Trevor 和妈妈的关系,就像猫和老鼠,就像是警察和罪犯。两人之间常常是斗智斗勇。这一章中,讲到好几个有趣的例子。 一次他缠着妈妈要糖果时,妈妈灵机一动,假装答应,等他拿了糖果来结账时,假装不认识他,大大秀了一把演技。
小事靠写信,大事打板子。但是不管怎样的方式,Trevor都“服气”, 因为母亲的每次管教出于爱,出于违反原则纪律的矫正,而不是出于意气用事或生气发泄。
One thing I respected about my mom was that she never left me in any doubt as to why I was receivign the hiding . It wasn't rage or anger . It was discipline from a place of love.
Because you did something wrong . It doesn‘’t mean I don't love you anymore .
My mother grew up with these rules and she questioned them when they didn't hold up ,she simply went around them . She taught me to challenge authority and quesiton the system .
But I was blessed with another trait I inherited from my mother :her ability to forget the pain in life.
It's better to take it ,spend some time crying , then wake up the next day and move on .