MFS02 E08

S02 E08

Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. It’s so nice to spend my birthday surrounded by so many smiling faces. I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized I let my childhood slip away.下午好,欢迎各位大驾光临。在大家的笑容映衬下度过生日我是在备感荣幸。我今天本情绪低落不想来了

Slip away 悄没声息地溜走

Thirty minutes earlier

Come on, everybody! We’re gonna be late for Manny’s birthday! Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go! 

I’m ready, mom.

Are you sure,  honey?


And take a quick peek at your feet.

Oh! Come, Luke!

Take a quick peek 快看一眼你…  peek偷看,窥视;一瞥,看一眼=take a look

Are you gonna walk faster, or should I get Lily’s stroller out of the car and push you?

Would you relax? The restaurant’s like five minutes away from here. Ohh, free lotion.

Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Manny’s present.

Ohh, you are such a Pritchett.

What’s that supposed to me?


 free lotion免费乳液, 赠品乳液 lotion洁肤液;护肤液;润肤乳

Stop Stopping to smell the roses劝他别三心二意

Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go!  Let’s go! 

I’m looking for the keys.

Of course you are .,

I like being on time. It’s easy ‘ cause I’m organized. Not my wife. You ‘d think growing up in a place full of death squads and druken uncles, she’d have learned to move a little bit faster.


I couldn’t find my earring. So, what were we talking about, huh?

Death squads ;squads(受命于政府谋杀政敌等的)处决小队,暗杀小组——就是敢死队

druken uncles烂酒鬼 老酒鬼

Honey, come on. We’re gonna be late. Let’s go.

Yeah, yeah, just filling out the application to family camp. You don’t win the “dirty dancing” competition, and not go back to defend your crown.

That’s right.come on , honey.

But shoot for the king you better kill him.但是想夺冠最好干掉冠军

Every summer, we  spend a week at family camp. It’s just like regular camp, but with the family!

I don’t think that needed any clarification, Phil.

Soebody’s still a little touchy about losing last year’s color war.


She was on team blue… or as I like to refer to them as term blue-zer.

And I was on white.

That’s good.

And if you ain’t white.

No. You ain’t right.

Phil, have you learned nothing?

Fill out 填,填写(表格等)

the application to family camp家庭营地申请表, 家庭夏令营申请表

Dirty Dancing 热舞、贴身舞、辣身舞

go back defend your crown重夺桂冠

Shoot for 争取;完成;得到=fight for



You ain’t right.你就不对 你就失败

Last summer

My good man.

Okay, come om. Everybody . Front door! Now!

Claire, relax. It takes 15 minutes to get there.

It hakes 2o minutes.

If we take your route.

Well, my way is the most direct.

Direct into traffic.

Uh, your way is directly into … the suckiest way.

Want to make this interesting?

Dad, I don’t think that’s possible.不会有趣的

we take two cars and see who gets there first.

Fine. Fine. Let’s do that. It’s on.

Yeah! It is on!

I’ll take the girls.

Luke, your dad and I are splitting up.


Another one of their stupid arguments.

Okay, I’ll go with dad.

No,no. Body. Come with me.

Prepare to be —my shoes. Come on,phil.

Route 路线

Splitting up分手;分开

How do I look?

Like Al Capone.(黑帮老大 黑手党的名字)


Happy birthday, kid.

A BB gun?!

enjoy. That’s the best gift my dad ever gave me.

My keys are nowhere! We’re gonna have to go in your car.

It’s in the shop. Where was the last place you put your keys?

Oh, so now it’s my fault?

Where was the last place you put my keys?

In your hand when I bought you the car.

Hey, Jay. On the box, it says “Ages 16 and up.” Is this an appropriate gift for me?

Are you kidding me? You were born 16. You know , we wouldn’t having this problem if you hadn’t lost the spare set.

I didn’t lose them. Sombody came in here and stole them!

And left the car.

What do you mean, I was born 16? I’m just saying, you were never much of a kid. And that’s a good thing, ‘cause I never liked kids. You know, you ought to try the fridge. ‘Cause that’s where we found your cellphone.

It was only one time, Jay. And you I alway eat after I talk to my mother.

Happy birthday, old mam.

Well, I’ve forgot a lot of things in my life. But what Jay said hit me hard. I’d forgotten to have a childhood.

BB gun 玩具枪;BB枪;汽枪;空气枪


You were born 16. 你生来就16岁, 你天生老城

Spare set 备用钥匙 spare keys

Ought to应该;应当

what Jay said hit me hard醍醐灌顶 hit me hard感触挺深

dad, that was a stop sign. I’ll stop twice in the way back.

