1、UserForm 基础 显示 UserForm 编程语法是:UserFormName.Show要显示名为 UserForm1, UserFo...
一、4P: Performance(metrics)— 描述过程绩效和定义战略目标的标准度量 Process— 管理流程和流程关系的标准描述 ...
GreenSCOR replaced by SustainableSCOR SustainableSCOR is based upon The ...
The SCOR model is developed and maintained by the voluntary efforts of A...
The SCOR Racetrack model describes how to organize a SCOR improvement pr...
The People section of SCOR was introduced in SCOR 10 and provides a stan...
The practices section, formerly known as 'best practices', provides a co...
The Process section in SCOR provides a set of pre-defined descriptions f...