240 发简信
  • 性别无小事


  • 1

    3月7日,周一,无风,小雨,阴天。 一早跑到麦当劳吃早餐,以为终于不用自己动手,锅碗瓢盆搞得心烦意乱,谁知分量小的可怜,咖啡倒是一大杯,难怪“办...

  • The Reflection about language education and other humanity subjects

    Think about the way we were taught during primary school and the other s...

  • Reason 1: Why I look like so

    I'm not literally someone like a beauty. My appearance is ... say, somet...

  • Day *

    Day...what? You can't just grasp everything by planning ahead. Once ther...

”Life was given to us a billion years ago, now you know what to do with it.”| "To knowledge."