Brand Management品牌管理
If you’ve applied due diligence to self-auditing and self-editing and have come to the conclusion that you are always operating at the top of your intelligence and always having precisely the impact you desire on the people you communicate with—then may the sweet Mother Earth bless you with all her glorious bounty. You’ve got a hell of a brand going.
Then again, why do the most successful brands in the world continue to advertise? Everybody knows what Coca-Cola is and what McDonald’s is: why should they bother wasting any money on marketing campaigns at this point? It’s because a brand is not a one-and-doneproposition. Recall that brands are established through consistency over time, yet brands have to be adapted as the audiences they are being promoted to begin to change. Coca-Cola adds different spices to its beverage on the basis of regional audience, and McDonald’s adds (and subtracts) items to its menu on the regional tastes of the consumer wherever the franchise outlet is located in the world.