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1) Driverless shuttle bringing a glimpse of the future to downtown Las Vegas
Las Vegas Review-Journal
“This is the next stage to see if autonomous vehicles have any conflicts with real-time traffic, which will help us determine if this technology can be ...
2) Google partners on self-driving car program
St. Augustine Record
I believe Waymo is the leader in this ambition to have a shared autonomous vehicle in the marketplace,” said AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson on a ...
3) How Will Self-Driving Cars Disrupt Industries?
The Market Mogul
Grab, the Uber of Southeast Asia recently tested NuTonomy, an autonomous driving vehicle in Singapore. Existing automobile manufacturers such as ...
4) 京东无人快递车真的来了,快递小哥饭碗不保?
从自动仓储到无人分拣,从自动驾驶货车到解决最后一公里物流的无人快递车,京东的智慧物流体系已经成型,接下来只需要做好各个环节的对接和优化即 ...
5) With Spark Assistant, Cisco adds voice-activated AI to videoconferencing
【M一句话点评:Cisco ToB 语音控制会议】
Virtual assistants are gaining popularity as Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant get better at quickly retrieving information and helping to ...
6) AI future is nigh, but enterprises are unready
The AI future is terrifying, terrific -- and companies are unprepared to exploit it. Also: Big tech testifies on 2016 election meddling; iPhone X privacy ...
7) Shelley, AI bot
The Hindu
They've conjured 'Shelley', a deep-learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) bot who writes her own horror stories. Yes, a piece of software that writes its own ...
8) 重庆:下月起市民买无人机需实名登记不能任性飞
今(3)日,记者从重庆市政府网了解到,《重庆市民用无人驾驶航空器管理暂行办法》( ... 物流、寄递企业在收寄民用无人机以及发动机、控制芯片等重要零部件时,应当登记交 ... 其中,在自飞空域飞行的,应当在驾驶员的视距范围内操控飞行。