
英文 中文
Hot food from a hot man. 猛男主厨美味出炉
Max, a woman in my section wants to know 麦克斯我那区有个女人问
if we do anything gluten-free. 咱们有没有无谷蛋白的食物
What do I tell her? 怎么回答
Tell her she's not allergic to gluten, 跟她说别假装对谷蛋白过敏
she's just masking an eating disorder. 来掩饰自己的饮食失调症
Look alive, people. 各位打起精神
Club sandwich, burger, medium, 总汇三明治汉堡配中薯
and a shrimp salad for the gamblin' man. 以及给赌鬼的鲜虾沙拉
I asked for salt and pepper. 我要的盐和胡椒呢
I wanted mayonnaise and mustard. 我的蛋黄酱和芥末酱呢
You forgot my diet soda. 你忘了我的无糖汽水
I'm sorry, I'll be right back with-- 抱歉马上给您拿...
Oh, what? 瞧这是啥
Never doubt me. 姐是有两把刷子的
Here's my last check, Earl. 最后一张单了厄尔
Look here, Max. 瞧麦克斯
That lady just slipped me her number. 那个女的刚偷塞给我她的号码
Like i need another menopausal white woman 老子难道还缺另一个绝经白师奶
scratchin' at my window like a cat in heat. 像猫发情挠窗一样地对我发情吗
God, I love money. 天啊我爱死钱了
I know, I'm so sorry it broke up with you. 我懂真遗憾钱不爱你了
Look! This week's new Ipad just came out. 瞧这周Ipad2上市了
Spread the words. 赶紧去广而搞之吧
Word. 是"告"啊
Word! "高"啊
I saw that on the wire. 我是从电线杆上的广告学的
Max, three weeks in a row, 麦克斯都三周了
you have not yet accepted my request to be a Facebook friend. 你还没接受我脸书的加好友请求
Max? I am talking to you. 麦克斯我跟你说话呢
I didn't hear you, I have my earbuds in. 戴着耳机呢听不见
What are these? 那这是什么
Okay, you had to bust a move, and get "the truth" on my ass? 不到黄河心不死不见棺材不掉泪吗
Fine, let's go there. 好吧那我就送你一程
Han, I'm never gonna be your facebook friend. 憨我永远都不会加你为好友的
Hard to hear. 万箭穿心啊
Well, I accepted you, Han. 没关系我加了你憨
Yes, thank you. You make my heart sing. 谢谢你让我心花怒放
Hurts me still. 血还吧嗒吧嗒流呢
That was like watching someone club a baby seal. 刚才就像看人拿木棒打爆小海豹一样
Why wouldn't you just say yes to his friend request? 干嘛不加他好友啊
Because I never check facebook, why would I? 因为我从来不上脸书加了干啥
So some girl i worked at a movie theater with in 2005 好让零五年我在电影院打工的女同事
can tell me it's raining and she's "totes bummed?" 能留言说今天下雨她"灰常郁闷"吗
Caroline! Better check facebook page. 卡洛琳最好检查下你脸书主页哟
Maybe someone just post on your wall. 没准刚有人在你主页上贴了点东西呢
"Han Lee has tagged you in 25 photos?" "李憨在二十五张照片中圈出了你"
Wanna borrow my seal club yet? 要不要借我的海豹棒啊
That stings. 太过分了
I've lost like 300 facebook friends since my father was arrested. 自从我爸锒铛入狱后我的好友骤减了三百人
Well, your father's probably made that many new friends in prison, 没准你爸在牢里也交了这么多好友呢
so it all evens out. 有失必有得嘛
Okay, ready to go? 好了准备走了吗
Do we have to? It's so hot outside. 必须得走吗外面热死了
When did heat get so hot? 高温什么时候有这么吓人了
Stop fighting it, just give in to it. 与其奋力挣扎不如闭眼享受
I don't know why I'm quoting a rapist. 奇怪我怎么用了强奸犯的台词
Can't we just stay a little bit longer? We don't have any A.C. At home. 我们不能再待会儿吗家里都没有空调
I have an A.C. You girls can use. 我有空调你们可以过来用
You have an air conditioner that works? 你的空调能用啊
Oh, it works. 当然能用
That's like an A.C. That just had salami. 你这空调像刚吃过蒜味香肠似的
There's more salami where that came from. 这台空调还内建"大香肠"呢
And my feet hurt. 我的脚疼死了
Well, you gotta stop wearing those stilts, and get a pair of skechers, 别踩"高跷"上班了买双平民休闲鞋吧
like normal broke-ass waitresses. 破产女招待的基本配置
Skechers? How dare you. 平民休闲鞋这话你也说得出口
Besides, I can't afford new shoes. 再说了我没钱买新鞋
These cost $900. 这双花了我九百块呢
Well, then that's not pain, that's karma. 你的脚不是疼是遭天谴
Look, I will help you out, okay? 我会帮你的好吧
