体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。在类比了建筑领域的架构后,为了体现这种体系架构思想的通用性,作者进一步拿飞机制造的过程做了类比。翻译中自己理解的东西加的比较多,不对的地方大家多多指正。
Ageneric set of architectural representations
An analogous set of architecturalrepresentations is likely to be produced in building any complex product.
Nowthat we have specified the set of architectural representations produced duringthe process of con-structing a building, it becomes apparent that this set of“architectures” may be generic to the process of building any complexengineering product. A cursory examination of military airframe manufacturingappears to validate this hypothesis as follows:
a.概念设计相当于“气泡图”(鸟瞰视角)。 机身制造商从一些“概念”开始,这些概念是他们打算制造的“大致”规格。 例如,它将飞得多高、多快、多远、实现什么样的目的、能容纳有多少人,等等,这些概念为了确定最终产品的尺寸、形状和性能。
a.Concepts equals “bubble charts” (ballpark view). The airframe manufacturersbegin with some “concepts,” which are specifications for the “ball-park” inwhich they intend to manufacture. Forexample, concepts for the final product indicating that it will fly so high, sofast, so far, for such and such purpose, with so many people, etc. are formulatedto establish its gross size, shape, and performance.
b. 工作计划相当于效果图(业主视角)。 工作计划是“业主的观点”。政府要求制造商将工作分解为组件或系统,明确每部分完成的进度计划。这样,政府才能把控整个制作过程。
b.Work breakdown structure equals architect’s drawings (owner’s view). The workbreakdown structure is the “owner’s perspective.” The government requires thatthe manufacturer specify the work to be accomplished in terms of thecomponents/systems against which costs are accrued and schedules are managed.In this fashion, the government controls the manufacturer in the production ofthe product.
c.Engineering design equals architect’s plans (designer’s view). Engineering, thedesigner, translates the work breakdown structure into a physical product. Theresultant “engineering design” is composed of drawings and bills-of-material.
d.Manufacturing engineering bill-of-materials equals contractor’s plans(builder’s view). Manufacturing engineering, the builder, applies the laws ofnature and technology constraints to the engineering design to describe how tobuild the product (i.e., inside-out, bottom-up) and to ensure that everythingdesigned is actually producible.
e.Assembly and fabrication drawings equals shop plans (detail view). Assembly andfabrication drawings are the instructions to the shop floor personnel on howthey are to assemble/fabricate the pieces or parts as stand-alone entities.
f.机器可读模型(机器视角)。由于制造使用计算机控制的设备来生产部件,过程中加入了了对部件建模表示,而不是物理部件本身。 这个模型描述是一个“程序”(即“数字代码程序”),是一个机器可读的模型。
f.Machine tool representation (machine view). Because manufacturing usescomputer-controlled equipment to produce some parts, they insert an additionalrepresentation of the final piece or part, short of the physical part itself.This representation is a “program” (i.e., “numerical code program”) that is a machinelanguage representation.
飞机等于建筑(成品)。 最后架构描述就是实际的、物理的产品本身。
Airplaneequals building (finished product). The final representation is the actual,physical item itself.
Inany case, there appear to be conceptual equivalents in the manufacturingindustry for the architectural representations of the construction industry.This equivalency would strengthen the argument that an analogous set ofarchitectural representations is likely to be produced during the process ofbuilding any complex engineering product, including an information system.