASTQ) or GTF format. It is recommended to 
                        provide them in GTF format, but if it is needed to map the sequences 
                        to the genome use a FASTA/FASTQ file with the
                        --fasta option.

  annotation            Reference annotation file (GTF format)

  genome                Reference genome (Fasta format)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --min_ref_len MIN_REF_LEN
                        Minimum reference transcript length (default: 200 bp)

  --force_id_ignore     Allow the usage of transcript IDs non related with 
                        PacBio's nomenclature (PB.X.Y)

  --aligner_choice {minimap2,deSALT,gmap,uLTRA}

                        FANTOM5 Cage Peak (BED format, optional)

  --polyA_motif_list POLYA_MOTIF_LIST
                        Ranked list of polyA motifs (text, optional)

  --polyA_peak POLYA_PEAK
                        PolyA Peak (BED format, optional)

  --phyloP_bed PHYLOP_BED
                        PhyloP BED for conservation score (BED, optional)

  --skipORF             Skip ORF prediction (to save time)

  --is_fusion           Input are fusion isoforms, must supply GTF as input

  --orf_input ORF_INPUT
                        Input fasta to run ORF on. By default, ORF is run on genome-corrected 
                        fasta - this overrides it. If input is fusion (--is_fusion), this must be provided for ORF prediction.

  --fasta               Use when running SQANTI by using as input a FASTA/FASTQ with the sequences of isoforms

  -e EXPRESSION, --expression EXPRESSION
                        Expression matrix (supported: Kallisto tsv)

  -x GMAP_INDEX, --gmap_index GMAP_INDEX
                        Path and prefix of the reference index created by gmap_build. Mandatory 
                        if using GMAP unless -g option is specified.

  -t CPUS, --cpus CPUS  Number of threads used during alignment by aligners. (default: 10)

  -n CHUNKS, --chunks CHUNKS
                        Number of chunks to split SQANTI3 analysis in for speed up (default: 1).

  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Prefix for output files.

  -d DIR, --dir DIR     Directory for output files. Default: Directory where the script was run.

  -c COVERAGE, --coverage COVERAGE
                        Junction coverage files (provide a single file, comma-delmited filenames, 
                        or a file pattern, ex: "mydir/*.junctions").

  -s SITES, --sites SITES
                        Set of splice sites to be considered as canonical (comma-separated list of splice 
                        sites). Default: GTAG,GCAG,ATAC.

  -w WINDOW, --window WINDOW
                        Size of the window in the genomic DNA screened for Adenine content downstream of TTS

  --genename            Use gene_name tag from GTF to define genes. Default: gene_id used to define genes

  -fl FL_COUNT, --fl_count FL_COUNT
                        Full-length PacBio abundance file

  -v, --version         Display program version number.

  --saturation          Include saturation curves into report

  --report {html,pdf,both,skip}
                        select report format --html --pdf --both --skip

  --isoAnnotLite        Run isoAnnot Lite to output a tappAS-compatible gff3 file

  --gff3 GFF3           Precomputed tappAS species specific GFF3 file. It will serve as reference 
                        to transfer functional attributes

  --short_reads SHORT_READS
                        File Of File Names (fofn, space separated) with paths to FASTA or FASTQ from 
                        Short-Read RNA-Seq. If expression or 
                        coverage files are not provided, Kallisto (just for pair-end
                        data) and STAR, respectively, will be run to calculate them.

  --SR_bam SR_BAM       Directory or fofn file with the sorted bam files of Short Reads RNA-Seq mapped 
                        against the genome

  --isoform_hits        Report all FSM/ISM isoform hits in a separate file

  --ratio_TSS_metric {max,mean,median,3quartile}
                        Define which statistic metric should be reported in the ratio_TSS column

5. 运行SQANTI3 FILTER sqanti3_filter.py

  • 通过设定过滤规则过滤Running the rules filter
$ python sqanti3_filter.py rules path/to/classification.txt 

$ python sqanti3_filter.py rules example/SQANTI3_UHRR_Output/UHRR_classification.txt 
  • 通过机器学习算法过滤Running the machine learning filter
$ python sqanti3_filter.py ml path/to/classification.txt

$ python sqanti3_filter.py ml example/SQANTI3_UHRR_Output/UHRR_classification.txt 

6. 运行SQANTI3 RESCUE sqanti3_rescue.py

$ python sqanti3_rescue.py rules --isoforms *_corrected.fasta --gtf *.filtered.gtf -f GRCh38.gtf -k UHRR_classification.txt

$ python sqanti3_rescue.py ml --isoforms *_corrected.fasta --gtf *.filtered.gtf -f GRCh38.gtf -k UHRR_classification.txt


1. 如果遇到下面这个问题:

Error compiling Cython file:
                exon_tree.insert_interval(Interval(e_start+offset, i+offset, index))
                index += 1
                tag = False
            elif baseC[i] > 0 and (altC_pos[i] > threshSplit or altC_neg[i+1] < -threshSplit): # alt. junction found!
                # end the current exon at i and start a new one at i + 1
                print "alt. junction found at", i

cupcake/tofu/branch/c_branch.pyx:30:22: Syntax error in simple statement list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/cDNA_Cupcake-master/setup.py", line 25, in <module>
    ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules),
  File "/mnt/data/home/mli/miniforge-pypy3/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 1154, in cythonize
  File "/mnt/data/home/mli/miniforge-pypy3/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/Cython/Build/Dependencies.py", line 1321, in cythonize_one
    raise CompileError(None, pyx_file)
Cython.Compiler.Errors.CompileError: cupcake/tofu/branch/c_branch.pyx


编辑 setup.py文件中的 第25行:

把 ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules),
改为 ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules, language_level = "2"),
$ python setup.py build

2. 如果遇到下面这个问题:

SQANTI3.env) mli@ca496d1fda31:~$ sqanti3_qc.py 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/data/home/mli/Desktop/Software/SQANTI3-5.2/sqanti3_qc.py", line 20, in <module>
    from scipy import mean
ImportError: cannot import name 'mean' from 'scipy' (/mnt/data/home/mli/miniforge-pypy3/envs/SQANTI3.env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/__init__.py)

经过测试,应该是python版本的问题。SQANTI3.cond_env.yml第29行,- python>=3.7.6,这样conda自动安装最新的python3.10。在python环境中运行from scipy import mean报错。我把- python>=3.7.6改成-python = 3.8.13

  • 删除SQANTI3旧环境:
$ conda env remove --name SQANTI3.env
  • 重新运行:
$ conda env create -f SQANTI3.conda_env.yml


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