Oh, good, it’ll give us a chance to pick up that hubcap you lost cutting through the temple parking lot.



Are you seeing this? We’re making every light, and we don’t even have to speed. The system works.


I know, I went a little fast back there.but, really, 40 is the same as 35.

You say that a lot.(你总是说40 岁和35岁差不多)

Stop sign停车标志 表示闯红灯了


Cut through穿过,挤进

Parking lot停车场

temple parking lot教堂停车场

We’re making every light我们一路畅通 绿灯

I don’t think you two appreciate what’s at stake here.

Our lives?

You know I love your mother, but I think you also know a certain look she gets.that say, “just listen to me, I’m always right”.

You mean her face?

Now we’re getting this. If we’re right this one time, then we never to be right again. When she says, “that balloon can’t carry a person, Phil”. I say,” Manny’s birthday”.

“Take your jacket, Alex.  I think it’s gonna rain”.

“Manny’s birthday”.

Don’t look at me. Look at the road.

“Manny’s birthday”.

Bo, dad! Look at the road! There’s truck! Sweet baby! Assholes!


At stake 处于危险境地;处于成败关头


a certain look she gets她那嘴脸


We’re so kicking your dad’s butt!  We are the best ones!

How come you and dad are breaking up?


If it’s just a little disagreement, can’t you just work it out?

Oh, sweetie, you thought that when I said we were splitting up… oh, no. your dad and I are fine, honey. We just were gonna take separate cars to see who could get the restaurant faster.

Oh, that’s relief. 哦 那我就放心了

ohh, you must have been feeling awful back there. I am so sorry. It’s okay.

Why did you say you’d go with your dad?

Great,. Mom gets to be right again.

Hey, bad attitudes lose races.

no, swerving into a curb and popping your tire loses races.

 We should call the cops and say mom’s car was stolen. They arrest her, we win.

No, they trace those calls.

But this is great. Thinking like a team! Good practice for family camp.

We’re,uh, we’re doing that again?

And this year I predict total white domination.

Can’t go back there. I heard this summer there’s gonna be a hoedown.

I can’t.


I can’t. I can’t.我受不了

Kick butt踢屁股=kick ass 给点颜色瞧瞧


bad attitudes lose races.心态不好会输


curb 路边缘

popping (使)发砰砰声;(使)爆裂,发爆裂声

Popping your tire弄爆你的车胎



trace calls追踪电话

predict语言 预感

total domination全面统治 


eight minutes talking to the lady at the stationery store all still no present. 

You. Know, I think a new friend Is like a present.

Yeah, I read that card, too. Can we please just buy the next thing we see and out of here.

You know, why can’t you enjoy this? It’s a beautiful  afternoon. Lili’s with a sitter. The say is ours


Oh, look at that. Another friend. Off we go. Very busy.

No, stop. You are too tied to your rigid schedules. You’re missing life. It took all of two seconds to help this nice man.

Wait. There’s more.表示还没完呢

Two seconds.yeah.

Tell her I’m so sorry. I’ve always loved her.

Please come up and talk to me. 

Please come up and talk to him. His life would be empty without you! I’m sorry I’m going off script. It just felt fight.

oh. Good.

Too late. No, you know what? give him your cellphone. I’ll chase Helen down and give her my phone. They can hash It out.

Are you serious?

Yes, I’m serious as a heart attack.

stationery store文具店

sitter保姆=baby sitter

Off we go 走吧,赛跑带车出发

too tied to your rigid schedules 你太按部就班于死板的计划表路

go off script 脱稿 即兴发挥了

Hash out具体讨论 表示充分讨论后做决定

I’m serious as a heart attack.是啊比珍珠还真 我非常认真的

You always do this. Now we’re gonna be late to our own party.

Stop shouting! 别烦了 别嚷嚷了

well, technically, I wasn’t really—

Uh, yes, hello. Is Seymour butts there?

I’d never made a prank call… never mixed different sodas together to se what they’d taste like. So I knew I had to make the most of what little childhood I had left.

Not “Lutts”. I’m looking for Butts. Yes, I’m trying to get ahold of Butts. Very funny, I don’t have time for this foolishness.

Maybe if you had a system for where you leave things,

I have a system. I put down things, then I remember where I put them.

And that would be preferable to, say, putting them on the key holder, which just happens to look like a larger key.

Stop screaming!

what are you doing?

Turning back the clock.


don’t judge me. You’ve never been married. This never happened.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

That’s a good man.

