Vocabulary 1. taciturn 寡言少语的 [Ataciturnperson does not say very much and...
Vocabulary 1,harsh and bare 2.piebald(动物)黑白斑的 3.on the ground that以…为理由 ...
Vocabulary 1. precautions防范 2.forsake放弃;丢弃 4.timber木料 5.carted [If you s...
Vocabulary 1.chaff谷糠;麸皮 **分清良莠;去芜存菁If youseparate the wheat from the cha...
1.-euthanasia /ˌjuθə'neʒə/ -to help the suffering and terminally ill to ...
Vocabulary 1.grudge 【to think that someone does not deserve something go...
Vocabulary 1. complain of [If youcomplain ofpain or illness, you say tha...
New Words or Collaboration 1.lawsuit 2.alighted e.g. alighted in the yar...
Vocabulary 1. hay 干草/ pleadingly 殷切地 2.round [If you getrounda problem o...