240 发简信
  • 120
    The Safety Zone

    Is there a still I can stay longer? Is there a place allows me hide safer? Not so big, ...

  • The Shape of Life

    LIke unning water Never know where to go Pass all the stone and sand Rest in the ocean ...

  • The Moth

    I saw a moth yesterday She flapped her wings and flew away Her body was beautiful and s...

  • 120
    Climb a Hill

    We are climbing a hill, go on and on joyfully, painfully; tiredly, enjoyably; greedily,...

  • @zss201607 I did

    I've Left My Soul

    As quick as a pony, I run and run. And don't bother to stop, Cuz life never wait for. A...

  • Poem Group One

    Life is a game for catching up with others. In this game, people know each other and fa...

  • nice

    Poem Group One

    Life is a game for catching up with others. In this game, people know each other and fa...