I know a place we can go that has designer things at good prices. 我知道有个地方花小钱也能买名牌
Like a Barney's Warehouse? 就像巴尼时尚卖场吗
Kind of. 差不多吧
The Goodwill? 善心二手店
Welcome to my place! 欢迎来到我的地盘
We're shopping at the Goodwill? 你居然带我来买二手货
You led me to believe we were real-shopping. 我还真以为你要带我去买好货呢
I know. 我知道
I couldn't wait to see your face when you saw this place. 我就想看你来到这家店时的表情
Do the face again. 再做一次
I love it! 爽死我了
Okay, what's that smell? 好吧这是什么味儿
It's gonna be your smell from now on. 这股穷酸味以后就是你的味儿
Now, pay attention, I know where the good stuff is. 听好了我要告诉你好货在哪
I know where the good stuff is. 我知道好货在哪里
Madison and 57th. 在麦迪逊大街和五七街那儿[高档店街]
Follow me. 跟我来
Clever bitches hide stuff they want to come back and buy, 心机女会把心头好藏起来等回头再买
'cause sometimes they don't have $3 to buy it at the time. 因为有时她们连三块钱都没有
Who doesn't have $3? 谁会没有三块钱啊
You. 比如你呀
Last week i hid a dope vintage blazer 上周我把一件超帅的复古外套
in the back of a nightstand, and 藏到柜子后面的抽屉里
here it is!
Six bucks, clever bitch. Bang, bang! 六块钱心机女手到擒来
All right, well, we're here. I'm gonna make the best of it, 好吧既然都来了我就好好淘淘吧
but first I need a basket without a sno-cone in it. 不过得先找个没有刨冰渍的篮子
Hey, Trish. 翠丽丝[像上层社会名字]
Not for day-to-day, but at the country club. 平时不穿去乡村俱乐部时穿
You're kidding, but you're right. 你搞笑啊不过还真没说错
When you find something, check the pockets for pills. 看上某件衣服后记得检查口袋有没有药丸
At a thrift store downtown 我有次在市区旧衣店
I found a purple one once, and took it. 发现了一颗紫色药丸
Fell asleep for eight hours. 吃完我昏睡了八个小时
That was my vacation that year. 就当是我那年的年假了
Yay, shoes! 好耶鞋子
I can't believe i just said, "yay", in Goodwill. 真不敢相信我居然在二手店里欢呼
Look, don't freak. Shoes can be funky, 先别高兴太早鞋子可能会有异味
but I have a special spray at home that makes them like new. 但我家有一瓶特殊喷雾一喷异味全无
Did you get it from a wizard? 能救破店的鞋难不成是巫师的药水吗
Oh, my God. 我的天啊
Oh, my God, these Brian Atwoods were mine. 天呀这双名牌高跟鞋是我的
I donated these to charity, 因为穿着它见过两次报
'cause i was photographed wearing them twice. 所以我就捐给慈善机构了
Okay, they were 800 when i bought them, now they're8? 我当时可是花了八百大洋买的现在只值八块
Like me. 就像我
I'm $8. 身价暴跌
Oh, my god. 天啊
I'm $8. 我只值八块
I've been reduced. 我被降价了
I'm sorry, it just all became so real to me. 抱歉贫穷感突然排山倒海地袭来
I mean, I can't believe it. 这事实好难接受
Didn't you see me crying? 你没看见我在哭吗
Lots of people cry at Goodwill. 善心二手店每天都有大把人哭
You go to France, you eat snails. You come here, you cry. 去法国就会吃蜗牛来这里就会眼泪流
That's odd, you didn't even react. 太怪了吧你居然完全没反应
You need to react when people cry. 听到别人哭你得有点反应啊
I did, I rolled my eyes. 我有啊我翻了个白眼
Look, eventually, you'll learn to do that on the inside. 终有一天你会学会泪往心里流
Okay, well, just FYI, 好吧我告诉你
when i used to cry in front of my other girlfriends, 以前我在其他闺蜜面前哭时
they'd be like, "what you cryin' about, C-line? " 她们会说小琳琳 你在哭什么呢
look at you, girl, you're fierce, you got your glam on. 妹子你可是又犀利又迷人哟
Are your girlfriends black drag queens? 你的闺蜜都是黑人变装癖娘炮吧
Oh, awesome Strokes tee. 哇这件鼓击乐队的T恤好赞呀
I went to this concert, but I couldn't afford the shirt. 我有去那场演唱会当时买不起这T恤
Oh, we're done with me. 所以我的话题到此结束了
I went to see them on this tour the summer after my junior year. 我大三那年暑假去看他们的巡演
It was a really warm night,and I snuck out of the house, 那晚真的很燥热我溜出家里
and we all ma-- ahem. 然后我们一起做...
