// onceError is an object that will only store an error once.
// 加锁的错误信息
// 保证并发读写的安全
type onceError struct {
sync.Mutex // guards following
err error
// 加锁防止并发读写
func (a *onceError) Store(err error) {
defer a.Unlock()
if a.err != nil {
a.err = err
func (a *onceError) Load() error {
defer a.Unlock()
return a.err
// ErrClosedPipe is the error used for read or write operations on a closed pipe.
var ErrClosedPipe = errors.New("io: read/write on closed pipe")
// A pipe is the shared pipe structure underlying PipeReader and PipeWriter.
// pipe管道结构,注意是小写,外部不可见
type pipe struct {
// 锁
wrMu sync.Mutex // Serializes Write operations
// 通道channel,无缓存
wrCh chan []byte
// 记录最近一次读取出的字节数,也是无缓存channel
rdCh chan int
// 保证close(done)只会执行一次,多次会panic
// sync.Once之前源码解析过
once sync.Once // Protects closing done
// 用来标记pipe是否关闭
done chan struct{}
// 记录读写错误信息
rerr onceError
werr onceError
// 从pipe读取数据到b
func (p *pipe) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// 检查一次pipe是否关闭
select {
case <-p.done:
return 0, p.readCloseError()
// 要么从wrCh读取出数据
// 要么done被close,否则会阻塞等待
select {
// 从channel中读取数据
case bw := <-p.wrCh:
// rdCh记录实际读取的字节数
// 因为b可能比bw小,所以read并不一定会把bw全部读出
nr := copy(b, bw)
p.rdCh <- nr
return nr, nil
// 判断pipe是否关闭
case <-p.done:
return 0, p.readCloseError()
// 返回一个读取已关闭pipe的错误
func (p *pipe) readCloseError() error {
rerr := p.rerr.Load()
if werr := p.werr.Load(); rerr == nil && werr != nil {
return werr
return ErrClosedPipe
// 读端主动关闭pipe
func (p *pipe) CloseRead(err error) error {
if err == nil {
err = ErrClosedPipe
p.once.Do(func() { close(p.done) })
return nil
// 将b的数据写入pipe
func (p *pipe) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// 同样先检查pipe是否关闭
select {
case <-p.done:
return 0, p.writeCloseError()
// 注意如果pipe未关闭,继续执行后面之前需要加锁,至于为什么,往下看
defer p.wrMu.Unlock()
// 不管b是不是空的,至少保证执行一次,原因就是解除正在等待的reader的阻塞状态
// 第一次运行之后,后面就判断b是否已经全部通过pipe写入
for once := true; once || len(b) > 0; once = false {
select {
// 将b写入到wrCh中
// 因为wrCh没有缓存
// 如果没有reader在等待读,就跳过这个case
// 如果有reader在等待读,就将p直接传递给reader(具体实现可以看之前的channel源码解析)
case p.wrCh <- b:
// 这里rdCh发挥作用了
// 到这一步,reader已经读取完了
// 通过获取reader实际读取到的字来判断p是否被读取完了
// 如果没有读取完,还会继续往pipe中写,直到下次reader继续读取
// 这里也能解答为何上面会上锁,因为p可能分两次写pipe,但是对于写端是黑盒的,写端认为是一次原子写入
nw := <-p.rdCh
// b有可能没有读完
b = b[nw:]
n += nw
// 如果pipe关闭了,就返回实际写入到字节数和错误信息
case <-p.done:
return n, p.writeCloseError()
return n, nil
func (p *pipe) writeCloseError() error {
werr := p.werr.Load()
if rerr := p.rerr.Load(); werr == nil && rerr != nil {
return rerr
return ErrClosedPipe
// 写端主动关闭pipe
// 除了错误信息不一样,其他动作跟读端主动关闭pipe是一致的
func (p *pipe) CloseWrite(err error) error {
if err == nil {
err = EOF
p.once.Do(func() { close(p.done) })
return nil
// A PipeReader is the read half of a pipe.
// 后面分别使用PipeReader和PipeWriter来包装pipe的读写能力
// 即读端和写端,读端只提供读的能力,写端只提供写的能力
type PipeReader struct {
p *pipe
// Read implements the standard Read interface:
// it reads data from the pipe, blocking until a writer
// arrives or the write end is closed.
// If the write end is closed with an error, that error is
// returned as err; otherwise err is EOF.
func (r *PipeReader) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
return r.p.Read(data)
// Close closes the reader; subsequent writes to the
// write half of the pipe will return the error ErrClosedPipe.
func (r *PipeReader) Close() error {
return r.CloseWithError(nil)
// CloseWithError closes the reader; subsequent writes
// to the write half of the pipe will return the error err.
// CloseWithError never overwrites the previous error if it exists
// and always returns nil.
func (r *PipeReader) CloseWithError(err error) error {
return r.p.CloseRead(err)
// A PipeWriter is the write half of a pipe.
type PipeWriter struct {
p *pipe
// Write implements the standard Write interface:
// it writes data to the pipe, blocking until one or more readers
// have consumed all the data or the read end is closed.
// If the read end is closed with an error, that err is
// returned as err; otherwise err is ErrClosedPipe.
func (w *PipeWriter) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
return w.p.Write(data)
// Close closes the writer; subsequent reads from the
// read half of the pipe will return no bytes and EOF.
func (w *PipeWriter) Close() error {
return w.CloseWithError(nil)
// CloseWithError closes the writer; subsequent reads from the
// read half of the pipe will return no bytes and the error err,
// or EOF if err is nil.
// CloseWithError never overwrites the previous error if it exists
// and always returns nil.
func (w *PipeWriter) CloseWithError(err error) error {
return w.p.CloseWrite(err)
// Pipe creates a synchronous in-memory pipe.
// It can be used to connect code expecting an io.Reader
// with code expecting an io.Writer.
// Reads and Writes on the pipe are matched one to one
// except when multiple Reads are needed to consume a single Write.
// That is, each Write to the PipeWriter blocks until it has satisfied
// one or more Reads from the PipeReader that fully consume
// the written data.
// The data is copied directly from the Write to the corresponding
// Read (or Reads); there is no internal buffering.
// It is safe to call Read and Write in parallel with each other or with Close.
// Parallel calls to Read and parallel calls to Write are also safe:
// the individual calls will be gated sequentially.
// 构造一个包含读端和写端的pipe
// 通过Pipe获得一个可以立即使用的pipe
func Pipe() (*PipeReader, *PipeWriter) {
p := &pipe{
wrCh: make(chan []byte),
rdCh: make(chan int),
done: make(chan struct{}),
return &PipeReader{p}, &PipeWriter{p}