Boy. I’m a boy.

made a prank call打恶作剧电话

Get ahold of联系到;找到;得到

foolishness 愚蠢

Preferable to较合人意;更好的;较合人意的;更可取;优于

Key holder钥匙链;钥匙圈;匙扣;钥匙扣;钥匙包-剧中是个钥匙架

Stop screaming!别叫唤了(Jay没有叫喊但是G快崩溃了)

Turning back the clock.时光倒转

disgusting 恶心

You all right? You okay?

Why do you ask?这还用问吗

oh,okay. Well, think ithis is for you.

I don’t know what to say to him.

Just open your heart and listen.

Okay.  Hello?

I dropped your phone.

I was here when it happened. Okay. It’s all right. We’ll just…

I can’t. I just can’t.

Helen, you have to try. I once almost let my own fears stop me from embarking on relationship and I would have lost the love of my life.

hang on抓紧 稍等 坚持 I’ll have you down in a jiffy. Hold on tight! Ow. Nails.

Helen, please just give me a chance.

Give him a chance!

She’s right here. Cam, come on. We’re running out of time.

We’re running out of time. sensitive. Go to him.接受他

It’s nice that you care so much about us.

Without love we’re nothing.

But what about his wife?

It was a pleasure to meeting you both.

Stop from阻止;阻止某事发生;阻止…做

Embark on 着手,开始做某事; embarking上船;装船

In a jiffy很快;瞬间

Nails 指甲 这里指别用指甲掐我 别掐

run out of time没时间了

sensitive 真敏感细心(讽刺:真爱操心)

I get it, Luke. You think he’s the fun one. That’s why you’d go with him.


You think your dad is more fun than I am.



Dad’s, like, crazy-fun. But you’re nice.

I’m nice?!

Well, not now.

Tell him.

Tell me what?


Hey, what do you call dad’s car, girls?

The cone of trust.

The cone of trust. Exactamundo ,where you can speak your mind with no judgement. So, what is it? Boys? Your bodies  are changing? Eggs?

No,no. We were just thinking that maybe… if you’re open to it—

Dad, we love you, but we do not want to go to the family camp this year.

Dad? Are you upset?不开心 生气了?


Then what was that sniff?

sniff? what sniff? I’m—uh— I’m  actually relieved. The day that I’ve been dreading. Uh, the day when you two finally outgrow me, has finally arrived. And I’m handling it really well.

Dad, are you crying?


Are you sure you’re okay?


Oh, my god. he is crying.

I’ve never seen dad cry before.

But, dad, if you cry, then I’ll cry!

I’m not crying.

We made our daddy cry!

You called me daddy?

Because you are our daddy!

I’ll always be your daddy!

Cone(盛冰激凌的)锥形蛋卷筒  The cone of trust.信任蛋卷筒


if you’re open to it如果你能接受 你愿意的话




Don’t cry, mom.

I am not crying. Let me fill you in on a little secret,Luke. When I met your dad, I was fun, too. But I had to give all that up. Because you can’t have two fun parents. That’s a carnival.  You know that kid Liam who wears pajama pants to school, and pays for things with a $100 bill? Two fun parents. Mark my words.

Oh, my god! Ohh!

You’re fun, too, mom.

I just said i’d go with dad because I think he’d need me more.

Fill in 告诉

Carnoval 狂欢节;嘉年华;激动人心的事物组合;五彩缤纷事物的组合

Mark my words记住我的话

How come I do all the looking and you do all the sitting?

Cause you do all the losing.

Oh, and you’re this close of doing all the sleeping in a tent in the backyard.

Did you check your purse?

Yes, of course.

It’s big purse. You might want to look again.

Okay, I check. You rest.

No. There’s nothing.

You’re sure? Yes, I look twice, now. There’s nothing.

Okay. Then you better call us a cab!

Manny! Manny? What the hell? Where’d that thing come from?

Christmas. Two years ago. Never took it out of the box. “ who would enjoy that?”I thought. A kid, that’s who.

Well, come on. We’ve got your party.

What’s the point? You were right. i was born 16. I’ve lost my childhood.

Why did you want me to look. Again in my purse , Jay,Huh? Is it because you put the keys in there?

No, why. Did you find it?

Yes. I found them because you put he keys in there. Manny, what the hell are you doing there?

He wants to cancel his party because he missed his childhood.

The party that I have rescheduled three times. Changed the restaurant twice, so that the whole family could be together.

Please send my regrets. Now, if I could have a little privacy…

Is that a skateboard down there?

The second thing that slipped right out from under me today.

Okay , time to get out. The firs was my childhood.