Whatever. 没啥啦
And what? 做了什么呀
What, did something great happen the night you got the T? 说呀那晚是不是发生了什么好事
Look at me, does it look like something great ever happens? 瞧我这样像是有好事光临过吗
Hey, cute tee. Had my eye on it. 这T恤不错是我先看上的
I was just bringin' my girl back to see it. 我过去叫朋友来帮我看看
She was in the bathroom. 她刚去厕所了
I had to throw up. 我刚在吐
- So hand it over. - You know the rule. -乖乖交出来-你又不是不知道规矩
Turn the back on the rack, you're under attack. 出其不意攻其不备
That's not me, that's the law of the 'will. 别怪我这是二手店的法则
Yeah, you better walk away. 就是你俩快滚吧
That was intense. 刚真是剑拔弩张啊
Just another Wednesday at the 'will. 这在二手店是老生常谈了
You said to look in things, right? 你说好货是被人藏起来的是吧
Max, look. On my first try! 麦克斯瞧初战告捷
Ooh, slick. Whoever hid those is gonna be pissed. 干得好藏这货的人该七窍生烟了
Quality check. 检查质量
Fabric sturdy, no mysterious crotch stains, 布料完好胯部无不明污渍
nice work, Nancy Drew. 不错啊少女妙探
And look, they're designer. 瞧还是名牌呢
Summer 2009. $350. 零九年夏装售价三百五十美元
And for me today... 而今天我的到手价是
$5. That's a reduction I like. 五美元我就喜欢这种降价
$5! 五块钱
5,5, 5,5... 五块钱五块钱五块钱
Hi, Maria. 你好玛丽亚
How are you, Max? 最近好吗麦克斯
I'm good, how's your mom doin'? 还行你妈妈好吗
Good. She really appreciated the cupcakes you made her. 挺好她很谢谢你做给她的小蛋糕
Hi, Maria, I'm Caroline, Max's friend. 你好玛丽亚我是麦克斯的朋友卡洛琳
Any way we can get the price down a bit for these? 这些东西能不能算我们便宜点
I think $8 is steep, 鉴于它们目前的状况
considering their condition. 要价八美元太不合理了
I happen to know the heel has been replaced. 我碰巧得知这只鞋跟换过了
I cannot believe you're trying to shoe her down. 我真不敢相信你居然开口还价
- I can do $6. - Deal. -六美元卖给你吧-成交
Oh, you happy? You haggled a charity. 高兴了吧你跟慈善机构讨价还价
You're turning Goodwill into bad will. 把人家善心二手店弄成死心二手店
My t-shirt's gone. 我的T恤不见了
It's not here. 不在篮子里
I bet it was that Puerto Rican girl, 我猜肯定是那个波多黎各女
who was-- who was eyeing it. 她一直对这衣服虎视眈眈
Maria, can we call security? 玛丽亚麻烦叫下保安
I'm sure one of the cameras must have captured the theft. 那个贼肯定有被摄像头拍到
Cameras? What do you think this is, Target? 摄像头你以为这是哪里塔吉特百货吗
It's gone, Caroline. 没了就没了卡洛琳
She must have stolen it while I was watching you 她肯定是趁我欣赏
do your stupid $5 dance. 你的五块钱傻乐舞时偷走的
I didn't turn my back on the rack, why am I under attack? 不备的是你干嘛攻击我
See, this is why I shop alone, 这就是为什么我一个人逛街
this is why I eat alone, 一个人吃饭
this is why I'm leaving alone. 一个人先走的原因
Maria, I'll pay for these. 玛丽亚我来结账吧
You don't have to box them,you can just use tissue paper. 不必拿盒子装用纸裹上就行
Even as I'm saying this, I know it's not gonna happen. 说完就觉得自己好二
