一、学习 学习上进入了疲劳期,开始不大听某课程,作业开始不再那么仔细,费力地完成。跟第一个月比起来,总有种自己升级了,已经是sophomore了...
What I learned in today’s lecture are API’s history and future, GDPR’s g...
Welearned in this lecture about Robots replacing humans. And I find thes...
Artificialintelligence is another hot topic in the technology field. I k...
Heard about Block Chain for a couple of times, especially the famous TED...
I’ve heard about bitcoin for apretty long period. But I didn’t understan...
After the lectureand the reading about network effect, I found these two...
3月7号从北京启程,到今天4月6号来美正好一个月。在美国的日子已过去了11%。总感觉不记录下来,这一个月就白白溜走了。 一、上课:感觉上,我们大...
第三周。看书学习,写作业。偶尔去跑个步,稍稍锻炼个身体。时差已经倒过来了,家里大人孩子的日子没有我也过的挺好。我没有他们,过的也还行。 ...