I get it,

I am so sick of stubborn men. You, you act like a little boy that doesn’t want to accept that he’s wrong. And you like a sad old man that doesn’t want to be happy. Taht’s it.

You could have shot me!你会射中我

Come on, Manny. I could’ve unbuttoned your shirt if you wanted to. Now come here, or sink! 要么过来要么就沉下去吧 and I’m taking this with me in the car.



Take out 取出 ; 带出 ; 拔 ; 取得

rescheduled将。。。 改期,重新安排

regrets遗憾 Please send my regrets.我表示遗憾

skateboard 花瓣

Sick of厌倦了,厌烦了


Unbuttoned解开…的纽扣 打掉扣子

I know that face, mitchell.

Okay, and we’re walking.

It means you were right and I was wrong for trying to help two people,


Fair enough.

Actually, the most adult adulterers ever.

But my impulse was still right.

Here we go又来了

Life is about being— yes, you know what? Here we do go. It’s about being spontaneous. it’s about throwing yourself into something, not working long hours every night at the office.It’s like you’re living your I-

What is this?

I don’t know. Excuse me, constable, what - what is going on? Oh, it’s a flash mob! it’s a flash mob!  We saw it on Youtube, rememberer? People get together and choreograph big dance numbers!

We should go. T- this is kind of weird.

No, this is, of all people, should—

Cam’s right. I can be a little rigid. So when Chad from accounting, who I always thought was gay, but apparently is not. Um, told me about the flash mob, I thought, “hells yes”. Uh, we’ve been practicing after work a couple of nights a week. And it’s been a big commitment. But it’s totally worth it. This c=dance is my love letter to Cam.

Okay,so this is why I was rushing you around. Huh? What do you think of me now?

How could you , Mitchell?

What? Cameron.

Not now, Donald!

Adulterers 通奸者;奸夫



Throw into投入;投身于


Flash mob快闪族


Joyful高兴的;快乐的;令人愉快的, 有趣

 a couple of nights a week

a big commitment付出了很多 花费

You do fun stuff. You put that potato chip in my sandwich. That was a crunchy surprise.

Nope, that was your dad. everything fun is your dad. Second Christmas,Italian-accent night… this race. Which we could’ve won. Your wa is way faster.

It is, isn’t it? Buckle up,Luke. Today you have two fun parents.

Come on, mom. You can do it.

That’s right I can.

Tell me the truth, jay. Did you put the key in my bag.


I won’t be mad.

In order to prove a point, I may have—

I knew it!

Why did I get you such a big watch?!

Why, Jay?! What point didi you have to prove?

I’m trying to teach you to be organized, your mind is scattered, G.

your mind is gonna be scattered. Manny, hand me the gun!


Which we could’ve won.我们本可以赢啊

Buckle up系好安全带;请系好安全带;扣上;系上安全带;扣紧安全带

In roder to为了;以便;目的在于;(某人)要想…(必须)…


I appreciate the gesture, and I’m not proud of how I’m furling right now. But the fact is, you cheated on me.

In what way did I cheat on you?

You cheated on me with choreography, and that is the worst kind.

Well, it really isn’t.

You danced without me, Mitchell.

Gesture 手势;姿势;示意动作

I appreciate the gesture,感谢你献舞给我

If I’d known it was my last summer there, I’d have gone for the lead in”Pippin,”

Dad, lookup ahead. Coming at us. There’s mom! Beat her!

I don’t think he’s in the mood for that right now.

Hold on. No! If ever a man needed a win, it’s this man.

What do you say, dad?

Okay. This one’s for family camp.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 

This is so inappropriate! 

I love you.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 

Mom, look out!

anybody Burt?

I am.

Come at扑向;向…逼近

If ever(用于过去时,加强语气)如果真的…


Look out 小心

I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized I let my childhood slip away. Look at Luke there… making one big straw out of three. Never change, Luke. I really thought it was  too late for me. But watching all you acting like children, it hit me— I’ve got plenty of time left to be a kid. Anyway, happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday, Manny.

I have been a child.

I’m sorry I hid the keys.

I’m sorry I shoot the island.

We’re totally racing home.

I’m way ahead of you. As usual.

Slip away悄没声息地溜走 

my childhood slip away虚度童年了

Make out of用某物制造出

making one big straw out of three.用三根吸管做成根长吸管

We’re totally racing home. 我们比赛回家, 我们回家路上再比一场

As usual. 一向如此 一如既往

they say it’s going to be a rainy weekend. 

They don’t know.

I do. My kee’s been singing all morning.


Mother of—

Put them down and walk away.

You know, G—

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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,897评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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