Hey, Chestnut. 嘿栗宝
Hot as a mother, right? 体温高得就跟孕妇一样对吧
Better, right? 好点了对吧
* It's gettin' hot in here * * 这里热气腾腾 *
* So hot so take off all your clothes * * 适宜宽衣解带 *
* I am gettin' so hot * * 浑身热血沸腾 *
* I'm gonna take my clothes off * * 我要宽衣解带 *
You might want to keep your voice down. 你最好还是小声点
This building has three registered sex offenders. 这座楼有三个记录在案的性侵者
* It's gettin' hot in here * * 这里热气腾腾 *
* So leave all that Strokes tee shirt drama behind * * 让那T恤随汗去*
Come on, it's our night off. 拜托今晚难得休息
Let's go get drunk in air conditioning. 我们去有空调的地方一醉方休吧
We won't even have to pay for drinks. 连酒钱都不用带
These "shotes" is gonna pay for our drinks. 这双白花花的大腿就能搞定
You are literally a $5 whore right now. 你现在活脱就是一个身价五块钱的荡妇
Come on. 走吧
Hi, Johnny. 你好强尼
I thought I told you to keep your dumb, tragic ass out of here. 不是叫你那悲剧肥臀离我店里远点吗
The only thing that isn't tragic about me is my ass. 老娘的屁股才不悲剧
And who's the blonde, bony skank? 这个金发干瘪丑女是谁
Dude, she's not in on this. 伙计不要伤及无辜
I'm so sorry, Miss. I'm Johnny, I'm Max's friend. 抱歉女士我是麦克斯的朋友强尼
I'm Caroline. I'm freaked out. 我是被吓死的卡洛琳
This is something we do. 我俩经常这么干
To remind us of our families. 能让我们忆起家庭的温馨
Excuse me for a second. 先失陪啦
These guys tip more if I high-five 'em when we talk about chicks. 跟那俩家伙击掌聊妞他们就会多给小费
- Vagina! - Yeah! -阴道-万岁
Girl, your bartender friend is cute. 闺蜜你的酒保朋友蛮可爱的嘛
Look at those arms. Nice guns. 瞧他的双臂猛男呀
He's not just a bartender, this dude is legit. 他不光是个小酒保这家伙有份正经职业
He's a street artist, goes by "jpeg." 他是街头艺术家艺名是"电子图档"
Well, right now he's cutting up limes and cleaning glasses. 现在他不照样在这儿切莱姆洗杯子
Well, you're an heiress 现在你这个富家女
who's slinging burnt hash and stale toast. 不也照样跟糊掉的食物和过期的面包为伍
- Touche. - Douch-ay. -一针见血-体无完肤
These are from the gentleman with a sweet note, 那位先生赠的美酒一杯美言一句
"nice ass, nice rack." "小俏臀大美胸"
If that's your tequila noise, 喝龙舌兰叫声就这样
God knows what your orgasm sounds like. 你高潮的时候还得了
Same face, no sound. 表情一致默不作声
Oh, my God. 天啊
I can't believe it, it's the girl from the 'will. 冤家路窄啊是二手店的那骚货
I got your back, gir-r-r. 我帮你讨回公道姐妹儿
What is she doin'? 她要干嘛
She thinks Goodwill has made her tough. 她以为去次二手店就是悍妹子了
How are you? 你好呀
I just wanted to talk to you about that shirt at the Goodwill. 我想跟你谈谈今天在善心二手店那件T恤
See, my friend really wanted it, 我的朋友真的很喜欢它
and, well, your friend has it. 结果却被你的朋友抢走了


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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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