

1. strut 趾高气昂的走,昂首阔步的走

2. stagger 摇摇晃晃的走(可以形容鸭子)

3. 来回踱步,徘徊,走来走去 pace up and down; back and forth

4. file in 鱼贯而入,排成一排行走

5. a nebulous figure 朦胧的身影

6. He wended his way home. 他朝家走去。wend one’s way towards/through

7. walk barefoot 光着脚走


1. 生活开始变得复杂。Life began to show its various facets.

2. 庸俗或伟大 vulgar or great

3. 一个挣钱养家糊口的忙碌人了 a busy bread winner with a family on my hands 由我负责照管

4. 替父母分忧 share my parents’ burden

5. 有了...人就能在信仰,期盼中找到依托 such expectations serve as a prop 支柱,依托 to a person’s faith in life

6. 一夜不曾合眼did not sleep a wink all night

7. funeral hymn 挽歌,葬礼赞歌

8. take leave of 告别,离开 this afflicted mortal world 苦恼的人间

5. Don’t miss (don’t let slip) this opportunity 不要错过这个机会

6. with me keeping you company 有我陪着你呢

full of inhibitions 抑制、拘谨➡️ 顾虑

7. chew over his words 细细咀嚼这句话的意思,品这句话的意思

8. homeward journey 归程, nestling each other 互相靠着,互相依偎着

9. 暮年,晚年 declining year, evening of one’s life, twilight years

10. moping their remaining years away 感叹余生就此度过了 mope away 闷闷不乐的度过;remaining years 余年

11. 饮冰挥扇 consuming cold drinks and fanning ourselves

12. The practice has come down form the past and become cuntomary.  这个观点相沿成习。

13. drift into sleep; drift off to sleep 入睡,睡着

14. a bumper year 丰年,丰收年


1. assert yourself 证明你自己

2. sth 是最好的答案 sth best serves for an answer.

3. 我赞成后者的观点 I, however, incline towards the latter view....

4. my thought went to him 我忘不了他,思绪还在他的身上

5. Water flowed on under the bridge. 表示不可挽回的,逝去的事物。

6. mundane / Worley possessions 身外之物

7. insight into ... 对...的领悟

8. do your bit 做好份内的事情 in your remaining years 在有生之年,余下的岁月中


1. 时间流逝了 the day flows away 溜走了/ wears off 减少了 / passes away 流逝了

2. 过去的日子 bygone days

3. 转眼 very soon, soon; in a flash 转眼,瞬间

4. 刹那间➡️ 在我还没来得及反应前  Before I knew it/ before I was aware of it; before I knew where I was ( in the twinkling of an eye; soon) 不知不觉

5. 一眨眼 in a blink

6. towards the evening 傍晚时分u

7. 时间不等人 Time never tarries with us a bit longer.

8. with the passage of time 随着时间的流逝; the elapse of time;the pass of time

9. Water under the bridge. 逝去的事物不可挽回。“逝者如斯夫”

10. time is ticking away 时间正在流逝


1. jet back eyes 乌黑的眼睛

乌黑的大眼睛 bright big ebony eyes

2. looked thin and sickly 面黄肌瘦( emaciated and had a sallow face)

3. 满脸泪痕 with a tear-stained face

4. limpid eyes 明亮的眼睛

5. His eye bulged. 他双眼突出。

6. an oval face 鹅蛋脸

7. blonde hair cascaded over her shouders金色的头发像瀑布一样披落在肩头


1. A pallid complexion 苍白的脸色(因病)

2. her stony face 毫无表情的脸

3. dreamy eyes 出神的眼

4. alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳的 kicking 充满活力的

5. fishy eyes 死鱼眼

6. vacant looks 痴呆的面,空洞的眼神

7. well-regulated behavior 规行矩步的行为

8. slow-witted speech 迟钝的声音(头脑迟钝的)

9. lost in reverie 陷入沉思,心中不起一切杂念 lost in thought

10. 怅然若失,心头无绪 feel lost;感到茫然,不知所措,感动困惑 feel at sea


1. 头涔涔,泪潸潸 sweat is staring on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes

2. A year stands in my dull eye 一滴泪在我枯涩的眼里

3. 掩面叹息 I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh

4. beads of tears 一串串眼泪;beads of sweat 汗珠子;beads of sorrow 泪珠(伤心)

5. 怒不可遏,气得发狂 beside himself with rage

6. dismal and forlorn 寂静凄清

7. a winsome smile 莞尔一笑 an engaging smile 迷人的微笑

8. Her eye dilated with fear. 吓得瞪大了眼睛

9. I was seized with sadness. 我感到很难过。be seized with 被某种情感抓住,涌上心头

10. be wronged and landed in a difficult situation 蒙受冤屈,被置于困境

11. be of two minds 难为情,进退两难;举棋不定;犹豫不决

12. icy cold 冷冰冰的

13. 痛苦纠集心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。She was simmering with agony, her brow burning, her breast swelling with pervading gloom, her stomach getting gas toward her throat.

