Day 23Words and Phrases 1.Assyria /əˋsiriə/ 亚述 (亚洲西南部之一古代帝国; 首都尼尼微(Ninev...
语言进入到一定层次, 就不是在巩固语法积累词汇了,而是学习experience, 学习knowledge, 锤炼logic。 Annie htt...
Vocabulary 1. Cardiac arrest noun,Pathology. D: abrupt cessation of hear...
→ Wind and solar energy aredisruptinga century-old model of providing el...
NEW WORDS 1. utility D: the state or quality of being useful; usefulness...
Day4 -5-6 SPACE AND TIME NEW WORDS 1. (For example, the acceleration is ...
Day 1 THE SCIENCE BOOK 系列之词汇 1.Empirical[ɪm'pɪrɪkl] D:basedon what isexp...