14. unbearably hot 热的要命

15. 沁人心脾 refresh one’s mind; seep渗透 into one’s heart

17. simmer with 充满(难以控制的感情,尤其愤怒),纠聚心中

18. pent-up emotion 压抑着的情感 give vent to 发泄,吐露

19. 有事实证明sth sth have been evidenced by hard facts 铁的事实。 良心发现他们的(罪行) crime have been aroused by conscience to confess their crime 承认罪行 and show repentance 表示忏悔

20. be suffused with sth 充满某种情感

21. brood (over, on, above) 焦虑,忧思


1. mutter 低声抱怨,小声说

2. murmur 低声细语

3. babble in reply 急口回答

4. in sweet whisper 蜜语

5. die away 减弱,消失;风,声音渐弱,渐熄。the laughter died away 欢笑声听不见了(主为转换)

6. a resigned sigh 无可奈何的叹息,she said resignedly 她无奈的说

7. deafening roar 震耳欲聋的呼声


1. 脾气有如虎狼那么凶暴 with a terrifying hot temper

2. 胸襟宽广 broad and liberal

3. 厚道心善 honest and kindhearted

4. 暖心 warmth of heart


1. 🦆鸭子 jig-jigged 发出啾啾的声音

2. 🦅 老鹰 hawk 猛扑 swoop, 拍打翅膀 with a loud flap;sea gull 海鸥

3. grizzled feather 斑白的羽毛

4. 燕子 swallows;知更鸟 robin;cuckoo 杜鹃

5. forage 动物觅食 v.

6. nightingales 夜莺;frogs croaking 青蛙阁阁的叫


1. 赤裸裸 stark naked


1. 仙女似的 like fairy maiden;fairyland 仙境

2. a real Shangri-la 世外桃源,桃花眼

3. dainty 人&物 小巧的,精美的,清秀的;举止优雅的


1. pitch dark / pitch black 一团漆黑,伸手不见五指

2. emerald-green, emerald 祖母绿,翠绿


1. if not more 如果没有更多,即使不再更甚,也至少是一样的。eg:她和他性格一样好。So is his wife, if not more.

2. 结果竟然 surprisingly it ended up in

3. have a go at = have a try at 试一试,尝试

4. left much to be desired 还有许多待改进之处

5. through out the ages 历来,自古以来

6. look from afar 远远望去,遥远处

7. one way or another 不管怎样,无论如何

8. of all... 所有中...偏偏... eg: He went to live in India of all places. 他偏偏住到印度去. No that, of all people, you are a girl. (在所有人中)偏偏你是女人

10. all the more 更加,愈加

11. without exception 无一例外,一律...

12. in between 在其中,可用于句尾

13. 忽然觉得,恍然大悟 it suddenly dawned on me that...

14. 一...就 the minute, upon +n.

15. bury oneself in 专心致志于,埋头于

16.  be thronged with 挤满,充满

17. passing to and fro 来回走动

18. staring blankly ahead 直愣着呆着眼

19. eyeing sth greedily 窥伺某事

20. out of the common 非不寻常,从未觉得非比寻常never think of them as anything out of the common

21. 忍饥挨饿 endure the torments of hunger

22. 破烂的家 run-down home

23. 相依为命 in mutual dependence 在困境中 in distress

24. desert sb 遗弃某人,抛弃.

25. cannot restrain my tear 不由自主流下眼泪

26. sth (bad) thing befall Sb 某不好的事情降临到某人身上

27.  pure and simple 不折不扣的,用于增强语气

28. nothing out of the ordinary 没什么特别的,不过尔尔,平平常常的

29. through and through 完全,彻底,彻头彻尾,十足的

30. sth is the height of +抽象名词 ...的顶点➡️ 极其的,十足的

31. become of 使遭*遇,降*临于,发生...情况


It is to them  that I owe what I am today.


I can’t imagine what would become of the world without books.

31. for sure 诚然,毫无疑问的

32. pattern after 模仿,按着...仿制

33. to speak of 值得一提的

34. with the passage of time 随着时间的流逝

35. at the sight of 看到...

36. exclaim at 对...感到惊讶,惊叹

37. as such 本身,就本身而论

38. in the days to come 今后,将来

39.  to get a distant view of 远眺..

40. one fleeting moment 一瞬间

41. give vent to 发泄,吐露

42. pent-up emotion 压抑的情感5.

43.  as good as 和...几乎一样,实际上等于 as good as dead 跟死了没什么两样

44. by no means 绝不是,称不上..

45. in praise of 赞美...

46. pray for the advent of... 祈祷...的到来 heralding sth... 预示着...的到来 = bode

47. cover up 掩盖;blot out 完全清除(思想,记忆),掩盖;gloss over 掩饰,粉饰

48. in the name of 以...为由,假借....名义;on a pretext 以...为借口

49. by profession + 职业是.. eg: He is a lawyer by profession. 他是一名执业律师。

50. affiliate to 隶属于...

51. fall a victim to 成为...的受害者

52. lay down one’s life for 为...而牺牲,献出生命

53. bend on doing (bad thing) 醉心于做...

54. What a pack of lies! 简直是一派胡言!

55. irrefutable evidence 不能反驳的佐证

56. try in every way possible (possible way) 尽一切可能,百般...

57. see through 看穿,识破

58. keep a vigilant watch on 保持警

59. thoroughgoing 完全的,彻底的

60. 相反相成 be opposite and complementaty to each other

61. 至今仍不可辩驳 all remain irrefutable to this day

62. to this day 至今,迄今为止

63. 倒也事出有因,并不是没有原因 It is not without reason or cause that ...

64. readily receptive to 容易接受某事...

65.  be on an equal footing 基于平等地位的


1. hundred out of ten recommend 百分之百推荐的

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